The Web Design Group

dd - Definition Description

Syntax <dd>...</dd>
Attribute Specifications
Contents Inline elements, block-level elements
Contained in dl

The dd element provides the definition of a term in a definition list.

dd may contain block-level elements such as p, h2, table, and dl. This allows definition lists to be nested, as in the following example:


  <dt><a name="spanning-tree">Spanning tree</a></dt>
      A spanning tree of a graph is a <a href="#tree">tree</a>
      that contains all the vertices of the graph. There are two
      main types of spanning trees:

      <dt>BFS spanning tree</dt>
        A spanning tree formed by a breadth-first search on the graph.
      <dt>DFS spanning tree</dt>
        A spanning tree formed by a depth-first search on the graph.

  <dt><a name="tree">Tree</a></dt>
      A tree is a connected, undirected graph without cycles.


A dd element should generally be preceded by a dt element that gives the term defined by the dd. A single definition term may have multiple definitions associated with it, and a single definition may have multiple terms.

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