Welcome to CMPT 310, Summer 2020!

Welcome to CMPT 310: a survey of some of fundamental problems and techniques of artificial intelligence (AI).

The course marking scheme, along with weights and due dates for assignments, quizzes, etc. are on Canvas.

Please note a couple of things:


The course marking scheme, along with weights and due dates for assignments, quizzes, etc. are on Canvas.


Most of the assignments will be using Python 3, and you should install the aima-python code on your computer (including the sample data sets). Follow the installation instructions on the aima-python page.

Since aima-python uses Git, it makes sense to download the code through Git. You could use a graphical tool like Sublime Merge to help with this if you like.

Some of the aima-python is written inside of Jupyter Notebooks, so you ought to install that on your system as well.

While you are welcome whatever operating system you prefer, keep in mind that all examples will be from Ubuntu Linux. Thus, we recommend that you install that latest desktop version of Ubuntu Linux on a virtual machine (such as Virtual Box).

Some assignments may also use minisat, a popular SAT solver. To install it on Ubuntu Linux, just run this at the command-line:

$ sudo apt install minisat

Course Notes

The following are the planned topics. The precise topics might change slightly as the course progresses, and we may spend more/less time on certain topics. The content of notes may also be changed and updated as the course progresses.