CMPT 125 Burnaby

Q&A - Questions and Answers - Tests and Assignments

Last update: January 28, 2012


  • Will we be able to use cheat sheets in tests and in the exams?

    YES. Only in some brief review quizzes you will not be allowed to use extra material, but in essentially all the tests and exams you will be allowed to bring “cheat sheets” that you will prepare in advance. Cheat sheets will consist of a certain number of letter sized paper (8x11 or similar). The number of allowed pages will depend on the test. In the cheat sheets you will be allowed to include any information that you will want (as long as it fits in the number of pages indicated and has a reasonable font size). They can be written by hand or printed. Those cheat sheets will have to be named and be submitted together with the test (or indeoendently if it is a during lab quiz), and then they will be returned to you.

  • What is the format of the final exam?

    The format of the final exam will be a combination of several types of questions, on paper and pencil. There may be multiple choice questions (with only one correct answer or several), fill in the blanks questions, analysis of code, creation of code, etc. You will be exposed to the different types of questions as the course advances in the various quizzes, lab exercises, assignments, midterm exam and also as lab exercises . Notice that some questions in the lab exercises have been previous exam questions.

  • What is the format of the assignments and lab exercises?

    There will be different formats of assignments in the course. You have been working with some already: on line very brief questions and brief code submissions . As practice you have also been already suggested to do readings, analyze/explore code and writing code, and some practice with MPL questions.

    As the course advances we will focus on analyzing, designing and coding larger systems.

    We will also have a special CodeWrite Assignment (this is the project involving the professor and group in New Zealand), where you will have to create /invent a problem that can be solved with some method/s and also you will have to solve some methods. Details will be provided with the pertinent assignment. We will also have MPL assignments (with brief to medium answers required. ) We will also have some brief questionnaires and/or self evaluations on line as we have had so far, but not every week. More information about this will be provided as the course advances and it is and will be also available in the course website.

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