CMPT 125 Burnaby

Teaching Staff & Office hours

Last update: February 2, 2012


Class Help e-mail address
If you have questions that you would want to ask the instructor or TAs via email please use:
Please prefix your email subject area with "CMPT 125" and include your name and student number in your message. The instructor and/or TAs will respond as soon as possible.

Diana Cukierman
Office Hours: (Starting on week #2)
  • Wednesdays: during lab times, at the CSIL labs.
  • Immediately after class on Wednesdays and Fridays until 5:15, in the classroom if available or close by.
  • Tuesdays in January: 10:30 - 11:30,
  • Starting in February: Fridays 1:00 - 2:00 pm, office: TASCI 9223.
  • Variations of office hours may be announced later, depending on the consultation needs as the course progresses.

Teaching Assistants:

Shahab Tasharrofi
Consultation time: During labs
Additional office hours: Mondays 3:30 - 4:30PM (alternating with Shabnam)

Shabnam Shariati
Consultation time: During labs
Additional office hours: Mondays 3:30 - 4:30 PM (alternating with Shahab).

Please contact the instructor if you cannot attend any of the office hours. Office hours days and/or times may be changed depending on attendance and consultation needs as the course progresses. Individual appointments can also be arranged. If there is the need to revise the office hours schedule that will be announced in class and posted here.

Students are encouraged to meet directly with the instructor or TAs if they have questions rather than use e-mail!

© Diana Cukierman. Page maintained by Diana Cukierman.