A few notices: 1. In case you missed the lecture today, I am moving my Wednesday office hour 1 hour later (2:30-3:20), since quite a few people have a class during the 1:30-2:20 time. 2. Hua's office hours have changed a little, since she was unable to get the times that she had orignally wanted. Here are her new hours: M 11:30-12:20 W 11:30-12:20 F 9:30-10:20 The office hours for all of us are listed on the class web page. 3. If you are using Netscape in the Assignment Lab to view the class web pages (or any CMPT pages) and you are getting a "no response from server" message, try this: a) Select the "Options" menu in Netscape. b) Select "Network Preferences". c) Select "Proxies". d) Make sure "No proxies" is selected. - Dave Simpson CMPT 212 instructor