CMPT 125 Burnaby



We will be programming with the Java programming language in this course (

  • You can download the JDK for free. (Do NOT download the JRE)

  • As of December 2011, the newest version for Windows, Linux or Solaris is: JDK 7 Update 1.
  • The JDK (and environments to work with it) are installed in the CSIL labs already. You may want to work always in the CSIL labs and connect remotely from your home. See below how to connect to your home directory in the CSIL machines.
  • You may also want to download JDK and development environments to work with it in your own machine. The JDK can be downloaded from

  • See installation instructions in , and also in CSIL help page on software installation

  • You may want to also check some Q&As on some potential issues about JAVA in CSIL:

  • If you ever want to uninstall JDK in your machine, do not just delete it; use the "Add/Remove Programs" utility instead: Start → Control Panel → double-click on “Add or Remove Programs” → select “Java(TM) SE Development Kit Update 1” → Remove

  • To download the version for a Mac you need to register as a Mac User. As of September 2009 - The newest version for Mac Users was: Java JDK Mac OS X 10.5 Update 1.

IDE: Integrated Development Environment

There are various Java IDEs that you could use to edit your java programs, compile them and then run them (instead of using the command-line tools and a separate editor). Here are some links, with no intended implications about their usefulness. JCreator and Eclipse will be available in the CSIL labs. In class we will use JCreator.

  • JCreator LE: (free).
    • The newest version as of September 2010 is: JCreator LE, v5.00.

    • Before installing JCreator, install the JDK (Java development kit).

    • After downloading, close all the applications and run the JCreator LE installer. Double-click on C:\downloaded\jcrea450_setup.exe and follow the instructions. Then follow JCreator Setup Wizard. If you ever want to uninstall JCreator LE, do not just delete it; use the "Add/Remove Programs"

    • Initial JCreator set-up:
      To have the execution of your program be shown in a "black console" (as shown in class) do the following:
      Configure → Options → JDK Tools → select Run Application, click on "" → Edit → uncheck "Capture output" → OK → OK

    • If you receive a message within JCreator indicating that the JDK home path is not set, make sure that you have installed the Java files (JDK) and "inform" JCreator where the Java files are: Configure → Options → JDK Profiles → and Edit

    • After you modify your code, always compile first and then run . If you run only it will execute the previously compiled version! This may cause confusion as you will observe that your latest changes were not taken into account.

  • Netbeans:

  • Eclipse:

  • BlueJ: ($)

  • Linux users may also want to try SableVM, which is an open source implementation of the Java tools. In Debian, you can install everything you need with this command:
    apt-get install free-java-sdk


Codewrite is a web based tool developed in the University of Auckland, New Zealand, which allows practice support for Java programming and individual feedback. We will use this tool for both practice exercises and assignments. We will use this tool directly accessing the CodeWrite website. Instructions on how to use this tool including a user id and a password to sign in will be provided together with the associated assignments.

Your questions and answers about CodeWrite? See the Q&A MPL and CodeWrite section.


MyProgrammingLab (MPL) is a web based system provided by the textbook publisher (Pearson) including various materials associated to the course textbook, such as an e-book and a tool with exercises and individual feedback. We will be using this "exercises and individual feedback" tool directly accessing the MPL website both for practice exercises and for assignments, as it will be announced. A password to sign in the MPL system is included in the package sold at the SFU bookstore, including the course textbook hardcopy and access to an e-book. It is also possible to get access to the "exercises and individual feedback" tool directly in the MPL website without getting the textbook hardcopy and/or the e-book.

Getting an MPL account and registering in this course:

  • If you did not register yet in MPL:
    Go to the MPL website . There indicate that you do not have an account but want to get one. Choose the book by Lewis and Loftus', 7th edition, with a green apple in the cover. You can choose to get access with e-book or not. In the registration process you will be asked the course code. You should provide the following: SIMO-7060-RJNZ-11
  • If you registered already and did not include the course code when you originally did your registration:
    Once you enter in your account, go to the help section, and there you will find an option to register in this course (referred to as "section" there). Use the code as indicated: SIMO-7060-RJNZ-11

Including your student ID in your MPL account:

Once you have an access code to enter MPL you need to include in your MPL user information: your name, your student ID (the SFU student ID) and the course code. To do this go to the "Preferences " section

Technical problems with MPL? Please contact their technical support ( ) and copy (cc) the instructor.

Your questions and answers about MPL? See the Q&A MPL and CodeWrite section.


Unless you're using an IDE, you'll need a separate text editor to write your Java programs. Any text editor you like will do. One that has syntax highlighting will be nice, but certainly not required. These are some suggestions.


In case you need to compress files you may use the following. Notice that the submission of assignments through the CourSys system does not require that you compress files, but submissions of different files can be made.


You may want to transfer files to and from your account at SFU. You should use a secure file transfer (SCP) program for this.

CSIL LABS: Connecting to the CSIL terminal service, other FAQ's

You may want to access your files from at your H: directories from your CSIL account.

  • Check the CSIL FAQs here

© Diana Cukierman. Page maintained by Diana Cukierman.