
chatterbox robots

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Previous Research Projects

(key: sponsor/program - project title [code] (date) )

As a PI

General Motors Research and Development - Real-time control over Ethernet. (2003-2004)

DARPA Software for Distributed Robots 2 (SDR2) - Large-scale robot control and simulation, with Icosystem Corp and iRobot Corp. (2003-2004 )

As a researcher

DARPA Software for Distributed Robots (SDR) - Pheromone Robotics (2001-2002)

DARPA Mobile Autonomous Robot Software (MARS) - A Software Framework for Reliable, Adaptive, Autonomous Robots in Dynamic Unstructured Terrain, including Cooperative Trail-Following in Uncertain Localization Space [grant DABT63-99-1-0015] (1999-2001)

NSF - Scalable Coordination of Wireless Robots (SCOWR) [grant ANI-9979457] (1999-2000)

DARPA TMR / NASA JPL - USC robot helicopter program (AVATAR)(1998-2001)

DARPA TMR - Intelligent Taskable System Colonies [contract DAAE07-98-C-L028] (1998-2000)

As a research student

BBSRC - Robot Sheepdog Project. (1995-98)

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