Prev: Invariants and Recursive Algorithms Next: Elementary Data Structures: Part 2 |
What Every CMPT 225 Student Should Know About Mathematical Induction
- by Brad Bart, Simon Fraser University | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Part 1: Overview of Induction
Part 2: How Induction Relates to Computer Science
Part 3: Induction in CMPT 225
Part 3: Mathematical Induction in CMPT 225
So far, you discovered that mathematical induction is not merely good for verifying sums, drinking 99 bottles of beer, or driving across Saskatchewan!1 You can apply mathematical induction and its partner, recursion, to prove the correctness and the running time of algorithms. |
1For those who haven't taken the drive,
the Saskatchewan landscape
approximates a sequence of equally spaced grain fields,
as seemingly endless
as a ladder with an infinite number of rungs.
Mathematical induction is also the central theme in
the development and analysis of data structures
with efficient implementations.
In your intro computing class[es], they probably told you that
the universe was composed of exactly two data structures:
the array and the linked list.
What they probably didn't tell you was that both arrays and
linked lists are recursive in that you can
build a larger one by adding an element to an incrementally smaller one.
This means that you can prove the correctness
and the running time of algorithms on these data structures
by using simple induction, much like you did for Insertion Sort.
Similarly, within an array you can find many smaller subarrays,
and not just the incrementally smaller ones. The same can be
said for the sublists of a linked list.
This means you can prove the correctness
and the running time of algorithms on these data structures
by using strong induction, much like you did for Merge Sort.
The subarrays for Merge Sort were two equally sized pieces,
but in general, Divide & Conquer doesn't restrict the numbers
or the sizes of the subarrays. It's possible to divide into
3 or 4 equally sized pieces, or perhaps two pieces with
a ⅓ − ⅔ split.
A dynamic set is a data container that provides
two operations, insert [a key] and search [for a key].
(Other operations are also possible, but these two will be enough to make the problem interesting.)
Thus, a dynamic set's operations are very much like those of a database:
you insert information to be retained and retrieved at
a later stage. What you should choose as a collection
of keys is a matter of convenience. For example, you would usually
look up a person in the phonebook white pages
(or your cell phone's contacts list), by using their name,
but usually not by their phone number or street address.
One way is convenient, the other way is . . . not.
And as the size of the dynamic set increases to the millions,
or perhaps billions, you want the operations to be as convenient
as possible.
In the implementation, the array
Some of you keen math types might be asking yourselves: How
many different [nonempty] subarrays of an
n-element array are there? The quick answer is: a lot. Perhaps
a more precise answer is n(n + 1)/2.
Another good one: How many ways can you chop up an
n element array into two or more subarrays?
Again, it's a lot:
2n−1 − 1.
The neat thing is that both questions can be answered using
the math you learned from MACM 101.
To build a dynamic set using a data structure, you have to
think about how to lay out the data within your structure.
In this case study, the data are the n keys and
the data structure is the array.
There are two “obvious”
Store the keys in the first n slots of the array, Store the keys in the first n slots of the array, Once you have formed your answers, proceed to the implementation in the next part.