XHTML 1.0 Inline Elements
Most XHTML 1.0 elements permitted within the body are classified as
either block-level elements or inline
elements. Inline elements typically may only contain text and
other inline elements. When rendered visually, inline elements do
not usually begin on a new line.
The following are defined as inline elements in
XHTML 1.0:
- a - Anchor
- abbr - Abbreviation
- acronym - Acronym
- b - Bold text
- basefont - Base font change
- bdo - BiDi override
- big - Large text
- br - Line break
- cite - Citation
- code - Computer code
- dfn - Defined term
- em - Emphasis
- font -
Font change
- i - Italic text
- img - Inline image
- input - Form input
- kbd - Text to be input
- label - Form field label
- q - Short quotation
- s -
Strike-through text
- samp - Sample output
- select - Option selector
- small - Small text
- span - Generic inline
- strike
- Strike-through text
- strong - Strong emphasis
- sub - Subscript
- sup - Superscript
- textarea - Multi-line text
- tt - Teletype text
- u -
Underlined text
- var - Variable
The following elements may be used as either block-level elements or inline elements. If used
as inline elements (e.g., within another inline element or a
p), these
elements should not contain any block-level elements.