Assignment 4

Part 1: A Simple Knowledge Base

Your task in this assignment is to implement and test a definite clause theorem prover. Definite clauses are a subset of the regular propositional calculus that, while not as expressive as full propositional logic, they can be used to do very efficient reasoning.

Definition of Definite Clauses

A definite clause, or rule for short, is a propositional logic expression of this form:

head <-- b_1 & b_2 & b_3 ... & b_n

head, and b_1 to b_n are all ordinary propositional logic variables that are either true or false. We will usually call these atoms for short. The precise definition of legal atoms names is given in the function is_atom(s) given below.

n is an integer greater than, or equal to, 1. There must be exactly one atom, head, on the left of the <--.

& is logical “and”, i.e. the ordinary and operator from propositional logic.

<-- is the reverse of the usual propositional logic implication operator, i.e. X <-- Y means “Y implies X”.

The rule above can be read “if b_1 and b_2 … and b_n are all true, then head is true``. Or, alternatively, “for head to be true, b_1 and b_2 … and b_n must all be true”. We will sometimes informally uses the word “prove” instead of “true” here, and say things like “to prove head is true, you must prove b_1 and b_2 … and b_n are all true”.

Note that there is no “not” or “or” in these rules, and so it is not possible to represent all propositional logic sentences as definite clauses.

Definition of a Knowledge Base File

For this assignment, a knowledge base file (KB file for short) consists of 1, or more, rules (as described above). For simplicity, we require that each rule be written on its own line. Blank spaces are permitted between rules, and extra whitespace is permitted around tokens.

So, for instance, here is a knowledge base file consisting of three rules:

snowing <-- cloudy & below_zero & white_stuff_falling

cloudy <-- no_sun & daytime

below_zero <-- very_cold

Logically speaking, the order in which we write the rules doesn’t matter, although you should try to group related ones together to increase readability.

For simplicity, you can assume that all rules in a KB file have a different head atom. In other words, you can assume that you will never have a situation like this:

cloudy <-- no_sun & daytime

cloudy <-- hard_to_see


In this assignment, be careful how you use the words “true” and “false”. Informally, if an atom is in the KB then we can say it’s “true”, and if it’s not in the KB we can say it’s “false”. But just because an atom is in our KB doesn’t mean it is in fact true, and just because it is not in our KB doesn’t mean it is in fact false. For instance, a KB could contain the fact “its_raining” when it is not actually raining. It is more accurate to say the KB believes it is raining.

So, because of these concerns, it’s a good idea for this assignment to use the terms “in” and “out” instead of “true” or “false”

Definition of a Variable

The following function gives the precise definition of what strings can be used as atoms (i.e. variables) in definite clauses:

# returns True if, and only if, string s is a valid variable name
def is_atom(s):
    if not isinstance(s, str):
        return False
    if s == "":
        return False
    return is_letter(s[0]) and all(is_letter(c) or c.isdigit() for c in s[1:])

def is_letter(s):
    return len(s) == 1 and s.lower() in "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

Question 1: Interactive Interpreter

Implement an interpreter that lets a user interact with the KB. When run, your interpreter should display a prompt, e.g.:


It waits until the user enters a command (see below), and then tries to perform the command. If the user enters an invalid command, or the command cannot be run, then an error should be printed, e.g.:

kb> flurb
Error: unknown command "flurb"

Your interpreter should never crash: any error should just cause a helpful error message to be printed.

Your interpreter must implement (at least) these commands:

  • load someKB.txt: This loads into memory the KB stored in the file someKB.txt; of course, you can replace the name someKB.txt with whatever the name of the KB file is. For example:

    kb> load sample1.txt
       snowing <-- cloudy & below_zero & white_stuff_falling
       cloudy <-- no_sun & daytime
       below_zero <-- very_cold
       3 new rule(s) added

    If a KB file already happens to have been loaded, then calling load again will delete the old one and replace it with the new one.

    If you try to load an incorrectly formatted KB file, then an error is printed. For example:

    kb> load sample2.txt
    Error: sample2.txt is not a valid knowledge base
  • tell atom_1 atom_2 ... atom_n: This adds the atoms atom_1 to atom_n to the current KB. For example:

    kb> tell a b c d
      "a" added to KB
      "b" added to KB
      "c" added to KB
      "d" added to KB

    If some atom_i is invalid (according to is_atom), then don’t add any variables and print an error message, e.g.:

    kb> tell a b 4c d
    Error: "4c" is not a valid atom

    n is an integer greater than 1. It’s an error to type just “tell”, e.g.:

    kb> tell
    Error: tell needs at least one atom

    If you tell an atom that is already in the KB (due to a previous tell command, or because it was inferred by the rules), then tell should say something like “atom X already known to be true”. For example:

    kb> tell sunny
      "sunny" added to KB
    kb> tell sunny
      atom "sunny" already known to be true
  • infer_all: Prints all the atoms that can currently be inferred by the rules in the KB. Note that no atoms can be inferred until at least one tell command is called.

    When infer_all finishes, print all the inferred atoms, and clearly label them as inferred. Also, list and clearly label all the atoms that were known to be true before calling infer_all.

    For example:

    kb> load sample1.txt
      3 definite clauses read in:
       snowing <-- cloudy & below_zero & white_stuff_falling
       cloudy <-- no_sun & daytime
       below_zero <-- very_cold
    kb> tell no_sun
      "no_sun" added to KB
    kb> infer_all
      Newly inferred atoms:
      Atoms already known to be true:
    kb> tell daytime
      "daytime" added to KB
    kb> infer_all
      Newly inferred atoms:
      Atoms already known to be true:
         no_sun, daytime
    kb> infer_all
      Newly inferred atoms:
      Atoms already known to be true:
         cloudy, no_sun, daytime
    kb> tell very_cold white_stuff_falling
      "very_cold" added to KB
      "white_stuff_falling" added to KB
    kb> infer_all
      Newly inferred atoms:
         below_zero snowing
      Atoms already known to be true:
         cloudy, daytime, no_sun, very_cold, white_stuff_falling

Note that you can add other commands if you like. For instance, a command like “clear_atoms” that removes all atoms might be useful for debugging.

Here is pseudocode for infer_all that you should follow:

Algorithm infer_all(KB)
  Input : KB, containing rules and atoms
  Output: set of all atoms that are logical consequences
          of KB

  set C to {}   // C contains the inferred atoms

  loop until no more rules from KB can be selected:
     select a rule "h <-- a_1 & a_2 & ... & a_n" from KB
            where all a_i are in C or KB (for 1 <= i <= n)
                  and h is not in C or KB
     add atom h to C

  return C

Question 2: Your Own KB

Design an interesting and non-trivial KB for some domain of interest to you. The rules and atoms are up to you. Try to make the KB as useful as possible, ideally usable for some practical application.

Put this KB in a file named a4_q2_kb.txt so that the marker can test it. Also, include a file named a4_q2_readme.txt that includes an explanation of your KB (i.e. how did you come up with the rules?), and gives examples of how to use it.

Part 2: Project Preparation

Assignment 5 is a project that you can work on either by yourself, or with a partner (teams larger than 2 are not permitted).

So, in a file named project_info.txt, tell us this information:

  • The name of everyone on your team. Teams may have 1 or 2 people (teams larger than 2 are not permitted).

    If you are on a team of 2, you will need to talk to your TA about signing up on a team in Canvas.

    We expect a more work from teams of 2, and we expect both members to do an equal amount of work. Teams of 2 that don’t follow these rules may have their marks adjusted appropriately.

  • The project (see below) that you’ve chosen to work on.

  • The main programming language you plan to use, plus a list of any libraries you plan to use. You can use any language that the TAs can run on their computer — if you are not sure, then please email the TAs to check!

    Please note that general-purpose helper libraries of code are permitted, but no libraries that implement key AI techniques are permitted: the purpose of this assignment is for you to implement some AI algorithms on your own, and so calling existing versions of the algorithms is not what we want to see.

Project: Sokoban

Sokoban is a classic box-pushing puzzle played on a grid of cells. You play a warehouse worker who can push (but not pull) one crate at a time. The goal is to push all the crates onto specific locations marked on the floor. Some Sokoban puzzles are easy while some, even small ones, can be surprisingly challenging.

Please take a few minutes to play Sokoban online (such as here), or with a free mobile app, to understand how it works.

In this project, your task is to find optimal solutions to Sokoban puzzles. The markers will be looking for the following:

  • Use of a memory-efficient A* algorithm, such as IDA*. Please use a language other than Python, and make your implementation as efficient as possible.

    If you get help, or ideas, or bits of code from elsewhere, tell us where! Cite all the help you used to make this algorithm.

  • Use of the basic Sokoban input format specified here. Your solver should be able to read any puzzle specified in this format.

  • Solutions are in the LURD format. Capital letters are used to indicate a move that pushes a box.

  • Your solver can recognize unsolvable puzzles.

  • You list solutions to puzzles from some known collection of Sokoban puzzles (you can easily find collections of puzzles on the web). While you can certainly make up some of your own puzzles, it is important to demonstrate that your solver is correct and can solve well-known puzzles.

  • For small/easy puzzles, your solver should be efficient. Sokoban is PSPACE-complete, which means there is likely no efficient general-purpose solver.

  • You’ve put some effort into finding good heuristics, using pattern databases, or something beyond basic IDA* search.

  • You clearly specify the biggest and most complex problem your solver can solve in at most 5 minutes.

  • You clearly specify the smallest problem that your solver cannot solve in 5 minutes or less. Please make a non-trivial effort to find this smallest problem. For example, you could write a program that generates Sokoban puzzles and then solves them. Keep track of the solving time and the solution length.

    Suggestion: To estimate the complexity of a solution, you could use the formula \(\frac{B \cdot P}{E}\); \(B\) is the number of box moves in the solution, \(P\) is the total number of pusher moves, and \(E\) is the number of empty cells in the puzzle. Find a puzzle where \(E\) is as small as possible, and the \(\frac{B \cdot P}{E}\) value of an optimal solution is as big as possible.

  • A written report of at least one page that explains your program, the techniques it uses, its results, etc. You could include graphs and tables of relevant data.

    Spelling, grammar, and formatting matter.

Project: Fast Implementations of WalkSAT and Resolution Proving

Implement an efficient version of both WalkSAT, and a propositional theorem prover based on resolution. They should both use the minisat input format. Using the same set of test examples, compare the performance of your two algorithms against the Python version of WalkSAT (in the textbook code in and minisat. Use randomly generated k-CNF sentences as input (these are described in the textbook in the first full paragraph of page 264).

The markers will be looking for the following:

  • Implementation of WalkSAT using an efficient programming language, such as C++ (Python is probably not efficient enough).
  • Implementation of a propositional theorem prover based on resolution using an efficient programming language, such as C++ (Python is probably not efficient enough).
  • Speedy solving times: not only should you use an efficient programming language, but you should use efficient data structures and algorithms, plus anything else you can think of to make this run efficiently.
  • Randomly generated k-CNF expressions. Note that this part of your project could probably be done in Python, as efficiency is not as important as it is for the main solvers.
  • A written report of at least one page that explains your programs, the techniques they use, the results of your comparisons, etc. This should include graphs and tables of relevant data.

What to Submit

For this assignment you should submit the following in a zip file named

  •, containing all the code for the marker to run and test question 1
  • a4_q2_kb.txt, containing all the rules for your own KB
  • a4_q2_readme.txt, containing an explanation of a4_q2_kb.txt, and examples of using it
  • project_info.txt, which contains the requested information about your project for assignment 5

Use the exact file and function names — otherwise marking scripts might give you 0!

Don’t use any code from the textbook, or any special libraries for this: stick to regular Python, and code imported from its standard library.