Notes for CMPT 165, Fall 2017 (Surrey)

For due dates, quizzes, announcements, and other course information please see Canvas.

Notes for Module 2: CSS

Introduction to CSS

The HTML in-class exam will be on topics below this line! Here is the Module 1 Review presentation (pdf) (quiz answers (pdf)).

You don’t need to know anything about public key cryptography, but you should know the essential difference between HTTP and HTTPS.

Notes for Module 1: HTML

History, and Basics of the Internet and Web

Introduction to HTML

The Structure of a Web Page

Structure, Lists, and Other Tags


  • Read: Basic Tables

  • Read: Advanced Tables

  • Download: (examples of URLs and hyperlinks, with lots of description)

  • Install: If you’re using Sublime 3 as your text editor, then we recommend you install the HTML-CSS-JS package as follows:

    1. In Sublime 3, type ctrl-shift-P, type “install”, and then select Package Control: Install Package. This should take a few seconds to download and install HTML-CSS-JS Prettify.

    2. Test that it works by right-clicking in Sublime 3 and verify that HTML/CSS/JS Prettify is in the menu. Select Prettify Code to ensure it works.

      It’s possible that this could fail to work if Node.js (a version of the JavaScript programming language) isn’t installed on your computer. Some computers come with Node.js installed, and some don’t. So if Sublime tells you you need to install Node.js, download the Node.js installer for your computer and install Node.js.

    Optional extra: If you write a lot of HTML by hand, more than you’ll be writing for this course, then you may want to look into using a package such as Emmet. Emmet provides many more shortcuts for quickly writing HTML.

  • Concepts to know: purpose of tables, table element, table row elements, table cell elements, table header cells, purpose of colgroup and col elements, the table elements caption, thead, tbody, and tfoot, importance of well-formatted HTML, etc.
  • Optional Extra: two entertaining movies where codes and secrets play a major part are Sneakers and Dr. Strangelove