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Assignment 4 is now online. It is due December 5, at 1:30pm. The marking sheet is now available in either doc or pdf formats.


  1. Assignment 1 Will be due October 2nd before Midnight. To submit your assignment you must use the submission server for this course. The submission server will allow you to send a zipped file only. For this assignment, your zipped file should include your full name, userid,the URL of your site, and now also your email address and student number as a plain text document (.txt) plus your entire assignment1 directory. This URL should point to your "index.html" file.
  2. Assignment2 is due November 4, at 1:30pm (class time). You will again upload your assignment to the cmpt165 course server and submit a zipped version to the submission server. Also note there is a printed portion of this assignment which must be submitted in class. You will have to validate your CSS. You will validate your site using the W3C CSS Validator. You will also have to validate you HTML as XHTML1.0 Strict and add the validation hyperlinked graphic provided at the bottom of each page.
  3. Assignment3 is due November 18, at 1:30pm (class time). You will again upload your assignment to the cmpt165 course server and submit a zipped version to the submission server. Also note there is a printed portion of this assignment which must be submitted in class. This is the marking sheet in This is the marking sheet for pdf and Word doc
  4. Assignment4 is due December 5, at 1:30pm. All instructions are on the assignment 4 web page and a marking sheet will be provided next week.

Course Server

The server for this course is available at Web pages must go inside the " public_html" directory. You may upload your pages using either the usermin functionality which can be found from the above site or you may choose to use an SSH client or SCP client to transfer files. FTP cannot be used. Some clients have been provided on the course software page. Remember that when you use an SSH or SCP client to upload files, you will connect and upload to the server ( not to the URL.

More detailed instructions and an in-class demonstration will be given before Assignment 1 is given.

Blank XML and XSL files

Validating HTML

All of your html will have to be validated. Fortunately, there are programs that do this for you as well as indicate errors and warnings. You will be able to check your html before you submit it.

Validating CSS

Blank HTML Files

Here are two blank HTML files for you. These files specify the doctype and the namespace for you. You may use these instead to begin your HTML documents. To use them right-click and save them as files. Clicking on the link will simply show you a blank page.

Table Example

Here is a single html file with 4 different tables in it. These tables were specifically designed to be used as a guide for using tables for navigation purposes and site layout. Please do not just cut and paste the html provided to use in your pages. Do try to change the look, alignment, etc. of the tables instead of using them blindly.

Submission Server

All of your assignments must be submitted using the Submission Server. To submit your assignments on the server you will use your standard userid and your password will be your 9 digit student ID number. This is the same username and password you will use for the gradebook. All of your assignments must be zipped, contain the relevant link or documents for your assignment, and contain your name and userid in a plain text file (.txt).


You will be able to access your grades online for this course using gradebook. To login to gradebook use your regular userid and your 9 digit student number as your password.