CMPT 464/764 - Assignments

"Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for power equal to your tasks." - Phillips Brooks

Policies: [ Plagiarism | Lateness ] Cover page: [ PDF ] Check your grade: here

  1. Assignment #1 (15% of course grade): made available on Sep. 25; written part due Oct. 15 and programming part due Oct. 18. (Solution)
  2. Assignment #2 (15% of course grade): made available on Oct. 19; due Nov. 14. (Solution)

Assignment contents:

Each assignment consists of two parts: A written part for short answers/derivations/proofs, etc., and a programming part, which involves coding using the graphics library WebGL. If you must use another graphics library, please arrange with the TA to make sure that he would accept it.


Both the written and programming parts are to be submitted electronically on CourSys by 23:45:00 on the due date. Submissions at 23:45:01 or after will be regarded as being late. Information on penalties for lateness can be found here.

The written part should be scanned into a PDF with the cover page filled out and attached as the first page.

Grading Criteria:

Grading of the programming part will be based on the following criteria:

The grader will grade both parts of the assignments. If you have a problem with the grade you received, please see the grader first. If you can't resolve the dispute with the grader, then come see me. Please note however that in order to maintain a consistent grading for everyone in the class, I am usually not inclined to alter grades that are assigned by the grader.


Don't be behind in the assignments. Always start early. Design and implement in a top-down and modular fashion. Get something working that has the skeleton structure of what you need and then add features to it. Each time you add a feature, test it and make sure everything is still working. It can be tough to debug graphics programs if all you know is that the output is wrong and you're not sure any one module is working.  

Richard (Hao) Zhang / haoz at cs dot sfu dot ca