TGIF December 2007: Scores
1. IMPs. Both vul.
K Q 6 4
K 5
10 7 3
A 9 8 7
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 12
| 100
| 4
| 90
| 2
| 80
| 0
| 30
| 0
| 20
Moderator: The auction is unusual. What does partner's double and subsequent 2 bid mean? The panel agreed it should be natural, but disagreed on the overall hand strength.
August Boehm: 3. My second choice is 4. My hand is prime.
The Colchamiros: Pass. We're not looking to be heroes by getting to game in a suit they've overcalled, though game is not impossible.
Barry Rigal: Pass. I'm close to bidding 3, but I can't say I like my spade or diamond holdings for that.
Paul Soloway: 3. Just worth the raise to 3.
Karen Walker: Pass. Partner's double showed a trap-pass of hearts, and 2 says his hearts are better than theirs.
Kai Zhou: Pass. I think pard has a trap pass over 1.
Eugene Chan: 2NT. My head hurts trying to figure out this impossible auction. 2NT is a plea for mercy.
Adam Melzak: 2. Are hearts 6520 around the table? or just 4 in pard's hand and he wants to go on. They both bid so game seems unlikely lacking a fit, BUT...
Aidan Ballantyne: 2. Pretty sure partner has opening bid with penalty double in hearts. I will show with 2 rather than ask with 3. If partner does not bid notrump I will bid hearts next.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. Partner has hearts. I predict a shutout in the voting.
Bonny Lee: Pass. Sounds like west bid partner's suit; I have king-doubleton in support and spade honours behind bidder.
Larry Meyer: 2NT. If pard is looking for stoppers, I have them.
Dave Waterman: Pass. There should not be any dissenting votes.
Mike Roberts: Pass. If partner had a really good heart trap, he could have bid 2 over 1.
Perry Khakhar: 2. We have bid 2 suits so 2 shows, not asks. I am unsure how bad the West's psyche was, but with my Kx of H and decent controls, I am not ashamed of my hand. However, some number of NT might still be the best contract.
Chris Buchanan: 2. I have stylistic issues with this auction, but partner has hearts. I am bidding 2 to show that suit controlled and looking for NT. Partner is likely going to hear pass at my next opportunity to bid.
Ranjan Bhaduri: 2. Usually I play this as Western Cue bid, but not sure what's going on in this sequence. Partner passed first round, and then did a dbl (does that mean he likes diamonds?), but then he chose not to defend 2. Confusing!
Chris Diamond: 3. Does pard intend 2 forcing? Raise just in case he does.
Brian Zietman: Pass. Isn't this the only possible bid I can make on this bidding?
2. IMPs. N-S vul.
10 6 5 4 3
K 8 7 6
K J 5
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ? |
(1) Splinter raise of hearts (singleton or void in diamonds).
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 14
| 100
| 2
| 40
| 1
| 20
| 1
| 10
Moderator: Over 4, you passed to get partner's opinion about what to do. Partner elected to defend, so you should respect that and pass---at least that's the feeling of 14 of the panel.
August Boehm: Pass. What else?
The Colchamiros: Pass. Wasn't our pass over 4 telling partner that going on to 5 was okay with us? Partner declined. What's the problem?
Barry Rigal: Pass. My soft cards and weak trumps all argue for passing. The real problem is what to lead.
Paul Soloway: Pass. Pass and take my plus score. There's no guarantee of making 5.
Karen Walker: Pass. East was kind enough to tell us we're getting dreadful breaks in our suits, which makes the five level a gamble. I'll respect partner's decision.
Kai Zhou: 5. 4 might go down but I would rather gamble 5. Pard should have a good working 17-19 count with no waste in spades, so 5 has a play. While East doubled 4 looks like he has a two suiter, something like 6151. Not happy to defend.
Eugene Chan: 5. Might be right to pass but they have a double fit. And so do we.
Olga Guitelmakher: 5. Partner is strong or distributional, so 5 looks good; I don't see 4 going down 4.
Adam Melzak: Pass. Vulnerable game's nice but do you want to overrule with an offensive hand?
Stephen Vincent: 5. Sounds like east has something of a freak. The anticipated diamond ruff on defense may not be enough.
Aidan Ballantyne: 5. I can almost BW over 4 given the 5th heart, club fit etc. I would have bid 5--would also have been reasonable. Pass and pull is slam invite, a slight stretch that I will make UNLESS pard made slow double in which case pass is a logical alternative.
Susan Peters: 5. Who knows what's right here but it is a vulnerable game if made.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. I am concerned about my original decision to bid a cut off 4 over 4 doubled. Wish I had passed that round. At least then I would know if pard had 1st round control of diamonds. When forced to accept this auction I made a forcing pass, and I will pass now.
Bonny Lee: 5. Show my values in club and let partner decide the final contract.
Larry Meyer: Pass. Unlikely that we can take 11 tricks.
Dave Waterman: Pass. If I was not going to sit for the double, I would hardly have passed 4. Bidding on violates partnership trust.
Mike Roberts: Pass. If I wasn't going to pass the double, I shouldn't have passed 4.
Perry Khakhar: 5. I could have been xx Qxxx QJxx xxx for my bidding so far! Enough with the weak bidding or trying to figure out Partner's or RHO's (7-4?) hand. Let's cooperate a little!
Chris Buchanan: Pass. All in with my forcing pass. I believe partner made the right choice.
Chris Diamond: Pass. Wasted K bad; 5 card hearts and club honours good; 5 level dubious; Pass.
Brian Zietman: 5. Can't afford to miss the vulnerable game.
3. Matchpoints. None vul.
A K 10 5 4 3
A K 6 5
K Q 6
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 9
| 100
| 3
| 70
| 4
| 50
| 1
| 40
| 1
| 30
Moderator: Half the panel make the straightforward bid of 4, even though South has a monster hand. Perhaps the underbid is necessary: when the opponents preempt, sometimes you are fixed.
The Colchamiros: 4. Double would torture partner. What would he bid with J 9 2 J 7 5 3 Q 4 3 J 8 7 and similar hands?
Paul Soloway: 4. Slight underbid.
Karen Walker: 4. They've preempted me out of a more intelligent auction, so I'll stay fixed and take the sure plus.
Kai Zhou: 4. Usually I do not expect pard to have the perfect cards for me.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. Too good to merely overcall 4. Minor suit slam also a distinct possibility.
Olga Guitelmakher: Dbl. If we play take-out doubles then it is my best call. Slam could be made in any suit, so Dbl lets partner choose.
Adam Melzak: 4. Nice hand. Preempts work.
Stephen Vincent: Dbl. This could cause a silly result but it's most flexible. 4 makes it pretty much impossible to find a minor suit slam should one exist.
Eurydice Nours: 4NT. Will correct to 5 after partner's bid of a minor.
Aidan Ballantyne: 4. Wimpy, but maybe auction will continue and I can catch up (e.g. with a follow-up double). Can't afford TO dbl now as pd may be 3-4-3-3 and have to leave it in. At least I named my best suit.
Susan Peters: 5. If they bid 6 I will bid 6. If pard bids 6 then I will pass.
Martin Henneberger: 5. I'm going to gamble that any bid partner makes here will work out. Hopefully they know to default to 5 with a bust and 3 cards. Otherwise I'm happy to hear 5NT pick a slam or any other action.
Bonny Lee: 5. Hope partner can interpret it as support in the suit since I did not make a takeout double.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. Double, then bid spades to show extras and invite slam.
Dave Waterman: 4. There may be a better spot, but no reasonable way to get there without risk.
Mike Roberts: 4. I'll stay fixed. Double isn't right, and 5 seems too much.
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. Double followed by 5 over partner's likely bail out in 4NT (pick a minor) or 5 of a minor.
Chris Buchanan: 5. Rule number 1: Opponents are not allowed to preempt when I hold this hand. Rule 2: When rule 1 violated, choose a slam!!!!
Bob Todd: 4NT. Will follow up with 5.
Chris Diamond: Dbl. Horrible. X will often end the auction when you're cold for slam, but everything else is guessing.
Brian Zietman: 4NT. Partner passed but all I need from him is the A, Q and Q for a possible 7. I can't double as partner may leave it in with 4+ hearts. If partner bids clubs - I bid 5 and if he bids diamonds or spades I am in slam.
4. Matchpoints. Both vul.
A K 8 4
Q 8 6 5
A K J 5 2
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 13
| 100
| 1
| 70
| 1
| 60
| 1
| 20
| 2
| 10
Moderator: The majority agree that there is no clear-cut bid, but 2 is the least of evils. Doubling with a void in one of the suits you are asking partner to bid is too dangerous.
August Boehm: 2. What else?
The Colchamiros: 2. A takeout double with a void in an unbid suit is always asking for trouble. If it goes all pass and we are cold for 4, we'll try and make up for it on the next deal.
Barry Rigal: 2. I'm not sure why, but passing never works for me. I'll try 2, and see what happens.
Paul Soloway: 2. I don't like to make a takeout double with a void in an unbid suit.
Kai Zhou: 2. Rebid 2 if possible.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. Good hand. Support for unbid major. Strong enough to bid clubs if partner bids your void. Classic textbook T/O double.
Adam Melzak: 2. Double if hearts are raised and back to you, but if partner jumps in D then 3 or 4 sound painful.
Stephen Vincent: 2. Can't go too far wrong bidding one's best suit.
Peg Mcshane: 2. More than enough to overcall.
Aidan Ballantyne: 2. Seems more flexible than 1 overcall; will hope to bid 2 next.
Susan Peters: Dbl. If pard bids 2 I will bid 3. Other choice is to bid 2 but would like to have 5 spades.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. With length in opener's suit I pass 1st and plan to reenter later. It's unlikely this will be passed around, plus my partner's balance with hearts shortness and 5 counts. Doubling will get diamonds from pard and 2 is more likely to get passed than passing is!
Bonny Lee: 2. Will bid my spades if I have a second chance.
Larry Meyer: 2. Want to be able to bid both my suits.
Dave Waterman: 2. Double is silly. 1 is ill-advised (short suit, big hand) and pass is too deep.
Mike Roberts: Dbl. I know that 2 is very popular, but what if partner raises? I can't look for a 4-4 spade fit AND investigate 3NT (3 asks, not shows, a H stopper). Double, followed by 3 over 2, should get us to the right space most of the time.
Perry Khakhar: 2. I hate it that I can't think of any thing more enterprising with this hand! The best of all possible bad bids.
Chris Buchanan: 2. Is this a trick question? I do have a nice 17, but I need to downgrade a little for having length in the opponents' suit. If we have game, partner will bid.
Chris Diamond: 2. Same old, same old. Hope to get spades in later.
Brian Zietman: Dbl. Classic strong take-out double, no?
5. Matchpoints. Both vul.
Q 6
Q 8 7 6
Q J 9 6
10 9 7
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 11
| 100
| 6
| 90
| 1
| 10
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
Moderator: Once you chose not to raise the first time, 3 is an underbid. The panel majority, however, is not willing to push to game at matchpoints. Minus scores at matchpoints are the kiss of death.
August Boehm: 4. What else?
The Colchamiros: 3. We hate passing the previous round. Now we have to guess and so bid 3---go for the plus score!
Barry Rigal: 4. I would have bid 3 over 2 as indeed would any member of homo sapiens, so I better make up for lost time.
Paul Soloway: 4. I trapped myself by not raising to 3 directly.
Karen Walker: 3. I have good trumps, but not much outside. At IMPs, I'd bid 4.
Kai Zhou: 4. Pard advertised shortness in spades and decent hand with 16-17 count: just put these points randomly in the other 3 suits, looks like 4 can make.
Eugene Chan: 3. An immediate raise to 3 is preferred. Still no reason to bid anything other than 3.
Adam Melzak: 3. Not quite sure why I didn't raise earlier.
Stephen Vincent: 3. The wasted values in spades suggest partner will be minimum.
Aidan Ballantyne: 3. My theory is 2 overcall of 1 shows a good hand as it makes it easier to gauge partscore vs. game. In my style I would bid 3 first time (courtesy, as I would bid 4 with a little more). 3 now due to high LTC. Pard can go on if right.
Susan Peters: 3. I passed 2 so 3 seems right. No defense and don't think I have enough for 4.
Martin Henneberger: 4. Why didn't I courtesy raise originally? 2 in these auctions are quality bids not noise. Now I'm faced with a decision I shouldn't have to make.
Bonny Lee: 3. I should have bid 3 last round.
Larry Meyer: 3. Great heart fit, but not enough strength to bid 4.
Dave Waterman: 3. Another partnership question. I should have bid 3, but having passed I can hardly start leaping about - each bid must be consistent with the one that came before it.
Mike Roberts: 3. When I passed 2, it was because I considered the Q wasted. It still is. To bid 4 here means that I should have bid 3 the time before - that wouldn't be too bad a bid, but I must remain consistent.
Perry Khakhar: 4. Should have some play despite my quacky hand!
Chris Diamond: 4. Oh I woke up. 4 because pard can't believe I have this hand after my last pass.
Paul Hardy: 3. Why didn't I bid 3 right away?
Brian Zietman: 3. Why didn't partner double on the first round ?