
List of Exercises

Exercises below are subject to change up until they are officially released per the schedule.


A rough schedule of planned exercises is below, subject to change.

Day Exercises
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5
Sep 6
Sep 11
Sep 13
Sep 18
Sep 20
Sep 25
Sep 27
Oct 2
Oct 4
Oct 9
Oct 11
Oct 16
Oct 18
Oct 23
Oct 25
Oct 30
Nov 1
Nov 6
Nov 8
Nov 13
Nov 15
Nov 20
Nov 22
Nov 27
Nov 29
Dec 4

Working in CSIL

All exercises this semester can be completed in CSIL, but they use software that is not available by default. In order to make these available to you, a special Python virtual environment can be used to automatically enable and disable access to this software by default.

To start the virtual environment from within CSIL, run:

source  /usr/shared/CMPT/faculty/wsumner/base/env373/bin/activate

This activates the underlying virtual environment thats makes more recent software for the course available. You can exit the virtual environment by running:


You can even add the source line to the end of your ~/.bashrc configuration file to enable the environment automatically when you log in (if you so choose).

Working within Docker

It is also possible to work within a docker container that provides the required versions of all software that we will use this semester. Note, no support for docker will be provided. If you choose to work this way, you are on your own. It is, however, possible to conveniently connect IDEs like VS Code to an appropriate docker image to complete all work.

To pull the latest version of the docker image for the class, you can use:

docker pull nsumner/cmpt473:fall2024

The image creates a default student user and works within their home directory. You can start a container that maps a path on your system into a path in the container using:

docker run -ti --name=cmpt373work --ulimit='stack=-1:-1' -v << path on your system >>:/home/student/work nsumner/cmpt473:fall2024

For instance, this maps the given << path on your system >> to the location /home/student/work in the container.

If you exit from the container, you can restart it again later with:

docker start -ai cmpt473work