Policy on Academic Honesty


Plagiarism is a form of fraud: passing off someone else's work or ideas as your own in order to get a higher mark. Plagiarism is treated very seriously. The assignments you hand in must represent your own work. You must acknowledge anyone else's ideas or works you have used, whether it was by a human or generated by an AI tool such as ChatGPT or Copilot or Claude. Discussion on assignments is encouraged, but please do your own work (unless the task is specifically designed as a group project).

If source code (to enhance) or other material from the WWW or generated by an AI assistant is used to complete your assignment or project, it should be clearly acknowledged and a priori permission should be sought. Taking source code from a peer or the WWW or a book or with AI generation to complete a your course work makes you culpable.

If I think cheating might have occurred, evidence will be gathered and forwarded to the University Board on Student Discipline and they will decide. If it is determined that cheating has occurred, an F grade will be awarded.

And here is SFU's policy in Academic Integrity and specific instructions on the use of Generative AI.

IMPORTANT: Your assignment submission should include a cover page...

The cover page for your assignments must contain: A sample cover page has been provided to you.

Helping each other

Although you must not solve your assignments with the help of others, there are still many ways in which students can help each other. For instance, you can go over difficult lecture or tutorial material, work through exercises, or help each other understand an assignment handout. This sort of course collaboration can be done in study groups or through the mailing list.

Richard (Hao) Zhang / haoz at cs dot sfu dot ca