CMPT 125 Burnaby

Submissions Instructions

Last update: January 28, 2012


  • We will be using several web based systems to submit assignments and lab exercises: CourSys, WebSurvey, CodeWrite and MyProgramming Lab. Depending of which the exercise is we may use one system or other. This will be explicitly clarified for each exercise.

  • In some cases you will have to provide diagrams, for which you can use specialized software or you can write the diagrams in paper and then scan them or take a picture of them to submit electronically as pdf files.

  • Notice that CourSys will be used to keep track the grades you obtain for all your exercises and tests, independent of how they were submitted.

  • If you submit an activity individually but the activity was defined as a group activity you will have to create a group with yourself only as a member. See the Q&A at the end of this section.


Unless otherwise specified and announced in class and in this website, assignments are due on the due date and time stated on each assignment or exercise.

Late submissions policy. If you have some problem and cannot finish your assignment by the due date/time contact the instructor before the deadline to get permission to submit late.

Please notice that unless there are documented health problems and if approved (at the discretion of the instructor), a late assignment will have a penalty of up to 10% per day late. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you submit the assignment not later than the deadline


In every source code submission remember to include:

  • Use of comments to include author/s and date information.

  • Use of comments to clearly identify the submission (e.g. Lab exercise or assignment number).

  • Use of comments to briefly clarify and explain the purpose of the exercise/s.

  • Use of comments to describe each class, method, parameters and return values.

  • Meaningful naming of classes, methods and variables.

  • Use of TAB positions and clear indentations. This will be done more or less automatically depending on the editor you use for your source code.

  • When explicitly requested, you should follow the JAVA standard documentation style which would allow javadoc (see Appendix I in the textbook [L&L 6th ed also appendix I]) to generate the HTML pages documenting your classes. If you prefer you may follow the standard documentation style in all your submisssions (even if not required) as well.

  • You may want to consult, in particular items #2 and #3 for general recommendations and naming conventions to write Java code.

Your questions and answers about Labs and Submissions? See the Q&A Labs section.

© Diana Cukierman. Page maintained by Diana Cukierman.