CMPT 125 Burnaby

Weekly Lab exercises

Last update: April 11, 2012

Check the Admin → Labs characteristics section for descriptions about how to access the labs facilities, how to access your files in CSIL machines (both from the lab and from your home), about active participation in the labs and about the characteristics of the lab exercises and marking.


All lab exercises, whether requiring submission or not, will be posted here before the first lab class of the week. If a submission is required, that will be indicated in the exercises description, together with their due dates.

  • Lab exercises week #2 (pdf). Due date: Thursday January 19, 9:30 pm, via CourSys. You need to keep a copy, for your records, of all the files you submit.

    This lab exercise may be done in teams of 2 people. Submit only one submission, create the group for CourSys. You will need to create a group with one single person if you submit individually. For this submission there are no constraints on the group name (but notice that you will need a different group name for subsequent submissions.)

    Question #8 in Lab week #2 was revised a brief detail as follows: The "Listing" number in the 6th edition should be 5.14 and not 5.15. Notice that "Listings" in the textbook refer to Java code examples, therefore a listing is not the same as a section.

  • Lab exercises week #3 (pdf). Due date: Thursday January 26, 9:30 pm, via CourSys.

    New due date for lab exercise week #3: Friday Januray 27, 11:59 pm

    This lab exercise may be done in teams of 2 people. Submit only one submission, create the group for CourSys. You will need to create a group with one single person if you submit individually. In the group name include a reference to the single (or both) students Ids and also the activity name. For example, if userId1 and userid2 form the group, then a group name could be: "Fabulous Group userId1 userId2 LW3"

  • Lab practice exercises week #4 (pdf). No exercises submissions required for next week, however an on line questionnaire will be available HERE and will be DUE on Tuesday Jan 31, 9:00 pm, Thursday Feb 2, 11:59 pm counting as lab participation this week #4.

    The topics in this lab will be included in upcoming quizzes and in future projects and tests (as well as topics from previous labs and those seen in class).The topics included in the quizzes will be more specifically indicated and posted later.

  • Labs week #5 - Quiz during lab. See Test exercises section for the test and solution.

  • Lab exercises week #6 (pdf). The lab exercises description has been revised. Check the clarifications section at the beginning of the document.

    There are two exercises to submit:
    • Exercise #8- due by Thu Feb 23, 11:59 pm.
    • Exercise #9- due by Mon Feb 27, 11:59 pm.

    • Exercise #8 counts as lab participation for lab week #6 and is needed for exercise #9)
    • Exercise #9 will be elegible to be marked among all the lab exercises.
    • The topics in this lab will be included in upcoming quizzes and in future projects and tests (as well as topics from previous labs and those seen in class). The topics included in the quizzes will be more specifically indicated and posted later.

    • Lab exercises week #7 (pdf). No submissions of exercises required.
    • No attendance will be taken during labs. For For participation points this week #7 you are asked to answer to two additional exercises in CodeWrite (with respect to the ones you worked on for your CodeWrite assignment). These two additional exercises may have been created by an SFU student or by a UoA student and the solution has to involve at least some array and some loop visiting some (but not all) of the array elements. Deadline to submit these two exercises: together with the CodeWrite assignment, on Monday Feb 27, 11:59 pm
    • Lab exercises week #8 (pdf). No submissions of exercises are required. Exploration of examples, solutions and the initial description of the design, code and revise assignment are suggested.
    • No attendance will be taken during labs. For For participation points this week #8 you are asked to answer the "Brief Questionnaire Participation Lab week #8" , with questions associated to the lab exercises, examples and the solutions posted. Deadline to submit this questionnaire: Tuesday March 6, 11:59 pm.

  • Lab exercises week #9 (pdf). No submissions of new lab exercises are required. It is suggested that you work on the assignment and review material as indicated. No attendance will be taken during labs. No participation points will be provided. Teaching staff will be available during lab time for consultation.

  • Lab exercises week #10 (pdf). No submissions of new lab exercises are required. However notice the upcoming submissions deadlines of: RollTTT Assignment, MPL recursion assignment, AEP report and CodeWrite survey. Check respectively the Assignments, (Course Description -->AEP) and (Course Description --> Textbook and References) sections. For a general view of upcoming deadlines check the (deadlines and events) section.

    For this lab it is suggested that you work on the RollTTT assignment if you need to and that you review material as indicated. No attendance will be taken during labs. No participation points will be provided. Teaching staff will be available during lab time for consultation.

  • Lab exercises week #11 (pdf). No submissions of new lab exercises are required. However recall the upcoming submissions deadlines of: MPL recursion assignment, AEP report and CodeWrite survey. Check respectively the Assignments, (Course Description -->AEP) and (Course Description --> Textbook and References) sections.

    For a general view of upcoming deadlines check the (deadlines and events) section.

    This lab exercises includes also material associated to ArrayLists, the Drawing class, and also the MPL recursion assignment exercises proposed as practice. (Thus people who will not do the MPL assignment, can still practice with such and check the solution to be posted after the assignment deadline.) About points and the MPL assignment check the evaluation section

    No attendance will be taken during labs week #11. No participation points will be provided. Teaching staff will be available during lab time for consultation.

  • Lab exercises week #12 (pdf). No submissions of new lab exercises are required. No attendance will be taken during labs week #11. No participation points will be provided. Teaching staff will be available during lab time for consultation. Youa re recommended to work on inheritance practice exercises and the final project. Check the material associated to the final porject in the assignments section..

  • Lab week #13 (pdf).No submission required. NO active participation points provided, but consultation will be available as usual. Check the description for getting bonus points with MPL.

  • Lab last week (pdf).No submission required. NO active participation points provided, but consultation will be available as usual. Brief practice exercises provided about calculating the order (big O) of algorithms.

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These solutions should not be shared with students who are not registred in CMPT 125 during the current semester 2012-1.

© Diana Cukierman. Page maintained by Diana Cukierman.