Workshop Program
Session 1
2:00 PM Opening introduction
2:05 PM

Invited talk "Managing and Mining Uncertain Data: What Might We Do Better?"
Christopher Jermaine
2:40 PM

Efficient Algorithms for Mining Constrained Frequent Patterns from Uncertain Data (15 minutes)
C. K.-S. Leung and D. A. Brajczuk
2:55 PM

Identifying Graphs from Noisy and Incomplete Data (15 minutes)
G. M. S. Namata Jr. and L. Getoor
3:10 PM

On Pertubation Theory and an Algorithm for Maximal Clique Enumeration in Uncertain and Noisy Graphs (10 minutes)
W. Hendrix, M. C. Schmidt, P. Breimyer, and N. F. Samatova
3:20 PM

Exploiting Contexts to Deal with Uncertainty in Classification (10 minutes)
B. Zadrozny, G. L. Pappa, W. Meira Jr., M. A. Gonçalves, L. Rocha, and T. Salles
3:30 - 4:00 PM Coffee break
Session 2
4:00 PM

Invited talk "Querying and Mining Uncertain Data: Methods, Applications, and Challenges"
Matthias Renz
4:35 PM

Learning from Data with Uncertain Labels by Boosting Credal Classifiers (15 minutes)
B. Quost and T. Denœux
4:50 PM

Using Uncertain Chemical and Thermal Data to Predict Product Quality in a Casting Process (15 minutes)
C. Dudas and H. Boström
5:05 PM

Lazy Naive Credal Calssifier (10 minutes)
G. Corani and M. Zaffalon
5:15 PM

Decision Support and Profit Prediction for Online Auction Sellers (10 minutes)
C.-H. Chang and J.-H. Lin
5:25 PM Closing remarks
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