CMPT 464/764 - Class Schedule (Fall 2021)

"When I give a lecture, I accept that people look at their watches, but what I do not tolerate is when they look at it and raise it to their ear to find out if it stopped." - Marcel Achard

Please note that this schedule may be subject to change, and I will be updating it regularly throughout the semester. Lecture slides are available in PDF only and videosi, if provided, are in MP4 format. Not all links will be active at once. Slides are typically posted shortly before lecture times and videos are posted where appropriate. Refer to the list of references in the course syllabus for labels used in the list of readings below.

Week Week of   Tuesday (10:30-12:20) Friday (10:30-11:20)
1 Sep. 6 Course Organization (Syllabus) (video - unedited)

Computer Graphics and Modelling in the Age of AI and Big Data (slides) (video)

2 Sep. 13 Computer Graphics and Modelling in the Age of AI and Big Data (slides) (video)

Course Introduction (slides) (video)

Course Introduction (slides) (video)
3 Sep. 20 Modeling Paradigms for 3D Content Creation (slides) (video) 3D Shape Representations: Implicits (slides) (video I)
(Readings: the slides. Chapter 10 of [Hill 07] as a reference but not followed)

Assignment #1 (15%) available

4 Sep. 27 3D Shape Representations: Parametric Curves and Surfaces (slides) (video II)
(Readings: the slides. Chapter 10 of [Hill 07] as a reference but not followed)
3D Shape Representations: Point Clouds, Voxels, and High-Level Reps (slides) (video III)
(Readings: the slides. Chapter 10 of [Hill 07] as a reference but not followed)
5 Oct. 4 Subdivision I: Introduction (slides) (video)
(Readings: Chapters 1, 2, and 3.1 - 3.3 of [Zorin 00])
Subdivision II: Subdivision Zoo (slides) (video)
(Readings: Chapter 4 of [Zorin 00])
6 Oct. 11 Neural Network Basics and Representation Learning for 3D Shapes (slides) LOD I: Level of Details: An Introduction (slides)
(Readings: Chapters 1 and 7 of [Luebke et al. 03] - The LOD book)

Assignment #1 (15%) written part due at 23:45 on CourSys; programming part due at 23:45 on Oct. 18

Assignment #2 (15%) available

7 Oct. 18 LOD I: Level of Details: An Introduction (slides)
(Readings: Chapters 1 and 7 of [Luebke et al. 03] - The LOD book)

LOD II: Simplification Error Metrics (slides)
(Readings: Chapter 3 of the LOD book)

Midterm #1 (20%) held in class (50 minutes)
8 Oct. 25 LOD III: Mesh Simplification Algorithms (slides)
(Readings: Chapters 2 and 5 of the LOD book)
Surface Reconstruction (slides)
Paper by Hoppe and Paper by Lorensen and Cline)
9 Nov. 1 Surface Reconstruction (slides)
Paper by Hoppe and Paper by Lorensen and Cline)
Shape Segmentation (slides) (video)
(Readings: A Survey on Mesh Segmentation Techniques)
10 Nov. 8 Shape Segmentation (slides)
(Readings: A Survey on Mesh Segmentation Techniques)
Shape Correspondence (slides)
(Readings: A Survey on Shape Correspondence)

Assignment #2 (15%) due at 23:45

11 Nov. 15 Shape Correspondence (slides)
(Readings: A Survey on Shape Correspondence)

Live Q&A session

Midterm #2 (15%) held in class, 50 minutes
12 Nov. 22 Tutorial on Deep Learning Tools for Course Project Learning to generate 3D shapes (slides)
(References: IM-Net; GRASS; Symmetry Hierarchy)
13 Nov. 29 Learning to generate 3D shapes (slides)
(References: IM-Net; GRASS; Symmetry Hierarchy)
Introduction to 3D Printing (slides)
(Reference: project page for SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 course on "3D printing oriented design: geometry and optimization")
14 Dec. 6 Pyramids, Tetris, and Spiral: New geometry problems for 3D printing (slides)
(References: project page on pyramidal decomposition; project on Fermat spirals; project page on Dapper)

Richard (Hao) Zhang / haoz at cs dot sfu dot ca