A Selection of Bob Hadley's Publications

  1. Hadley, R.F. (2010) "The Essential Role of Consciousness in Mathematical Cognition", Journal of Consciousness Studies Vol. 17, pp. 27-46.

  2. Hadley, R.F. (2009) "The Problem of Rapid Variable Creation", Neural Computation , Vol. 21, 510-532.

  3. Hadley, R.F. (2008) "Consistency, Turing Computability and Goedel's First Incompleteness Theorem", Minds and Machines Vol. 18(1), pp. 1-15.

  4. Hadley, R.F. (2007) "Synchronous vs. Conjunctive Binding: A False Dichotomy?", Connection Science , Vol. 19(2), pp. 111-130.

  5. Hadley, R.F. (2006) "Neural Circuits, Matrices, and Conjunctive Binding", Behavioral and Brain Sciences , Vol. 29.

  6. Vilcu, M. and Hadley, R.F. (2005) "Two `Counterexamples' to Marcus: A Closer Look", Minds and Machines , 15, pp. 359-382.

  7. Hadley, R.F. (2004) "On the Proper Treatment of Semantic Systematicity", Minds and Machines , 14, 145-172.

  8. Hadley, R.F. (2003) "A Defense of Functional Modularity", Connection Science , Vol. 15.

  9. Hadley, R.F., (2002) "Systematicity of Generalizations in Connectionist Networks", in The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks , edited by M. A. Arbib, 2nd edition, MIT Press, pp. 1151-1156.

  10. Hadley, R.F., Rotaru-Varga, A., Arnold, D.V., Cardei, V.C. (2001) "Syntactic Systematicity Arising from Semantic Predictions in a Hebbian-Competitive Network", Connection Science, Vol. 13, pp. 73-94.

  11. Hadley, R.F. (2001) "Very Rapid Induction of General Patterns", Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 387-392, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

  12. Hadley, R.F. (2000) ``Cognition and the Computational Power of Connectionist Networks.'', Connection Science , Vol. 12(2), pp. 95-110.

  13. Vilcu, M. and Hadley, R.F. (2001), "Generalization in Simple Recurrent Networks", Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

  14. Hadley, R.F., and Cardei, V. (1999) "Language Acquisition from Sparse Input with No Error Feedback", Neural Networks , Vol. 12(2), pp. 217-235.

  15. Hadley, R.F. (1999) ``Connectionism and Novel Combinations of Skills: Implications for Cognitive Architecture'', Minds and Machines, Vol. 9(2).

  16. Hadley, R.F. and Hayward, M.B. (1997) "Strong Semantic Systematicity from Hebbian Connectionist Learning", Minds and Machines, Vol. 7, pp. 1-37.

  17. Hadley, R.F. (1997) "Cognition, Systematicity, and Nomic Necessity", Mind and Language, Vol. 12, pp. 137-153.

  18. Hadley, R.F. (1997) "Explaining Systematicity: A Reply to Kenneth Aizawa", Minds and Machines, Vol. 7, pp. 571-579.

  19. Hadley, R. F. (1996) "Connectionism, Systematicity, and Nomic Necessity", Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA.

  20. Hadley, R.F. (1995) "The Explicit-Implicit Distinction", Minds and Machines, Vol. 5, No. 2, (26 ms. pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 219-242.

  21. Hadley, R.F. (1994) "Systematicity Revisited", Mind and Language, Vol. 9, No. 4, (15 ms. pages), published by Blackwells, Oxford, pp. 431-444.

  22. R. F. Hadley. Connectionism, explicit rules, and symbolic manipulation. Minds and Machines, 3(2):183-200, May 1993.

  23. Hadley, R.F. (1994) "Systematicity in Connectionist Language Learning", Mind and Language, Vol. 9, No. 3, (31 ms. pages), published by Blackwell's, Oxford.

  24. Hadley, R.F. (1995) "Strong Semantic Systematicity from Unsupervised Connectionist Learning", Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (North American), University of Pittsburgh, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., Publishers.

  25. R. F. Hadley. A sense-based, process model of knowledge and belief. Minds and Machines, 1(3):279-320, August 1991.

  26. R. F. Hadley. The many uses of `belief' in AI. Minds and Machines, 1(1):55-73, February 1991.

  27. R. F. Hadley. Reasoning with truth ascriptions, self-reference, and embedded sentences in first-order logic. In N. Cercone, F. Gardin, and G. Valle, editors, Proc. International Symposium on Computational Intelligence (CI-90), pages 57-67. North-Holland, September 1991. Published in Computational Intelligence III, North Holland Publishing, Amsterdam, 1991, pages 57-67.

  28. R. F. Hadley. Connectionism, rule following, and symbolic manipulation. In Proc. American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-90), pages 579-586. MIT Press, July 1990.

  29. R. F. Hadley. Truth conditions and procedural semantics. In P. Hanson, editor, Information, Language, and Cognition, volume 1 of Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science, pages 73-100. UBC Press, 1990.

  30. R. F. Hadley. A default-based theory of procedural semantics. Cognitive Science, 13(1):107-137, January 1989.

  31. R. F. Hadley. Logical omniscience, semantics, and models of belief. Computational Intelligence, 4(1):17-30, 1988.

  32. R. F. Hadley. A process-oriented, intensional model of knowledge and belief. In Proc. Tenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (North American), pages 354-360, Montreal, 1988. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.

  33. R. F. Hadley. Godel, Lucas, and mechanical models of the mind. Computational Intelligence, 3(2):57-63, 1987.

  34. R. F. Hadley. Fagin and Halpern on logical omniscience: A critique with an alternative. In Proc. Sixth Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 49-56, Montreal, 1986. University of Quebec Press.

  35. R. F. Hadley. SHADOW: A natural language query analyser. Computers and Mathematics, 11(5):481-504, 1985.

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