CMPT 212 prerequisites

David Simpson (
Thu, 4 Sep 1997 16:01:00 -0700 (PDT)

 Apparently there is some confusion about what I expect students to
 know coming into CMPT 212.  In the lecture yesterday, I said that I
 expected students to be reasonably experienced in the C language.
 What I should have said is that I expect students to be reasonably
 experienced in C or C++.  If you have taken CMPT 101 (or any other
 course) in C++, then you have nothing to worry about.
 The C language is virtually a subset of the C++ language, and if you
 know C++, then you pretty well know C.  My point in the lecture was 
 that you should know at least C.  
 I apologize to those students that I upset.  It never occured to me
 that what I was saying might be interpreted in a different way than
 what I intended.

 I will also clarify this in the lecture tomorrow.  And if anyone
 has any questions, be sure to ask them.

  - Dave Simpson
    CMPT 212 instructor