CMPT 125 Burnaby

Old tests topics coverage

Last update: April 12, 2012

Topics coverage of quizzes and exams after they took place will be announced here.

Quiz during Lab #1. Week 5, Wednesday Feb 1.

It took place during your own lab time, in the usual lab room and then you had the option to work on it as a take home test.

  • Topics coverage:
    • Topics covered in the Lab exercises week #2 and Lab week #3
      (Selected solutions to lab exercises week #2 and week #3 are posted in the Lab exercises section).
      (The solution to the exercise to be submitted from Lab Week #3 was posted after the deadline.)
    • Topics and examples seen in class, from the start of the course until and including week #4 (except topics as described below).
    • Corresponding notes to those weeks: until and including notes numbered #6 and associated examples.

  • Focus on:
    • Classes with a main method and possibly other static methods
    • Decomposition of a solution in methods
    • Methods with no passage of parameters or minimal passage of primitive values or Strings.
    • methods not returning any values or returning single primitive or String values
    • For loops
    • Minimal usage of if statements
    • Using (non-static and static) methods from Classes in the Java standard API: String, Scanner, Math, Random, Date (only basic methods which we have seen in class)
    • String manipulations (e.g. concatenations, constructions of strings in for loops)
    • String creation vs. printing of strings

  • NOT included in this quiz even if it is seen in class or examples or solutions until and including week #4:
    • while-loops, do-loops and switch statement
    • Usage of Scanner methods hasNext() and hasNextInt()
    • Validation of user input
    • String.format() method
    • Comparison of Strings (equals() / equalsIgnoreCase() methods)
    • wrapper classes

  • Quiz style:
    • Done during lab time, using the computers, individually.
    • Focus on exercises
    • You were allowed to access the API documentation of the classes String, Scanner, Math, Random and Date.
    • You were allowed to bring a crib sheet, written in only one side of a regular size piece of paper, normal font, handwritten or typed. It may include any notes you want to include. It should include your name and student number. You will submit it and it will be returned to you.

Quiz during class #2. It already took place on Week 7, Friday Feb 24.

It took place during the first hour class time, in the usual class room

  • Topics coverage:
    • All the topics in quiz #1
    • Topics covered in the Lab exercises week #2 to Lab exercises week #6. (Selected solutions to lab exercises are posted in the Lab exercises section, the solution to question #8 in Lab week #6 will be posted after the deadline on Thursday 23.
    • Corresponding topics and examples seen in class, until and including week #6, before the reading break.
    • Corresponding notes: until and including notes #12C (before the readign break)
  • Focus on:
    • Focus of quiz #1

      AND ALSO
    • aliases
    • comparison of strings
    • while loops, do while loops, if statements, for loops
    • while loops with two conditions
    • avoiding breaks
    • arrays basics
    • defining classes of objects: instance data, constructors, getter and setter methods, toString methods.
    • driver or tester classes: creating new objects of defined classes and invoking methods through them
    • UML class diagrams - at most a couple classes and only the "uses" relation.

  • Quiz style:
    • Done during the usual class time, paper and pen/cil .
    • Focus on some conceptual questions, understanding of code AND ALSO some coding exercise.
    • at least one of the questions will be taken exactly from CodeWrite exercises created by an SFU student.
    • at least one question will be taken exactly from some previous on line brief assignment
    • You are allowed to bring a crib sheet, written in up to 2 sides of a regular size piece of paper, normal font, handwritten or typed. It may include any notes you may want to include. It should include your name and student number. You will submit the crib sheet and it will be returned to you.
    • You may use your previous quiz crib sheet and in that case you may bring an additional one side crib sheet (totalling 2 sides).

Midterm. Week 9, Wednesday March 7 Room B9200.

  • Topics coverage:
    • All the topics in quiz #1 AND quiz#2
    • Topics covered in the Lab exercises up to and including week lab week #8.
    • Corresponding topics and examples seen in class, until and including week #8. See in particular the Examples section.
    • Corresponding notes: until and including notes #16B (although the design process specifically for the RoleTTT game assignment will not be tested).

  • Focus on:
    • Focus of quiz #1 AND quiz#2

      AND ALSO
    • arrays
    • arrays of objects
    • multidimensional arrays
    • parameter passing: primitive types and objects
    • returning more than one value from a method (HashMap not tested)
    • encapsulation, public/private variables and methods
    • static/non static variables and methods
    • defining using classes where the instance variables are arrays of objects

  • Midterm style:
    • Done during the usual class time, paper and pen/cil .
    • Focus on some conceptual questions, understanding of code AND ALSO coding exercises.
    • You are allowed to bring a crib sheet, written in up to 3 (THREE) sides of a regular size piece of paper, normal font, handwritten or typed. It may include any notes you may want to include. It should include your name and student number. You will submit the crib sheet and it will be returned to you.
    • if you did not pick up your previous quiz crib sheet you can get it in previous office hours or during the labs prior to the midterm.
    • If you use your previous cribsheet you can add one side page to it (totalling 3 sides)

© Diana Cukierman. Page maintained by Diana Cukierman.