Assignment 3

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This assignment is due November 18, by 1:30pm. All files must be uploaded at this time and you will turn in a paper version of your assignment in class.

For this assignment, you will be creating 2 XML files and 2 XSL files as a compliment to your assignment 2 company website. You do not have to edit or add links from your assignment 2 to these files. These 4 files will simply be linked to from your index.html page.

*Note: You must appropriately indent your files

XML Requirements

  1. Create an XML document for 5 of your products

    (do not have to be the same as your assignment 2 site)

    Products must contain at least the following:

  2. Create an XML document for 5 of your customers

    Customers must contain at least the following:

  3. You must link the XML files to the appropriate XSL file that you are creating.

  4. Your XML files must have the appropriate heading information (bits at the top).

    See the assignments page for a blank XML file

XSL Requirements

  1. You must create 2 XSL files, one for each of your XML documents

  2. You must use some color (plain black and white is not acceptable

  3. Between these two XSL files you must use one of each of the following:

  4. Your XSL files must have the appropriate heading information (bits at the top).

    See the assignments page for a blank XSL file

Submission Requirements

  1. Upload these files to the cmpt165 server. They should be in a folder called "assignment3".

  2. Add links to these 4 files (2 XML and 2 XSL) to your index.html page

  3. Print out a copy of each of these 4 files, along with the Marking Sheet

  4. and bring them to class on Nov 18. Put your marking sheet on the back of your document and fill out your name, userid, and student number. Put your name, userid and student number on the front of your document as well.
  5. Submit a zipped version of these 4 files to the submission server