LocoTest: Deploying and Evaluating Physics-based Locomotion on Multiple Simulation Platforms

Stevie Giovanni and KangKang Yin

Contributing members : Zhou Yang

National University of Singapore


In the pursuit of pushing active character control into games, we have deployed a generalized physics-based locomotion control scheme to multiple simulation platforms, including ODE, PhysX, Bullet, and Vortex. We overview main characteristics of these simulation engines and illustrate the major steps of integrating active character controllers with physics SDKs, as well as the necessary implementation details. We also compare the robustness and performance of the locomotion control on different simulation engines. Our code is released online to encourage more interactions between the character control research community and the game development community.

(a) Happy Walk

(b) Jump Walk

Screen captures at the same instants of time of the walking motions, simulated on top of four physics engines: ODE, PhysX, Bullet, and Vortex (from left to right).

Source Code

Our source code is downloadable as locotest.zip and the required libraries are available as locotestlib.zip. Users should first read the locotest_readme.pdf before installation. This source code is released on 20th October 2011 and includes another implementation on top of PhysX 3.0 not discussed in the original paper.


This video is downloadable as locotest.mov.


The paper can be downloaded as locotest.pdf