Students and Visitors

Current postdoctoral fellow (2)

Name Start time Progress highlights
Dong-Wan Choi January 2015 ICDE'16
Lingyang Chu September 2015 VLDB'15

Current students (5 Ph.D. (1 co-supervision), 3 M.Sc.)

Name Program Start time Progress highlights
Zicun Cong M.Sc. Fall 2014  
Chuancong Gao Ph.D. Fall 2012  
Juhua Hu Ph.D. Fall 2012 ICDM'15, KDD'14, SDM'14
Xiangbo Mao (co-supervised) Ph.D.
Fall 2010 ACM MM'13
Xiao Meng Ph.D. Spring 11  
Xiaojian Wang M.Sc. Fall 2014  
Yu Yang Ph.D. Fall 2013 SIGMOD'16
Zijin Zhao M.Sc. Fall 2015  

Current long term visitors (2 visiting Ph.D. students)

Name Home institution and position Start time
Jian Chen, Ph.D. Professor, South China University of Technology February 2016
Jin Huang, Ph.D. Associate Professor, South China Normal University February 2016
Mingtao Lei Ph.D. student, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications September 2016
Chen Lin, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Xiamen University August 2015
Zhefeng Wang Ph.D. student, University of Science and Technology of China September 2015

Graduated Ph.D. students (9)

Name Thesis Grad date Highlights First/current employer
Akiko Campbell Multidimensional benchmarking April 2016 4 journal papers and 1 conference paper LiveLabs
Moonjung Cho Novel techniques for data warehousing and online analytical processing in emerging applications October 2006 2 journal papers and 2 conference papers Prism Health Networks/
(Adjunct Professor) Bryant & Stratton College
Ming Hua Ranking Queries on Uncertain Data November, 2009 3 journal papers and 7 conference papers Facebook
Bin Jiang Summarizing Certainty in Uncertain Data May 2011 3 journal papers and 5 conference papers Facebook
Daxin Jiang Mining Coherent Patterns and Clusters from Genomic Data May 2005 3 journal papers and 7 conference papers (First) Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore
(Current) Researcher, Microsoft Research Asia
Hossein Maserrat Compression of Social Networks August 2012 2 conference papers Startup
Guanting Tang New methods in Outlier Detection June 2015 8 journal papers and 4 conference papers
Crystal Zhengzheng Xing Early Classification on Temporal Sequences December 2010 2 journal papers and 3 conference papers Amazon
Bin Zhou Keyword Search on Large-scale Data: from Relational and Graph Data to OLAP Infrastructure May 2011 4 journal papers and 9 conference papers Tenure-track Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Graduated master's students (23)

Name Thesis/research topic Grad date Highlights
Yvonne Ling-Chih Cheng A Tool for OLAP on Text Documents August 2011
Yi Cui Finding Email Correspondents in Social Networks August 2011 A WWWJ article
Da Huang Malicious URL Detection by Dynamically Mining Patterns without Pre-defined Elements April 2012 A WWWJ article
Qiang Jiang Multi-level Relationship Outlier Detection August 2012 An IJBIDM paper
Man Ki Lau Energy-preserving maintenance of k-centers on large wireless sensor networks June 2008 A TKDE paper, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (2005), an IEEE Outstanding Paper Award in AINA'07
Jiaxing Liang Individual skyline subspace on user annotated tags June 2015
Luping Li Efficient and Effective Aggregate Keyword Search on Relational Databases January 2012 A paper in International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM)
Zhenhua Lin Mining Discriminative Items in Multiple Data Streams January 2010 A WWWJ article
Jian Liu  Frequent partial order mining May 2005 A paper in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), and an ICDM'05 paper
Lin Liu A new method for outlier detection on time series data June 2015
Beier Lu Health query expansion using WordNet and UMLS June 2015
Brittany Nielsen Reverse Centrality Queries in Complex Networks December 2009 NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship
Irene Pekerskaya Mining changing regions from access-constrained data sets: a cluster-embedded decision tree approach May 2006 A paper in the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (Special Issue on "Mining Spatio-Temporal Data")
Thusjanthan Kubendranathan Mining multidimensional distinct patterns November 2010
Yu Tao Suspicious URL and device deteciton by log mining June 2014
Kathleen Tsoukalas Extracting and tagging tabular data from the web October 2009 a US patent pending, an EDBT'09 industrial paper, a WAIM'08 invited paper, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (2007)
Li Xiong Exploring the power of frequent neighborhood patterns on edge weight estimation June 2015  
Ji Xu Hierarchical distributed classification in wireless sensor networks July 2009 a MASS'09 paper
Xiaoning Xu Continuous similarity search for evolving queries June 2014  
Xinghuo Zeng Efficient Maximal Frequent Itemset Mining by Pattern-aware Dynamic Scheduling October 2007 An EDBT'08 paper, a paper in Knowledge and Information Systems Journal
Geoffrey Zenger Trajectory-based Point of Interest Recommendation November 2009
Xiaoling Zhang Pattern-based clustering for DNA micro-array data analysis December 2003 An ICDM'03 Full paper
Bin Zhou Mining page farms and its application in link spam detection May 2007 A TKDD paper, an SDM'08 full paper, an SDM'07 poster paper

This page last updated on April 20, 2016. Copyright 2002 - 2016, Jian Pei. All rights reserved.