JavaScript Programs

Basic Usage

to help you get started, please download this JavaScript starter web site

the head of the index.html file looks like this:

    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <title>JavaScript Starter Site</title>

    <!-- load jQuery -->
    <script src="scripts/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>

    <!-- load our main JavaScript file (should come after jQuery) -->
    <script src="scripts/main.js"></script>

    <!-- load CSS styles from styles/mystyle.css -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/mystyle.css">


we will add styles and html as needed


we will be using jQuery to help simplify our JavaScript code

jQuery is a very popular library of JavaScript helper functions that make interacting with the DOM and applying basic special effects much simpler

while you can certainly do JavaScript programming without jQuery, jQuery is so popular and useful that it has practically become a standard part of JavaScript progamming

Example: Hello, world!

let’s write a program that simply prints “Hello, word!” on web page as a big title

be sure to download the starter web site if you haven’t already done so

we just want some text centered in the middle of the screen

we’ll use this CSS:

/* mystyle.css */

h1 {
    text-align: center;
    font-family: arial;
    font-size: 80pt;

in the body of the HTML we’ll put this:

<h1 id="maintitle"></h1>

this is an empty h1 element; we’ll add text to it using JavaScript

it’s id is maintitle, and that’s how we will access it in JavaScript

in the scripts folder we’ve created a file called main.js containing this text:

// main.js

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#maintitle').text('Hello, world!');

when you load the web page, it should display “Hello, world!” in big letters


There are a lot of little details to get right here! A wrong name or a file in the wrong location will almost certainly cause the example not to work. If you get stuck, here’s a working version of this site that you can use for reference.

The Program in Detail

let’s go through the contents of our JavaScript code in main.js in detail:

// main.js

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#maintitle').text('Hello, world!');
  • // main.js is a source code comment, i.e. a note to people reading the code. This is a //-style comment, i.e. it begins with // and continues to the end of the line.

    JavaScript also lets you write comments using /* and */, e.g. we could have written the comment like this:

    ``/* main.js */``

    This style of comment is useful when you want a multi-line source code comment.

    Putting the name of the file in a comment at the top is not required, but it is a good practice and a handy way to help keep track of files.

  • The next line is $(document).ready(function() {.

    The $ is the standard jQuery way to used to access jQuery functions. Whenever you see $ think “jQuery”.

    document is a standard pre-defined JavaScript variable that refers to the entire web page.

    The jQuery ready function ensures that our JavaScript code is not called until the web page is ready, i.e. until the DOM is fully loaded.

    If you call jQuery on elements before the DOM has loaded into the browser, then you could get (severe!) errors.

    All our JavaScript programs will use the jQuery ready function. For now, you can just treat this as “boilerplate”, i.e. code that you must always write:

    // Always call your JavaScript through the following ready function.
    $(document).ready(function() {
        // ... code here is called when the page is ready ...
  • Next is the line $('#maintitle').text('Hello, world!');.

    It consists of two main parts: $('#maintitle') is a jQuery function call that gets a reference to the HTML element whose id is maintitle. As in CSS, the # tells jQuery that we are referring to an id.

    Next is .text('Hello, world!'). This is another jQuery function that sets the text of the element to be 'Hello, world!'.

that’s a lot of explanation for a very simply program!

but all our programs will have the same basic structure

Using Variables in Programs

use let or var to define variables in JavaScript programs

here is our program:

// main.js

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#maintitle').text('Hello, world!');

lets add a variable for the message to be displayed:

$(document).ready(function() {

    let message = 'Hello, world!';


the keyword let indicates we’re defining that message is a brand new variable

you could also use var in place of let

var is the older, more traditional way to define variables that you will often see in JavaScript code

you should prefer let over var because let is more strict about the scope of variables (i.e. where the variables can be used), and can catch errors that var misses

Strict Mode

we will usually add one more “safety” feature to our JavaScript programs that will help catch errors: strict mode

to do this, we put 'use strict'; at the top of our program, e.g.:

'use strict';

$(document).ready(function() {

    let message = 'Hello, world!';


try deleting the let keyword; viewing the page in Chrome will now cause an error message to appear in the console saying message has not been defined

this is good!

you should always use let to define new variables

let’s add one more variable:

'use strict';

$(document).ready(function() {

    let message = 'Hello, world!';
    let title = $('#maintitle');


we will often declare variables like this to break out program into smaller steps that are easier to read

Example: Reading from a Text Box

lets modify our program to say hello to any name the user enters

to get the name, we’ll use an HTML input element:

<input type="text" id="username">

then we’ll add a button using an HTML button element:

<button id="go">Go!</button>

the idea is for the user to enter their name and then click the button to see a personalized message

we’ll use this HTML:

<input id="username" type="text" placeholder="type your name here">
<button id="go">Go!</button>

<h1 id="maintitle"></h1>

note the use of the placeholder attribute: it puts a gray message in the empty box that disappears when the user starts typing

main.js contains this code:

'use strict';

$(document).ready(function() {

    let goButton = $('#go'); {
        let name = $('#username');
        let message = 'Hello ' + name.val() + '!';
        let title = $('#maintitle');

}); is a standard jQuery function that lets us specify what code will be called when an element is clicked with the mouse

a mouse click is called an event, and information about the mouse click is attached to the variable event; we don’t need any of that for this particular program, but other programs might make use of it

inside the call to click is the function that is called when the go button is clicked

it does these things:

  1. assigns the element whose id is username to the variable name
  2. it constructs a message to display; recall that + adds two strings together; note that name.val() is gets the text inside the name element; if the user clicks go without typing anything, then name is an empty string (i.e. a string of length 0)
  3. assigns the element whose id is maintitle to the variable title
  4. sets the text of title to be message

Notes on Syntax

here’s an example of a function call:


$ is the name of the function, and '#go' is its input

here’s another example:


this uses dot-notation, and when a function is called like this we call it a method — it does something to the object title

note that the inputs to the functions are inside round brackets, ( and )

we can also define a function; for example, here is the function passed to the go button from the previous example:

function(event) {
    let name = $('#username');
    let message = 'Hello ' + name.val() + '!';
    let title = $('#maintitle');

this is an example of a function definition

this takes one input named event (although it happens not to be used anywhere inside the function)

then the curly braces, { and } indicate the function’s body

the body of a function consists of code statements that will be run when the function is called

interestingly, this function has no name; that’s quite common in JavaScript, where we often pass functions as inputs to other functions

e.g. here is how the function from above is called:;

the input to a click function is the function that should be called when the element is clicked

in JavaScript, it’s common to simply put the function definition directly in the function call as we did above

but you could do it like this if you prefer:

$(document).ready(function() {

    let goButton = $('#go');
    let clickFunction = function(event) {
        let name = $('#username');
        let message = 'Hello ' + name.val() + '!';
        let title = $('#maintitle');


Text Boxes: Celsius to Fahrenheit

lets write a page that will concert a temperature entered in Celsius into Fahrenheit

we’ll use this formula \(F = \frac{9}{5} C + 32\)

and lets agree that the web page will have these elements

  • a box where the user enters a temperature in Celsius
  • a button the user clicks when they want to convert the temperature to Fahrenheit
  • span of text that shows the converted temperature

important: design the page before you write any JavaScript code

the page design tells us all the elements that our JavaScript can refer to

here’s our HTML:

<h1>Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter</h1>


Celsius: <input id="celsius" type="text">
<button id="convert">Convert</button>


Fahrenheit: <strong><span id="fahrenheit"></span></strong>

no doubt you could make a nicer-looking page, but this will do for now!

now in main.js we add this JavaScript:

// main.js

'use strict';

$(document).ready(function() {

    let convertButton = $('#convert');

    let clickFunction = function(event) {
        // get the string the user typed into the text box
        let celsiusString = $('#celsius').val();

        // convert the Celsius string to a number
        let celsiusNum = Number(celsiusString);

        // calculate the Fahrenheit value of celsiusNum
        let f = (9/5)*celsiusNum + 32;

        // get the Fahrenheit element
        let fahrenheitDisplay = $('#fahrenheit');

        // set the Fahrenheit value as the text of fahrenheitDisplay

    // attach the clickFunction to the button;


you should understand both the details of each line, and also the overall structure

the overall structure is this: we add a function to the convert button that will be called when it is clicked; this function reads the Celsius string from the textbox, converts it to Fahrenheit, and then puts that into the Fahrenheit display element

many programs that read data from the user follow this same overall pattern

notice that this program does not check if what the user types into the textbox really is a number!

if you type the word two into the box and click the button, the result is NaN, which means “not a number”

NaN is the value that JavaScript typically returns when a numeric calculation has gone wrong

A Checkbox and an if-statement

a checkbox is an input element that is either checked or not checked

it often appears as a small square that is either empty, or has a small check- mark in it

lets use a textbox to turn italics on and off for some text

here’s our HTML:

<h1>Setting Styles with Checkboxes</h1>

<input type="checkbox" id="italics">
<label for="italics">Italics</label>

<h1 id="sample" style="text-align: center; font-size: 68pt;">
Sample Text

notice we’ve put the CSS style for the h1 element directly in the element as part of its style attribute

we did that just for convenience; you can put that in a style file if you prefer

if you run this code now the checkbox will occur, and you can check/uncheck it with the mouse, but it doesn’t do anything

so let’s use JavaScript to connect the checkbox to the sample text so that when we click the checkbox the text is italicized, and when we uncheck it it goes back to normal

here’s some JavaScript code for that:

// main.js

'use strict';

$(document).ready(function() {

    let italicsCheckbox = $('#italics');
    let sampleText = $('#sample');

    let clickFunction = function(event) {
        if (italicsCheckbox.prop('checked')) {
            sampleText.css('font-style', 'italic');
        } else {
            sampleText.css('font-style', 'normal');

    // attach the clickFunction to the checkbox;


we’ve introduced a major new feature of JavaScript: the if-statement

if-statements are used to make decisions, and have this general form:

if (some_boolean_expression_is_true) {
    // ... do something ...
} else {
    // ... do something else ...

only the if-part or the else-part is done — never both!

which part is executed depends upon the value of the boolean expression

in our code above, the boolean expression we are testing is italicsCheckbox.prop('checked'); this is how jQuery tests if an HTML checkbox is checked

this is either true or false, i.e. the checkbox is either checked or not

the statement sampleText.css('font-style', 'italic') sets the CSS property of the sampleText element to the value italic

the css functions is part of jQuery, and is an easy way to set CSS values using JavaScript

Multiple Checkboxes

lets add a few more styles:

<h1>Setting Styles with Checkboxes</h1>

<input type="checkbox" id="italics">
<input type="checkbox" id="shadow">
<input type="checkbox" id="underline">

<h1 id="sample" style="text-align: center; font-size: 68pt;">Sample Text</h1>

now we have 3 textboxes: italics, shadow, and underline

for each one of these 3 textboxes we need to:

  1. create a function that will be called when the checkbox is clicked
  2. attach that function to the checkbox using .click()

this is just a repeat of the same idea 3 times in a row, but using different names and properties each time

// main.js

'use strict';

$(document).ready(function() {

    let sampleText = $('#sample');

    // italics
    let italicsCheckbox = $('#italics');
    let italicsClickFunction = function(event) {
        if (italicsCheckbox.prop('checked')) {
            sampleText.css('font-style', 'italic');
        } else {
            sampleText.css('font-style', 'normal');

    // attach the click function to the checkbox;

    // shadow
    let shadowCheckbox = $('#shadow');
    let shadowClickFunction = function(event) {
        if (shadowCheckbox.prop('checked')) {
            sampleText.css('text-shadow', '3px 3px 5px gray');
        } else {
            sampleText.css('text-shadow', 'none');
    // attach the click function to the checkbox;

    // underline
    let underlineCheckbox = $('#underline');
    let underlineClickFunction = function(event) {
        if (underlineCheckbox.prop('checked')) {
            sampleText.css('text-decoration', 'underline');
        } else {
            sampleText.css('text-decoration', 'none');
    // attach the click function to the checkbox;

Radio Buttons

radio buttons are a basic HTML interaction element that let you pick one thing from a set of choices

only one radio button may be selected at a time

for example, in this HTML we’ve create 4 radio buttons for selecting different kinds of fonts:

<tr><td><input type="radio" name="font" value="times" checked>Times</td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="radio" name="font" value="verdana">Verdana</td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="radio" name="font" value="georgia">Georgia</td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="radio" name="font" value="courier">Courier</td></tr>

<h1 id="sample" style="text-align: center; font-size: 68pt;">Sample Text</h1>

notice that each radio button has the same value for the name attribute

that’s important: the name of a set of radio buttons must be the same for each button

the value attribute of each radio button is what value will be returned by .val() when we get its value in JavaScript below

we use a table to make the layout of buttons look neat and tidy

also notice that the first radio button includes the checked attribute, which makes it the default value for all the radio buttons

here’s the JavaScript code that will change the font of the sample text when a radio button is clicked:

// main.js

'use strict';

$(document).ready(function() {

    // get a reference to the text element that will change
    let sampleText = $('#sample');

    // get a reference to "font" radio buttons element
    let radioButtons = $('input[name="font"]');

    // create the function that will be called when a radio button is clicked
    let fontClickFunction = function(event) {
        let fontName = $('input[name="font"]:checked').val();
        sampleText.css('font-family', fontName);

    // add the click function to the radioButtons;

look at the line that declares the radioButtons variable:

let radioButtons = $('input[name="font"]');

$('input[name="font"]') selects all input elements with an attribute called name with a value of font, i.e. all the input elements for our radio buttons

notice that two kinds of quote-marks are used in $('input[name="font"]')

the first statement of fontClickFunction gets the value of the selected radio button:

let fontName = $('input[name="font"]:checked').val();

the :checked is important: it causes the checked button to be the one whose value is returned

A Note on Menus

although we won’t cover it here, you can also use jQuery to create various kinds of useful and nice-looking drop-down menus

for instance, take a look at the jQuery menu user interface page

you’ll also see links to many other user interface widgets you might want to play with

Example: Choosing a Pet at Random

lets create a page where every time the user clicks a button a picture of a randomly chosen pet appears

here’s the HTML:

<h1>Pet Roulette!</h1>

<p><button id="petbutton">Get Pet!</button></p>

<img id="petpicture">

let’s assume we have these 5 image files for pets: dog.jpeg, cat.jpeg, bird.jpeg, hamster.jpeg, and spud.gif

every time petbutton is clicked, we want to randomly choose and display one of these image files in the petpicture element

here’s some JavaScript code that does that:

// main.js

'use strict';

$(document).ready(function() {

    // get a reference to the image element where we'll show the picture
    let image = $('#petpicture');

    // get a reference to the "Get pet" button
    let petButton = $('#petbutton');

    // create the function that will be called when the button is clicked
    let clickFunction = function(event) {
        // there are 5 possible pictures, so choose a random number from 1 to 5
        let r = Math.floor(5 * Math.random() + 1)

        let fileName = "";
        let altText = "";
        if (r === 1) {
            fileName = 'dog.jpeg';
            altText = 'a dog';
        } else if (r === 2) {
            fileName = 'cat.jpeg';
            altText = 'a cat';
        } else if (r === 3) {
            fileName = 'bird.jpg';
            altText = 'a bird';
        } else if (r == 4) {
            fileName = 'hamster.jpeg';
            altText = 'a hamster';
        } else {
            fileName = 'spud.gif';
            altText = 'a potato';

        image.attr('src', 'images/' + fileName);
        image.attr('alt', altText);
        image.fadeIn('slow');        }

        // add the click function to pet button;

take a look at clickFunction; it does a couple of things

first, it chooses a random number from 1 to 5

second, it declares the variables fileName and altText

third, it uses a big if-else-if structure to set fileName and altText depending upon that value of r

finally, it sets the src and alt attributes to cause the image (or alt text) to be displayed

notice that when the src attribute is set, 'images/' is added to the start of fileName so that the browser will check the correct folder for the image

image.hide() and image.fadeIn('slow') together provide a nice special- effect for how the image appears on the screen; there are many other similar sorts of special effects that you can read about on the jQuery website

there are a number of ways this program could be improved/changed, e.g.

  • make it work with any number of images, not just 5
  • sometimes when you click the button nothing appears to happen because the same image has been chosen; so, modify the button click function so the currently displayed image is not chosen again