
The midterm is 50-minute closed-book written exam. Closed-book means no books, notes, computers, or other such aids are permitted.

Please see Canvas for exact time and location of the exam.

Please bring your SFU student ID card to the exam: we will be checking it during the exam. If you don’t have it, you may be asked to go get it before you can write the exam.


The midterm will cover all the topics covered in the course, from Introduction to Programming with Processing up to, and including, Strings.

Types of Questions

While the exam could have any kind of question (short answer, true/false, multiple choice, etc.), you should expect to at least be asked to:

  • Write small Processing programs.
  • Read small Processing programs and, for instance, describe in English what they do, or find errors in them.

Sample Questions

Here are some sample questions for you to practice with.

Warning: These are sample questions only, and do not necessarily indicate the range of topics that your midterm might cover! If there are questions here outside of the list of topics for your midterm, then please ignore them.

Study Advice

  • Review the lecture notes. Type in the example programs and run them yourself. Change them to test your understanding of the program.
  • Answer all the questions at the end of the notes (sorry, answers are not provided; please come to the instructors office hours, or talk to a TA, if you need help answering these questions).