Notes for CMPT 276 Spring 2018 (Surrey)

The course marking scheme, assignments, quizzes, due dates, etc. are on Canvas.

This course has a semester-long team project. See Canvas for due dates and marking schemes.

Here is the schedule for the two in-class team presentations.

Final Exam

The final exam will be an individual exam that tests your understanding of basic terms, techniques, and ideas from throughout the course.

It will consist of variety of different kinds of questions chosen from the course lectures, and the notes below.

Essentially, we covered chapters 1 to 8 of the textbook. Not all of the textbook topics were covered, though: please see the lecture notes below to see exactly what topics were covered, and in how much detail.

The final exam will be a closed-book exam: no notes, books, papers, computers, or other such aids are permitted.


  • Bring your official SFU student ID card to the exam. If you do not have it with you, you will be asked to go get it.
  • During the exam you will be asked to put bags, jackets, etc. at the side of the room. Do not bring any unnecessary valuables to the exam!
  • You may bring your cell phone to the exam, but you cannot use it or leave the room with it. If you do need to leave the room (e.g. to use the washroom), you will be asked to hand over your phone to a TA/instructor.

Lecture Notes

The official assignment and exam due dates are on Canvas. Any dates listed here only for convenience, and if they are not the same as on Canvas then you should assume the Canvas due dates are correct.

Week 1: Jan 3 to Jan 4

  • Thursday Jan 3 is the first day of classes in the Spring 2019 semester
  • Friday Jan 4 is the first day of lectures for 276

Week 2: Jan 7 to Jan 11

Week 3: Jan 14 to Jan 18

Week 4: Jan 21 to Jan 25

Week 5: Jan 28 to Feb 1

Week 6: Feb 4 to Feb 8

Week 7: Feb 11 to Feb 15

Feb 18 to Feb 22: Reading break (no lectures or labs)

Week 8: Feb 25 to Mar 1

Week 9: Mar 4 to Mar 8

Week 10: Mar 11 to Mar 15

Week 11: Mar 18 to Mar 22

Week 12: Mar 25 to Mar 29

Week 13: Apr 1 to Apr 5

Week 14: Apr 8

  • Monday Apr 8 is the last day of classes

Exam schedule: Apr 10 to Apr 24

276 final exam: Friday Apr 12, 3:30pm to 6:30pm