CMPT 125 Burnaby

Academic honesty

  • Some class activities, assignments and lab exercises will be individually developed work and some team work. Discussions between fellow students (or between different teams when it is team work) is encouraged as long as the activity is not a test and if there is no sharing of solutions. Each student (if it is individual work) or team (if it is team work) is required to create, develop and submit his/her/their own solution .

  • Similarly, even if it is not a test, students should not use material from other sources (such as the internet or prior courses) without making an explicit reference to it.

  • Copying literally from any source (be it a class mate or internet or other sources) is considered plagiarism.

  • This course includes class activities, lab activities, mini-tests and others for which it will be encouraged to work in teams. During these activities it is not considered to be an academic honesty offense to work in teams, but rather it is encouraged.

  • Academic Honesty plays a key role in our efforts to maintain a high standard of academic excellence and integrity. Students are advised that all acts of intellectual dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action by the School; serious infractions are dealt with in accordance with the Code of Academic Honesty (T10.02) Students are encouraged to read the University Academic Honesty and Student Conduct policies. Students are also encouraged to do a self directed online tutorial about plagiarism developed by the SFU Library.

  • If you have any questions please ask the teaching staff.

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