











Grants and Awards

Some Research Grants

  • NSERC Discovery Grant, 2019-2024

  • Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF), 2020

  • Technology Demonstration Program (TDP), Industrial Canada, 2016-2021

    • with MDA

  • NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship, 2016-2018

  • NSERC Engage Grant, 2015

    • with Rimeware

  • NSERC Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) Grant, Category 1, 2015

    • Mobile and Cloud Computing Equipment for Crowdsourced Multimedia

  • NSERC Engage Grant, 2014

    • with Shaw Communications

  • NSERC Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) Grant, Category 1, 2014

    • A Cloud-Assisted Crowdsourcing Machine-to-Machine Networking Platform for Vehicular Applications

    • with Profs. Martin Ester, Ke Wang, and Cenk Sahinalp

  • NSERC Discovery Grant, 2014-2019

  • NSERC Strategic Project Grant, 2013-2015

    • A Cloud-Assisted Crowdsourcing Machine-to-Machine Networking Platform for Vehicular Applications

    • with Profs. Baochun Li (U. Toronto) and Zongpeng Li (U. Calgary)

  • NSERC Strategic Project Grant, 2013-2015

    • Reliable and robust enterprise-public cloud computing

    • with Profs. Zongpeng Li (U. Calgary) and Baochun Li (U. Toronto)

  • NSERC Engage Grant, 2013

    • with Fuseforward

  • NSERC Engage Grant, 2013

    • with moj.io

  • STINT (Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education) Initial Grant, 2012

    • with Prof. Edith Ngai (University of Uppsala, Sweden) and Prof. Victor Leung (UBC)

  • NSERC Engage Grant, 2012

    • with Pica

  • Nokia University Relation Grant, 2011-2012

  • NSFC Major Program of International Cooperation (中国国家自然科学基金委国际合作重大专项), 2011-2015

    • Key Technologies and Standardization of Access and Transmission Mechanisms in Ubiquitous Networks for Cloud Computing

    • with Tsinghua, CAS, China Telecom, U. Ottawa, GWU, U. Michigan

  • NSERC Engage Grant, 2011

    • with WebTech Wireless

  • NSERC Engage Grant, 2010

    • with Trusterra

  • NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplements (DAS) Award, 2009-2011

    • 100 recipients across all science and engineering fields in the whole country

      • 8 from Computer Science

  • NSERC Discovery Grant, 2009-2013

  • MITACS NCE Project Internship Grant, 2009

  • MITACS Project Grant, 2009-2010

    • Optimizing Information Flows over the Internet: Routing and Coding with Non-Cooperative Users

    • with Profs. Baochun Li (U. Toronto) and Zongpeng Li (U. Calgary)

    • Industrial sponsors: Bell Canada, Alberta Ingenuity, Nokia Canada

  • Nokia University Relation Initiative Grant, 2008-2009

  • NSERC Strategic Project Grant (Supplemental Competition), 2008-2009

    • Toward Adaptive, Scalable, and Pervasive Wireless Network Monitoring

    • with Prof. Vincent Wong (UBC)

    • Industrial sponsors: Nokia Canada, Novax

  • NSERC Strategic Project Grant, 2007-2010

    • Advanced Multimedia Coding and Transmission over Ubiquitous Networks

    • with Profs. Xiaolin Wu (McMaster), Jie Liang (SFU), Nima Sarshar (U. Regina)

    • Industrial sponsors: MRF systems, Eyeball Networks, and TRLabs

  • NSERC Discovery Grant, 2007-2008

    • Earlier renew per SFU VP Research's nomination

  • BC Industrial Internship Program Grant, 2007

  • MITACS Internship Program Grant, 2007

  • HP Technology for Teaching Grant Initiative, 2006

  • British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund  (BCKDF) Matching Grant, 2005

  • Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) New Opportunities Grant, 2005

  • NSERC Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) Grant, Category 1, 2005

  • Canada NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council)  Discovery Grant, 2004-2007

  • President's Research Grant, 2004

  • SFU Start-up Grant, 2004

  Past (2003-04 at CUHK)

  • RGC Area-of-Excellence  (AoE) Grant (with Prof. M. R. Lyu)

  • CSE Strategic Grant (Digital Entertainment, with Prof. J. Lui, J. Yan, T.T. Wong, and S.H.Or)

  • HK Research Grant Council (RGC) Internal Grant

Some Awards

2003- (at CUHK and SFU)

  • Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE 2019)

  • Fellow of IEEE, 2017

  • HKUST CSE Distinguished Alumni Award 2017 (Inaugural year)

  • University Professorship, SFU, 2015-2020

  • NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship, 2015 (NSERC's most prestigious award to young researchers in Canadian universities; 6 recipients per year from all science and engineering fields nationwide)

  • Test of Time Paper Award of IEEE INFOCOM, 2015 (Inaugural year)

  • ACM TOMCCAP Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper Award, 2013

  • 2012 Faculty of Applied Sciences Excellence Award (Research - Early Career), SFU

  • Best Paper Award, ACM Multimedia 2012

  • Best Student Paper Award, IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2022 (to my PhD student Ryan Shea)

  • 2012 BCNET Digital Media Innovation Challenge (to my undergraduate student Vera Lukman for her project on BitNapkin)

  • Best Paper Award, IEEE Globecom 2011

  • IEEE Communications Society Best Paper Award on Multimedia Communications, 2009

  • 2009 BCNET Broadband Innovation Challenge (to my PhD student Xu Cheng for his project on NetTube)

  • Best Student Paper Award, IWQoS 2008 (to my master's student Cameron Dale)

  • Hong Kong Young Scientist Award (Achievement of Excellence in Engineering Science), 2004

1999-2003 (Postgraduate at HKUST)

  • Microsoft Research Fellowship, 2000 (the first awardee in Hong Kong)

1994-1999 (Undergraduate at Tsinghua)

  • Excellent Graduate (top 10% GPA among all graduates), 1999

  • Excellent Student Scholarship (95,98),  Legend Scholarship (96),   Motorola Scholarship (97)

  • First Prize, Student Research Training (SRT) Project, 1998

  • First Prize, "Challenge Cup" Competition of Science and Technology Works , 1997

  • Annual Service Award, State Education Committee and National Association for Science and Technology, P. R. China, 1997 (among the first student awardees of this national award since its inception)

  • First Prize, Programming Contest, Tsinghua Universities, Beijing and Taiwan, 1996

Before 1994 (High school)

  • One of the 15 members of the training camp for the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI’94) national team (direct entrance to Tsinghua University)

  • First Prize, Provincial Olympiad in Informatics, Jiangsu Province, 1993, 1994


  • Coach

         - National Teams for International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), P.R. China, 1995-1997

  • Program Committee Member

         - National Olympiad in Informatics, 1995(Nanjing), 1996(Shanghai), 1997(Hong Kong), P.R. China

         - National Collegiate Programming Contest, 1997, Beijing, P.R. China

         - Capital Collegiate Programming Contest, 1996, 1997, Beijing, P.R. China