CMPT 125 Burnaby

Tests dates, rooms & topics

Last update: April 15, 2012

MINI TESTS AND CLASS DISCUSSIONS (during class, not pre-announced)

Mini tests and brief team exercises will take place during lectures. These are not pre-announced and may provide bonus points. The minitests and some corresponding solutions will be discussed in class and/or posted in the readings section as part of the notes and/or in the examples section.

REVIEW QUIZZES (during class, on Fridays, unless explicitly announced that they are not taking place)

Review quizzes are individual or team brief quizzes based on content that was discussed in the two lectures prior to the day the review quizzes take place, following a brief period of consultation. Solutions will be discussed in class and and/or posted in the readings section as part of the notes and/or in the examples section. (Given the nature of the course topics, basic knowledge of previously discussed topics besides the previous two lectures may be needed)

QUIZZES(pre-announced dates, taking place during lecture class and during labs, usual rooms):

The topics coverage will be included here prior to the tests, as the course progresses.
  • Quiz during Lab #1.Week 5 Wednesday Feb 1.
    This quiz already took place. See topics coverage and quiz style here. See the test itself and some solutions in the some tests solutions section.

  • Quiz during class #2.Week 7, Friday Feb 24.
    This quiz already took place. See topics coverage and quiz style here. See the test itself and some solutions in the some tests solutions section.

  • Quiz#3 during Lab (or TBA). Week 12, March 28.

MIDTERM EXAM (paper and pen/cil):

  • Week 9 Wednesday March 7, during the lecture classs. Room B9200. Arrive early! The midterm already took place. See topics coverage and quiz style here. See the test itself and some solutions in the some tests solutions section.

FINAL EXAM (paper and pen/cil):

  • Week 15, Monday April 16, 3:30 pm -- 6:30 pm
  • Room: SWH10081
  • Find out in advance where the room is. Arrive early. Bring your student ID.
  • No electronics will be allowed to have with yourself nor headphones nor scarves. You will need to leave all your belongings in the front of the room and seat in non-contiguous seats.
  • Topics coverage:
  • Focus on:
    • Same focus of quiz #1, quiz#2, quiz#3, midterm, topics in RollTTT assignment, topics in Wizards project

      AND ALSO
    • arrays, arraylists and matrices of objects
    • uml class diagrams
    • aggregation relation between classes
    • recursion and types of recursion (not nested recursion, not mutual recursion, not combined with arrays and not combined with arraylists)
    • inheritance
    • interfaces
    • polymorphism (with inheritance and with interfaces)
    • abstract classes
    • exceptions (brief - level as seen in class)
    • analysis of algorithms, searching (brief, level as seen in class)

  • Will NOT be tested:
    • Drawing methods from the DrawingPanel class
    • Sorting methods, polymorphic sorting
    • Recursion combined with arrays
    • Recursion combined with with arrayLists
    • Mutual recursion, nested recursion
    • Notice that the topics of recursion , arrays and array lists were seen, practiced and used in class, examples, assignments and the project, hence they may be tested, although, again, not combined.

  • Final exam style:
    • Paper and pen/cil.
    • style combining the styles of questions in all the quizzes, midterm, lab exercises and examples. some aspects similar to project but clearly not as large.
    • Focus on some conceptual questions, understanding of code AND ALSO coding exercises.
    • You are allowed to bring a crib sheet, written in up to 4 (FOUR) sides of a regular size piece of paper, normal font, handwritten or typed. It may include any notes you may want to include. It should include your name and student number. You will submit the crib sheet and may pick it up next semeester.
    • if you did not pick up your previous quiz or midtermcrib sheet you can get it in the review class (if you come) on Friday 13. If you reuse previous crib sheets make sure that you bring in total 4 pages.

Your questions and answers about Tests? See the Q&A Tests and Assignments section.

© Diana Cukierman. Page maintained by Diana Cukierman.