Prev: Binary Heaps Part 1
What Every CMPT 225 Student Should Know About Mathematical Induction

- by Brad Bart, Simon Fraser University


Part 1: Overview of Induction Part 2: How Induction Relates to Computer Science Part 3: Induction in CMPT 225 Part 3: Mathematical Induction in CMPT 225

Running Time Mirage

You left Part 1, yesterday1, with a simple implementation for a priority queue: an unsorted array. Although the cost to insert was a delightful O(1), the cost to remove the min was an unfriendly O(n).

Augmenting the array with an index for fast reference to the min was a sharp idea. The index makes a linear search for the min unnecessary and it is maintainable in O(1) on insert. That's all good, except for one catch.

The index is not maintainable in O(1) on remove.

Why? Although it is O(1) to find the min and remove it, once it is gone, what's the index of the next min? Locating it will require a linear search resulting in O(n) steps, which means you are no better off than you were without the augmentation.

Another Recursive Definition

To index the min was still a sharp idea, however. The strategy would have worked if only it was easy to find the next min, like as easy as a single comparison.

Perhaps it would be possible to apply Divide & Conquer if you organized the elements as follows:


As before, the min (at the top) is easy to locate and remove. The rest of the elements are divided up into two roughly equally sized pools, which will, if defined recursively, also have mins that are easy to locate and remove. So, when you remove the min and need to find the next min, it must be the smallest of the min of the left pool and the min of the right pool.

As with the last augmentation, you might prematurely conclude that the running time for remove is now back down to O(1). Unfortunately, it's going to require more effort than just 1 simple comparison. Here's why.

1 If it wasn't yesterday, then return HTTP status code 412. Please press the back button in your browser and try again tomorrow.


When you remove the min, it leaves a hole. And, you find the next min by finding the min of mins, and promote it to where the hole was. The problem is that promoting the new min leaves a hole in one of the pools, which will, by induction, have to be filled as well. That means another comparison, another promotion, another hole to fill, and so on.

Therefore the running time is not going to be as fantabulous as O(1). But because each successive comparison works on pools that are roughly half the size, the running time will clock in at an excellent O(log n).

Once again, a recursive definition leads to an excellent implementation that is reminiscent of a binary tree. Note that maintaining the balance between the two pools is a tricky detail. It's possible to do it in several ways, but no matter which way you choose, the running time for insert will rise to O(log n).2

2 Yes, keener. A Fibonacci heap has O(1) insert. But it doesn't really stick to two pools, either.

Example of a Binary Heap:



Binary Heap: Array Representation


Binary Heap

So, define a binary heap to be a balanced binary tree whose keys are arranged as described above. Stated formally:

  • Every node in the tree is smaller than its children.
  • The tree is complete, meaning that every level is full, except perhaps on the last (deepest) level. If the last level is not full, then its nodes appear as far to the left as possible.
That the tree is complete is not only a very clean way to impose balance on the tree, it also means that the nodes can be conveniently stored in a contiguous array A[0..n-1] that follows its level-order traversal. [figure left] Hopefully, you can spot a pattern among the indices that would make it easy to locate the left child, right child and parent. (Don't worry - I won't make you prove this by induction.)


To implement insert and remove, do what is colloquially called “trickle-up” or “trickle-down”: a sequence of node swaps to mend the heap property when a node is inserted or removed.

void insert(int key, int priority) {
  A[len++] = Node(key, priority);

  // the new node might have priority smaller 
  // than its ancestors, so . . .

Algorithm for Trickle-Up: If smaller than parent, then swap and recurse



int remove() {
  int ret = A[0].key;

  A[0] = A[--len];

  // the new root might have priority larger 
  // than its ancestors, so . . .

  return ret;

Algorithm for Trickle-Down: If larger than either child, then swap with the smallest child and recurse


Running Times

The running time of insert equals the running time of trickle-up, because all of the other operations are O(1). Since:

  • the largest number of swaps for trickle-up is the longest distance from a leaf to a root, i.e., h, the height of the binary heap; and
  • a complete binary tree of height h must contain at least 2h nodes, i.e., 2h ≤ n
therefore, the running time of trickle-up is O(h) = O(log2n).

The same analysis holds for remove and trickle-down, and so all operations run in an excellent O(log n).


Armed once again with wishful thinking, you stated the desired properties using a recursive definition, and this time you were rewarded with a binary heap. In comparison to the binary search tree where the invariant was left ≤ x < right, the binary heap had the invariant x ≤ leftright. This made it easy to find the min because, by mathematical induction, the root must be the min.

But finding the min and removing the min are two different problems. Fortunately, this invariant also made it easy to find the second min: it must be one of the two children of the root.

This was yet another example of how Divide & Conquer can lead to an excellent O(log n) running time.


And that's probably a good place to wrap this up. You look like you could use a recap:

  • You started with a review of induction from your roots in proving math results, both vanilla inductions and strong inductions.

  • Next, you applied these techniques to prove some results about the behaviour of algorithms. It turned out that the easiest algorithms on which to use induction were recursive, and you concluded that “induction” and “recursion” are essentially the same word.

  • Finally, you applied induction to some recursive designs, the binary search tree and the binary heap, which are two of the data structures you will learn in CMPT 225.

You have now completed the workshop on Mathematical Induction! Perhaps you've seen some of this before; perhaps most of it was new to you. But either way, hopefully you feel enriched, titilated and entertained1 . . .

. . . or at least amply prepared for what you, a CMPT 225 student, should know about Mathematical Induction before taking CMPT 225.

1Yes, the good kinds of math contain much creativity, and tend to evoke these kinds of feelings.

