Multivalued Dependencies

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Multivalued Dependencies

  1. Figure 6.1 (textbook 6.10) shows a tabular representation of this. It looks horrendously complicated, but is really rather simple. We'll see some extra examples in class as well.

    Figure 6.1:   Tabular representation of .

  2. Look at the example relation bc relation in Figure 6.2 (textbook 6.11).

    Figure 6.2:   Relation bc, an example of redundancy in a BCNF relation.

    Figure 6.3:   An illegal bc relation.

  3. Note that if a relation fails to satisfy a given multivalued dependency, we can construct a relation that does satisfy the multivalued dependency by adding tuples to .

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Last Update: Mon Oct 16 17:18:28 PDT 1995