Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design (2nd Edition), John Lewis, Peter DePasquale and Joseph Chase,
Addison-Wesley, 2010 (ISBN: 9780132114066)
Java Software and Solutions, 6th (sixth) edition (covering Java 5.0), by Lewis and Loftus, Addison-Wesley,
2008, ISBN: 0135040167, including mycodemate and video notes access.
The fifth edition could also be used, although there are some exercises and features that are not available
in the fifth edition. Copies of both the sixth and fifth edition should be available in the library, on reserves.
Corrections to the Lewis and Lofus previous textbook 6th edition
The publishers have provided the following documents with corrections for the 6th edition,
first printing: (subsequent printings have been corrected)
List of errata associated to the first printing of the 6th edition of the textbook.
some corrected pages associated to the first printing of the 6th edition of the textbook.
We will often use the Java Application Program Interface (API) . This is a reference for all of the libraries that come with Java, available
It is highly recommended (though not required) that you explore the website
associated to the textbook. This is done through myCodeMate and then entering the textbook site.
You will find the necessary access code in the first page of your book (provided the textbook has the appropriate ISBN).
Use this material to explore, review and get additional practice with Java.
A word of caution: There is a lot of material offered by myCodemate. Explore it gradually; adapt the myCodemate material to your
needs and advance as you learn; only explore beyond of what we have covered or we are currently in class when you
feel confident that you have mastered required course material.
Another word of caution: There is a lot of material available associated to Java in texts and in the internet.
If interested, explore gradually, and make sure that they are reliable sources. If in doubt, consult with the teaching team.