CMPT 125 Burnaby

Some tests solutions and marking scheme

Last update: March 8, 2012

As the course progresses, descriptions and solutions to some test exercises will be posted here. Use this material to redo the test, and compare your solution with the posted solution. These exercises and solutions should not be shared with anyone who is not registred in CMPT 125 during the current semester 2012-1.

  • Brief Review Quiz Week #3. Friday Jan 20. Solution

  • Quiz#1 during Lab. Week 5, Wednesday Feb 1.
  • Quiz#2 during class. Week 7, Friday Feb 24.
  • Midterm. Week 9 Wednesday March 7. Room B9200

    • "Clean" midterm Only version 1 is posted. Other versions are analogous. Use this "clean" version, that is, with no solutions, to redo the midterm for practice.

    • Solution midterm

  • Quiz#3 during Lab. Week 12, March 28.


© Diana Cukierman. Page maintained by Diana Cukierman.