Syntax | <div>...</div> |
Attribute Specifications |
Contents | Inline elements, block-level elements |
Contained in | applet, blockquote, body, button, center, dd, del, div, fieldset, form, iframe, ins, li, map, noframes, noscript, object, td, th |
The div element defines a generic block-level container, allowing authors to provide style or language information to blocks of content. The element may contain any inline or block-level element, including another div.
The div element is most useful in combination with the class, id, or lang attributes. For example, a navigation bar could be contained within a div marked as class=navbar, allowing the author to use style sheets to easily change the background of all navigation bars on a site, or to eliminate navigation bars when printing.
The deprecated align attribute suggests the horizontal alignment for the content of the division on visual browsers. Possible values are left, right, center, and justify. <center> is a slightly better-supported alias for <div align="center">, though both methods of centering are deprecated in favor of style sheets, which provide greater flexibility in suggesting alignment.
span is a text-level equivalent of div for use within paragraphs and inline elements.