CMPT 125 Burnaby

Assignments and project

Last update: April 15, 2012

  • There will be various small to medium size assignments and one more important programming project. It will be indicated explicitly if the work is to be done individually or in teams. The option to work individually will be possible.
  • During the first part of the course (before the reading break) there will be lab exercises to work on, for practice and/or due for submission about a week after they are posted. Brief assignments will also be provided, due a couple days or up to about a week after they are posted.
  • After the reading break, lab exercises will continue to be provided mostly as practice, and also medium size assignments and the project will be provided. Medium size assignments will be given more than a week to work on, as it will be announced. The project will include some intermediate submission and as a whole it will be given approximately 3 to 4 weeks to work on, as it will be announced.
  • Check the Course description → Academic honesty section for academic honesty policies.

The assignments, project and their due dates will be posted here as the course progresses.


These solutions should not be shared with students who are not registred in CMPT 125 Burnaby during the current semester 2012-1.


Your questions and answers about Assignments? See the Q&A Tests and Assignments section.

© Diana Cukierman. Page maintained by Diana Cukierman.