Vancouver Bridge Centre
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Addr:   2177 West 42nd Ave, Vancouver B.C., V6M 2B7

TGIF December 2010: Scores

1. IMPs. E-W vul.
S A Q 10 5 2   H K 10 6 5 4 2   D Q 4   C ---  
West North East South  
    Pass 1S
Pass 2D Pass 2H
Pass 2NT Pass 3H
Pass 3NT Pass ?

Do you agree with South's opener?

Yes 13 50
No 5 45

Your call?

Pass 11 50
4D 4 30
4H 3 25
Moderator: Most of the panelists agreed with opening 1S. And now that you've shown 5-5 by bidding hearts twice, do you bid again over 3NT?
Mel Colchamiro: 4H. Partner has only one spade (he didn't bid 3S), so I'm hoping for two cards in hearts.
Mike Lawrence: Pass. It's tempting to bid 4D, but nine tricks rate to be easier than 11. If you bid 4H and partner is 2-2, he will put you back into spades instead of leaving you in hearts.
The Coopers: 4D. It does not feel right to play notrump with this pattern.
Eugene Chan: Pass. My best results usually come when I am dummy! DQ gives 3NT best chance.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. I've described my hand reasonably well and see no reason to override partner's decision, particularly since he's bid NT freely twice.
Larry Meyer: Pass. Extreme distribution justifies opening - spades is the practical choice / I have already described my hand - respect pard's decision.
Gilbert Lambert: Pass. I would have opened 1H and bid spades twice.
Aidan Ballantyne: Pass. Playing notrump offers a choice of tricks in three suits (dianmonds, hearts, spades). Forcing a choice between hearts and spades narrows the options. Pard heard me show at least 10 major cards and probably has reasons for 3NT.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. There are two schools of thought with these hands. I am from the school of opening 1S and rebidding hearts. If I had the HQ instead of a small one then I could afford to open 1H as a reverse is easier to handle and has some suit quality safety.
Stephen Ottridge: Pass. Partner knows your shape, trust them.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. This question is like a psych experiment: Prime the subjects with an awkward auction, then ask them what they would bid. I stand by the 1S opener.
Mike Roberts: Pass. If I'm treating it as 5-5, I have to be consistent.
John Gillespie: Pass. No reason this doesn't make opposite say, a 2-1-6-4 hand.
Chris Buchanan: 4H. Old school 1H opener. Hopefully partner passes with 2-2 in the majors.
Brian Zietman: 4H. Not quite strong enough to reverse so I agree with 1S rather than 1H. No way I am going to let partner play this hand in No Trumps!
Chris Diamond: Pass. The opening didn't work out well but it could have. Suspect 4H is the right place to play, but I don't think I can get there from here.
Tim Francis-Wright: 4H. It's close whether to open or not, but opening 1S forces me to bid 4H here.
Amiram Millet: 4D. Had to open 1H. Now I'm trying to check a diamond game or slam.

2. IMPs. E-W vul.
S 8 5 2   H K Q 10 8 2   D 6   C A Q 6 2  
West North East South  
    3NT (1) Pass
4C (2) Pass 4D ?
(1) Gambling: Solid minor suit, no outside ace or king.
(2) Pass or correct.

Your call?

Pass 7 100
4H 6 90
Dbl 5 70
Moderator: Seven experts thought it was too dangerous to bid, while 11 thought they should bid, but couldn't agree on what.
Allan Falk: Dbl. It's close between 4H and double. Sure, double risks ending up in 4S when we belong in hearts. It's not impossible, however, that our best spot could be 4D doubled.
Kerri Sanborn: Pass. It's tempting to bid, but I don't want to go for a number when the opponents are in a partscore. If we have a game, however, maybe partner can back in.
The Sutherlins: 4H. Partner shouldn't expect more because we didn't bid the first time. A random 10 points might produce game for us.
Eugene Chan: 4H. If opponents can be trusted, partner should have some useful cards in both majors.
Stephen Vincent: 4H. A gamble, but then so are all bidding decisions.
Larry Meyer: Pass. Since pard couldn't bid earlier, we don't have enough for game.
Aidan Ballantyne: Pass. Need to show discipline. Pard still has a bid. I doubt we have game or pard would have perhaps bid over 4C, so there is little to gain by bidding now other than finding a possible sac over 5D. Too remote. LHO could be well heeled in the majors.
Martin Henneberger: 4H. Classic stealing position. Yes I understand the risk/danger, however I would rather defend a bidding postmortem than a passing one. Pard will not take me for a good hand as I passed 3NT and they might not be able to act since I have the diamond shortage.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. I will strain to balance when short in the opponent's suit, but there are limits. West has barely limited his hand.
Mike Roberts: 4H. This could be a big fit hand for each side. Partner is marked with some values.
Kees Schaafsma: 4H. Double is tempting, but my spades are too weak for a 4-3 fit.
John Gillespie: Pass. A transfer of responsibility.
Chris Buchanan: 4H. Shows this hand well. Partner will not expect a powerful hand.
Brian Zietman: 4H. What is the alternative here?
Chris Diamond: Pass. Not risking a disaster for a non vul game.
Tim Francis-Wright: Pass. Sure, we might be on for +420, but West can have a very good hand on this auction.
Amiram Millet: 4H. Don't let them play in a cozy partscore.

3. IMPs. N-S vul.
S K 5   H A 8 7 5   D A Q 9 5   C A Q 10  
West North East South  
Pass Pass 1D Dbl
1S Pass 2S ?

Your call?

Pass 9 100
Dbl 7 70
2NT 2 40
Moderator: Should you bid again? Sometimes you have to pass with a big hand.
Betty Ann Kennedy: Dbl. Partner could have a four- or five-card heart suit. Also the opponents might take the push to 3S.
The Joyces: Pass. We don't have enough shape to bid again. If partner is 4-3-3-3 with a Yarborough, we would be in a lot of trouble.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. Pretty obvious choice.
Larry Meyer: Pass. Pard has a weak hand, and I have weak shape, so defend.
Aidan Ballantyne: Dbl. I can handle any response by pard (I may pass a 2NT scramble). Too good to give up now. The fourth heart makes me double rather than try 2NT.
Martin Henneberger: Dbl. Another stealing position. 4H could fetch opposite as little as S9 x x H10 x x x x DJ x CJ x x, or any similar variations. If we don't have a heart fit we might be going minus. Sue me!
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. Partner is clearly broke, and my hand will be endplayed at every turn.
Mike Roberts: Pass. Run, Forrest, run!
John Gillespie: 2NT. I could have bid a wimpy 1NT if I wasn't willing to risk this.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. Too strong to pass, still takeout.
Brian Zietman: Pass. Partner has nothing so in IMPs I go quietly and let them have their part score.
Chris Diamond: Pass. On what's likely to be a partscore hand start with imagining the SA offside, pard with a 3-3-3-4 near yarborough and decide if you like the 3 level vulnerable.
Tim Francis-Wright: Dbl. I think I'm strong enough for this. Passing is not awful, but partner could easily have a hand that makes 3NT a good bet.
Amiram Millet: Pass. Have nothing to say, it's IMPs and we're vul.

4. IMPs. N-S vul.
S K Q 9 3   H J 8 3 2   D 5   C A K 10 7  
West North East South  
  Pass 1S Pass
Pass Dbl Pass ?

Your call?

2S 10 100
2NT 2 80
3H 1 80
3NT 2 80
1NT 0 60
2H 3 60
4H 0 50
Pass 0 50
3C 0 20
2C 0 10
Moderator: Ten experts cue-bid 2S.
Barry Rigal: 2S. I'll treat this as a game-forcing hand and try to get to the right game. 4H and 3NT are likely, but 5C is an outside shot.
Don Stack: 3NT. There are lots of possible bids, but with my S9, I will bid game. I thought about bidding only 2NT, but why torture partner? I want to be like Meckwell and bid thin vulnerable games.
Jill Meyers: 2H. I am going to bid 2H, something I am sure I can make. I'm hoping West competes to 2S with a 3 or 4 count, something I can double. I don't want to jump to 3H as partner may have only three-card heart support.
Karen Walker: 2NT. I have a triple spade stopper and weak hearts. We had this problem before.
August Boehm: 3H. I'm close to bidding game, but partner has to strain to balance when short in spades, something my spade holding makes more likely.
Brad Bart: 2S. This is what I did in October 2008, too.
Eugene Chan: 4H. It is IMPs, condition red, so partner will not be balancing with crap. 3H wins bidding contests. 4H wins matches. On balance 4H rates to be better than 3NT.
Stephen Vincent: 3H. 4H is the most likely game. Give partner a little slack: these 4441 hands don't always play too well.
Larry Meyer: 2C. Not looking for game because pard couldn't open, so look for safest part score.
Gilbert Lambert: 4H. Marilyn Monroe said she could resist everything but temptation! I bid 4H!
Aidan Ballantyne: 2H. Same call I made last time this hand came up. Take out the T.O. doubles, push them up higher. No sense in jumping as I doubt we make game opposite a passed hand. I don't mind if they bid more so I leave them room.
Martin Henneberger: 2S. This hand looks familiar from another contest and I will respond the same. Right now bidding 2NT 3NT 3H 4H could all be right or wrong, therefore I start with 2S and will correct any minor by pard to hearts showing a good hand with 4 hearts.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 3H. Partner can infer a spade stopper from my initial pass, so he can still offer choice of games with a 3S rebid.
Mike Roberts: 3H. This doesn't look like a notrump hand. Opposite S8 x HK Q x x DK Q x x C8 x x, where should we be?
Kees Schaafsma: 2S. Forcing to agreement.
John Gillespie: 2NT. Looks more likely for 3NT than 4H IF we have game.
Chris Buchanan: 1NT. We likely will not get rich in 1S-x. I like a conservative 1NT here.
Brian Zietman: 2S. If partner bids 3D, I bid 3NT. Game may be on also in hearts or clubs.
Chris Diamond: 2NT. A greedy try for a 9 trick vulnerable game - would have more options playing transfers.
Tim Francis-Wright: 2S. I have to try for a heart game.
Amiram Millet: 2S. The only way to tell partner that we might have a game.

5. Matchpoints. None vul.
S A K Q J 7   H 8 7 5 3   D 9 4 3   C K  
West North East South  
  1C 1H 1S
2D Pass 2H ?

Your call?

Dbl 7 100
3S 6 80
2S 4 70
3H 1 60
3D 0 40
4S 0 40
Moderator: You have an opening hand facing an opening bid, but can't be sure of what direction to take. Seven panelists choose to double. What does that mean?
Don Stack: 3S. Even though I have an opening bid opposite partner's opening bid, I am going to invite with my strong five-card suit. I can't insist on game.
Larry Cohen: Dbl. This is the old standby showing values. It's 2011, so surely not penalty, although if partner passes, I doubt they are making it. Let's hear something from partner and decide from there.
Mike Lawrence: 2S. Amazing! Even 2S may not be safe. E/W can easily have enough winners to defeat 3S or 4S and notrump rates to be out of the question.
Eugene Chan: 3H. Partner has opened. Surely we must be able to make game somewhere.
Stephen Vincent: 3S. Tempting to pass as you can visualize how 4S will play go with partner holding HK x, but the odds don't really favour it.
Larry Meyer: 3S. Spades are good enough, and hand is strong enough for jump rebid.
Aidan Ballantyne: Dbl. Seems most flexible.
Martin Henneberger: Dbl. I use doubles at this level to announce ownership of the hand with no clear direction and no other bid that hasn't already described my hand thus far. Double is a stand out in my methods.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 2S. As a semi-bluff. This will probably be anti-field, but I don't want to sell out to 2H, and I wouldn't be surprised if 2S was makeable even if partner holds a singleton.
Mike Roberts: 3S. This doesn't feel like a game force anymore, and with no stoppers anywhere I can't cue. This is what's left.
John Gillespie: 4S. I don't believe them.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. This is competitive as opposed to double. It shows the desire to compete with no clear action available.
Brian Zietman: 3S. The spades are solid so I invite even though I would like a 6 card suit.
Chris Diamond: Dbl. If pard passes lead a trump.
Tim Francis-Wright: Dbl. I would not be surprised to be winning the first three tricks with my spades.
Amiram Millet: 3H. If there is 3NT it must come from partner.

Panel's Answers

  1a 1b 2 3 4 5 Total
Jeff Meckstroth No Pass 4H Pass 2S Dbl 485
The Coopers No 4D Pass Pass 2S Dbl 475
The Gordons No Pass Pass Dbl 2S Dbl 465
The Joyces Yes Pass Pass Pass 2NT 3S 460
Barry Rigal Yes 4H Dbl Pass 2S Dbl 445
Steve Robinson Yes 4H 4H Pass 2S 3S 445
Karen Walker No Pass Pass Pass 2NT 2S 445
Larry Cohen Yes 4D 4H Dbl 2S Dbl 440
The Sutherlins Yes Pass 4H Dbl 2S 3S 440
Bridge Baron Yes Pass Pass 2NT 2S Dbl 440
Betty Ann Kennedy Yes Pass Pass Dbl 2H Dbl 430
Mike Lawrence Yes Pass 4H Pass 2H 2S 420
Jill Meyers Yes Pass 4H Pass 2H 3H 410
Kerri Sanborn Yes Pass Pass 2NT 2S 2S 410
Allan Falk Yes 4D Dbl Pass 3NT 2S 400
Don Stack Yes Pass Dbl Dbl 3NT 3S 400
Mel Colchamiro No 4H Dbl Dbl 2S 3S 390
August Boehm Yes 4D Dbl Dbl 3H 3S 380

Local Heroes

    1a 1b 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Michael Dimich No Pass Pass Pass 2S 2S 465 128.63
1.    Rock Yan Yes 4H 4H Pass 2S Dbl 465 128.63
3.    Martin Henneberger Yes Pass 4H Dbl 2S Dbl 460 73.50
4.    Andrew Krywaniuk Yes Pass Pass Pass 3H 2S 450 51.45
5.    Dave Gabel Yes Pass 4H Dbl 2S 3S 440 23.32
5.    Jacky Wang Yes Pass 4H Pass 3H 2S 440 23.32
5.    Stuart Carr Yes Pass Dbl Dbl 2S Dbl 440 23.32
5.    Peg Mcshane Yes Pass Pass Pass 2H 3S 440 23.32
9.    Norma Doucette No Pass Pass 2NT 2S Dbl 435 16.33
10.    Aidan Ballantyne Yes Pass Pass Dbl 2H Dbl 430 14.03
10.    Larry Pocock Yes Pass Pass Dbl 1NT Dbl 430 14.03

World Leaders

    1a 1b 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Chris Diamond (Thailand) Yes Pass Pass Pass 2NT Dbl 480 70.00
2.    Mike Roberts (Usa) No Pass 4H Pass 3H 3S 445 43.75
2.    Brian Zietman (Israel) Yes 4H 4H Pass 2S 3S 445 43.75
4.    Perry Khakhar (Canada) No 4H Pass Dbl 2S Dbl 440 19.25
4.    Tim Francis-Wright (Usa) No 4H Pass Dbl 2S Dbl 440 19.25
6.    Paul Janicki (Canada) Yes 4H 4H Dbl 2S Dbl 435 11.67
7.    Merv Adey (Canada) Yes Pass 4H Dbl 2S 2S 430 10.00
8.    Amiram Millet (Israel) No 4D 4H Pass 2S 3H 425 8.75
9.    Kees Schaafsma (Netherlands) Yes 4H 4H Dbl 2S 2S 405 7.39
9.    Leo Weniger (Canada) Yes 4H 4H 2NT 2S Dbl 405 7.39
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