CMPT 125 Burnaby

Q&A - Questions and Answers - Evaluation

Last update: January 29, 2012


  • Will there be bonus points, how do they work?

    There may be bonus points within one individual submission, topping up the various questions in the submitted exercise. Students thus could potentially obtain more than 100%. In that case, the extra points are not necessarily lost, but may top up other activities besides that particular activity, following certain rules as described next.

    There are different categories of activities with respect to their evaluation, and they are "ordered" (see numbers below). Also, there are three different levels. Some of the activities may include bonus points, some not. The most likely categories to have bonus points are assignments and projects and maybe the midterm or final.

    LEVEL 1
    1. "lab participation"
    2. "lab exercises"
    3. "brief assignments"
    3. "assignments and projects" (including "MPL" and "CodeWrite" and bigger assignments)
    LEVEL 2
    4. AEP
    LEVEL 3
    5. "brief review quizzes"
    6. "quizzes"
    7. "midterm"
    8. "final exam"

    As a general rule:

    Bonus points from higher categories (if the category is 100% covered) can top up activities from lower numbered categories within the same level, topping up starting from the lowest category in the level.

    For example, bonus points from projects (if there are such and you have 100% of the projects) can top up "lab participation", and once such category is already 100% you can top up "lab exercises", and after such is at 100% and there are still bonus points, "brief assignments" could be topped up. If more bonus points still remain in this level, they are lost.

    Another example, at a different "level number": bonus points from the midterm (if there are such and you have a 100% midterm) could top up "brief quizzes", and if such category is at 100% the bonus point could top up "quizzes", and if such category is at 100% the bonus points in this level are lost.

    Some additional rule could be implemented if special circumstances general to the whole class arise but that would be announced explicitly as the course advances.

    Special rules for example apply to MPL as indicated in the description of MPL evaluation, given the characteristics of MPL, as discussed in class.

  • Can percentages be transferred from one category to another or from one activity to another ?

    This may happen under special circumstances only, applicable to the whole class (and announced as the course progresses) or individually under the discretion of the instructor, given special circumstances.

    For example, the 1% required MPL component will be possible to be transferred to the final exam.

    An example of individual transfer could be that the % of a quiz is passed to the final exam for one student for illness reasons, if the student contacted the instructor prior to the quiz date, with documentation and under the discretion of the instructor.

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