CMPT 125 Burnaby

Q&A - Questions and Answers - AEP

Last update: January 28, 2012


  • Do I need to register to workshops for the AEP report assignment?

    You may need to register to some workshops depending on who is offering them (such as SLC – Student Learning Commons). Notice that the SLC is offering workshops mainly t the start of the semester, so find out what you are interested in attending and register, if needed, soon! Uou can also register in other campuses. As your choice to report about in the AEP activity you may also attend workshops offered by others (besides the SLC), or do/watch readings/videos linked from the AEP website. You can attend many workshops but need to report about one only.

  • Can I attend the AEP 101 workshop as my choice to write about in the AEP report assignment?

    Yes , you can. This workshop is associated to the CMPT 120 course but you can participate in it if you did not do so on a previous semester or also if you would want to participate again. The day/times these workshops are offered is posted in the AEP website (associated to the CMPT 120 course). Several sessions are offered. All sessions will have the same content, you need to choose one of those to attend. As a CMPT 125 student you do NOT have to register, but let me know when you are planning to come (to keep track of numbers).

© Diana Cukierman. Page maintained by Diana Cukierman.