CMPT 125 Burnaby

Q&A - Questions and Answers - Labs and submissions

Last update: January 28, 2012


  • How do I submit an exercise individually via CourSys?

    As CourSys works now, if you want to submit individually, you need to create a group with only you as a member. You can do so in CourSys, once you login, linking to the "manage groups" action, to your right. Once the group is created you could invite another classmate to join the group (but you do not have to, thus remaining a one member group). You will have to create a different group for each (group type) submission.

  • Do I have to install Java and JCreator (or other IDE) in my own computer?

    You may, but you do not need to; you can directly login remotely to the CSIL labs through the “Remote Desktop Connection” application in your computer and work there as if you were in the CSIL labs. You will be able to use the software installed in the CSIL labs and access your files saved in H: To access to the CSIL files you should remotely connect to the machine . Notice that is NOT a website address. The “remote desktop connection” is an application that you should have in your computer.

  • Do I need to talk with a TA every time I am in the lab? Will I lose credit if I forget to talk to the TA?

    Ideally it would be good that you talk to the TAs every time, but with a 1 hour labs that may be not completely possible. See also the next question.

  • How do I get the lab participation points?

    In some labs (like the fist two we have had so far) you get your participation points by having the TA ideally look at your work and have your name checked in the attendance lists. In the third lab we had (and future labs possibly too) you will get participation points by filling out some on-line self evaluation lab questionnaires. When lab participation points are provided based on self evaluation questionnaires on line then you technically are not required to come to the labs, however TAs will be available. It is your choice to come or not. Lab participation points can also be obtained from bonus points from other activities (such as bonus points from lab exercises and/or or assignments or others).

  • Can we use eclipse to do all the lab exercises?

    Yes. You can perfectly do so if you want.

  • Can I bring my own laptop to the Labs?

    Yes. However the quiz during lab will need to be done in the lab computers.

  • When are the CSIL labs open?

    24 x 7 (every day, every time, during the whole semester).

  • Can I work at home using my own computer for the weekly lab exercises or assignments?

    Yes, of course. You will need to work on the lab exercises and assignments much more that the one hour that the lab lasts. You can access any of the on line materials from home or you can come to the CSIL labs.

© Diana Cukierman. Page maintained by Diana Cukierman.