TGIF October 2013: Scores
1. IMPs. None vul.
Q 4 3
K J 9 8 4
K 5
K 10 7
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 12
| 100
| 6
| 80
| 2
| 60
| 0
| 30
Moderator: Agree or disagree: Partner's jump to 4 establishes a force.
The Sutherlins: 5. Our hands should fit nicely. We expect to have a play for 5 even though we have the wasted Q and no aces.
The Coopers: Pass. We assume this is forcing --- partner jumped to 4, albeit without cuebidding, and it is doubtful that he did so because he feared 4. If partner is short in spades, as seems likely, slam is possible opposite some near-minimum hands.
Don Stack: Dbl. With no assurance that we have a plus at the five level, we cannot let the opponents push us there. Partner is allowed to override my double with a freak hand.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. The secondary club support suggests letting partner make the decision.
Martin Henneberger: Dbl. What to do? Double might allow the opponents to pick up trumps, but I feel with a flat hand I need to discourage partner from bidding on. If they are distributional for the raise to 4 they very well might override me.
Chris Diamond: Pass. Thought it was an auto-double? Requires discussion (no cue or splinter) but I suspect pard may be something like 6-4 clubs and hearts with no slam ambitions which will leave them with a double fit also. So, I'll let pard make the last mistake.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. Too balanced to bid at the 5 level, too much strength to pass.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. Double suggests preference to defend rather than to play at the five level.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Dbl. This is not necessarily a forcing pass situation, but we need to show the opponents we won't be pushed around.
Bob Kuz: Dbl. The lead is the real problem if 4 was a minimum raise in a 2/1 system.
Perry Khakhar: 5. void A Q x x A x x A Q J x x x might likely be Partner's hand! Let us cooperate to get to the right size and strain slam. Blackwood won't help.
Norm Tucker: 5. I'll double 5.
Bob Zeller: Dbl. Showing a minimum with 2 spade losers.
Brian Zietman: Dbl. We have no aces so I don't fancy going down in 5. Partner opened and I have good defensive values.
Timothy Wright: Dbl. I want to suggest defending with spade length and minimum length in hearts for my previous bid.
David Gordon: Dbl. Looks like a standard take your plus dbl. Your hand as no reason to bid 5 of anything here.
Amiram Millet: 5. Hope we have 450.
John Gillespie: 5. Double fit chances = we may have a ton of offence and/or no defence.
Plarq Liu: Pass. This is forcing. My hand is null in defense values.
Beverley Candlish: Dbl. I don't know if 5 makes. It is unlikely that E/W will make 4 with North opening and South having 12 pts.
Kf Tung: Dbl. Your K and Q are defensive tricks. If you accept the push you will lose 350 or win 150 points.
2. IMPs. None vul.
8 7 3
K 9 8 3
K 6 5 4
K 2
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| |
| ? |
(1) Three-card heart support.
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 14
| 100
| 4
| 70
| 2
| 60
Moderator: The majority of the panel agree about 4: it's now or never.
Mike Lawrence: Dbl. A nice problem. East did not bid over 1 so his auction clearly shows a weak hand, and West did not open, either. I am leading a spade and hoping my K is useful on defense. 4 is a very close second, but the possibility of +300 makes dbl my choice.
Barry Rigal: Pass. I might act at pairs, but at teams, I need partner to have extras before it is clearly right to bid. He is in better shape than I am to diagnose the answer to that question.
Kerri Sanborn: 4. The opponents' bidding has tipped off short spades in partner's hand, ergo length in diamonds. All of my cards are golden.
Stephen Vincent: 4. I like my three small spades. With likely only one spade and three hearts partner must have at least five diamonds.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. I have less than an invitational hand and the opponents have the boss suit. They might even be cold for 4. Am I really supposed to do something here?
Chris Diamond: 4. Another reason I hate support doubles: we're at the 3 level and I have no idea how strong pard is. I suppose I could pass and he'd do something with extras. BUT I guess he's 1-3-5 or better so I guess I'll bid 4 and let him guess how strong I am.
Larry Meyer: Pass. If partner is strong enough for us to be at the 4 level, he will bid again.
Eugene Chan: Pass. Nothing so far says we can beat 3 or play at the four level.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. Let's not hang partner for psyching.
Bob Kuz: Pass. I don't play support doubles and this auction tells me why. Trump leads at all opportunities.
Perry Khakhar: 4. Not scared of Moysian 4 (correct side), but maybe there is a chance for a diamond slam with this 30 point deck! Let us bring partner into the picture.
Brian Zietman: Pass. Up to you partner.
Timothy Wright: Pass. At matchpoints, double might make sense, but playing in an IMPs game is not a suicide pact.
David Gordon: Pass. Not quite enough to take action.
John Gillespie: Pass. I hate support dbls/rdbls. Maybe pard knows something. I don't.
Plarq Liu: Dbl. We have extra values but no space to bid. Double to give partner a choice.
Kf Tung: Pass. You do not know whether they can make 3 or not, but you do not want to be in 4.
3. IMPs. Both vul.
10 2
A Q J 9
A K 7 6 5 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 13
| 100
| 5
| 80
| 2
| 60
| 0
| 40
Moderator: Although unsure how high takeout doubles apply in BBS, the majority of the panelists take that action. They also hope 5 will be taken as equal level conversion.
Larry Cohen: 4NT. I have found that vulnerable four-of-a-major preempters always seem to have the goods. If opener has clubs on the side, this could be a deal where both sides make tons of tricks.
Jeff Meckstroth: Dbl. No guarantee that this will work, but I have too much not to get involved.
Stephen Vincent: Dbl. Converting clubs as necessary.
Martin Henneberger: Dbl. Double allows us to equal level convert if pard picks clubs without overstating heart length. It also allows for pard to pass with a certain hand. 5 is unilateral and 4NT (2 places to play) could be ugly when we end up in a 4-3 fit.
Chris Diamond: Pass. Almost a corollary to problem 5 but a death holding in spades, vulnerable says don't bid in direct seat. If you do pard will raise you way too often.
Larry Meyer: 4NT. Treating my hand as a 2-suiter. When pard bids 5, I will bid 5 to let him know I have the red suits.
Eugene Chan: 5. Holding my breath that I will not be doubled.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 4NT. I can't decide between double and 4NT here.
Bob Kuz: 5. What's 800 between friends?
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. We may or not beat it, but it is nearly a free double. Should partner take it outwith 4NT or 5, we may be ok in 5.
Brian Zietman: 4NT. If partner bids 5, I will bid 5.
Timothy Wright: 4NT. Two-suited takeout; this hand barely qualifies.
Roy Bolton: Dbl. The 4NT option might get you into a bad 5 after 5-5-5. Also 4-X might be the best spot.
David Gordon: 5. 6 - 4 bid some more.
Amiram Millet: Pass. . . at least for now.
John Gillespie: Dbl. Ugly. Will pull 5 to 5 and hope for the best.
Plarq Liu: 5. Most possible game.
Beverley Candlish: Pass. Too risky, not knowing what my partner has and the possiblity that West has points.
Kf Tung: Pass. Pard will think that you have a better hand than this if you make any bid.
Bob Todd: 5. This hand is too weak for double followed by 5 over 5 and I don't really want to show a 2 suiter and have partner take a heart preference with 3-2 in the reds.
4. IMPs. Both vul.
4 3
K J 9 6 4
A K 9 8 7
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 14
| 100
| 3
| 70
| 1
| 50
| 2
| 50
| 0
| 50
Moderator: 5 has a precise meaning in this auction: looking for a spade control.
August Boehm: 5. Partner is trying hard for slam, likely cuebidding a second-round control.
Steve Robinson: 4NT. I think 4 must show a spade control. If partner bids 5 showing only one keycard, I'll gamble on slam.
Geoff Hampson: 5. I need to hear about second-round spade control to have slam. If partner bids 5 (first-round spade control), I will settle for 6. Partner can't have enough for 7 to be good.
Stephen Vincent: 5. Partner: I insist you bid slam with a spade control.
Martin Henneberger: 5. This should bring the spade suit into question and allow partner to bid slam facing 1 loser.
Chris Diamond: 4. Lots of valid arguments but I just can't get over 2 and I can't hang him for trying to co-operate.
Larry Meyer: 4. Quite likely that we have 2 fast spade losers.
Eugene Chan: 6. Partner invited a slam so I am showing my preference.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 5. When one partner knows what is needed for slam, they should take control of the auction.
Bob Kuz: 5. We have cuebid everything but spades, I hope partner gets the message.
Perry Khakhar: 5. 2 quick spade losers! Can you do something, pard?
Norm Tucker: 4. Perhaps they will force a slam.
Brian Zietman: 4. We can make a slam provided the opponents don't take the top 2 spade tricks. Partner has to decide now.
Timothy Wright: 4. Unless partner can make another move, we probably have 2 spade losers.
Roy Bolton: 5. Asking partner to pass with 2 spade losers and bid slam with 1 or less.
David Gordon: 4. The 4 bid strongly suggests a doubleton spade.
Amiram Millet: 5. Showing control in diamonds.
John Gillespie: 4NT. Implied spade control and 6 next (after 1 keycard) may protect against the suit they are more likely to ruff at trick one.
Plarq Liu: 4NT. Blackwood.
Beverley Candlish: 4. It appears there could be two spade losers. If partner has the A, a void or singleton, he can investigate slam.
Kf Tung: 5. You have A, not the A! Pard can still bid 5 with 2 spade losers, and he will bid 6 or 6 with a stiff spade.
Chuck Arthur: 4. I assume that you are playing support doubles here, since you were playing them above.
Bob Todd: 5. Do we have a spade control?
5. IMPs. None vul.
K 8 7
A 10 2
K Q 10 7 5 4
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 10
| 100
| 8
| 90
| 2
| 50
Moderator: To act or not to act? The panel is perfectly divided on this problem.
Allan Falk: Dbl. Not happy about this, but six losers is too many to bid my suit at the 5-level. Partner might guess wrong, but there's not enough information for me to think 5 is not wrong.
Betty Ann Kennedy: 5. I'm a little leery of doubling and having partner respond in a four-card heart suit at the five-level.
Karen Walker: Pass. No need for heroics white at IMPs. This doesn't look like a deal where we could suffer a double game swing.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. The hand just isn't good enough to bid.
Martin Henneberger: 5. Pure guess. I dislike selling out to 4 with shortness. I will gamble with 5 and hold my breath.
Chris Diamond: 5. Since I don't bid in problem 3, I have to bid here.
Larry Meyer: Pass. I would rather have them live with their shot in the dark, than take my own shot in the dark.
Eugene Chan: 5. Should probably pass but they say this is a bidder's game.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. Insufficient shape or quick tricks to be a hero on this one.
Bob Kuz: Pass. Trying to hold going for a number to once a session. :)
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. 2.5 QTs. Let's give partner an option to pass or play in hearts.
Norm Tucker: 5. Sacrificing is fun and often scores well.
Brian Zietman: Pass. Too dangerous to enter - too many losers for 5.
Timothy Wright: 5. While this is a decidedly worse hand than we had in 3), in balancing seat we should probably act anyway.
Roy Bolton: Dbl. At IMPs it's not terrible if they make 4-X (compared to just 4) but we might have a vul game if partner bids.
David Gordon: 5. I need a little more for dbl.
Amiram Millet: Pass. Fixed.
John Gillespie: Dbl. Yuk. Maybe pard has a long suit too (symmetry) and -500 isn't the end of the world but -3 for 500 could be for them.
Plarq Liu: Pass. Not good enough to compete.
Kf Tung: Dbl. There is no guarantee for 11 tricks for your side but they are not likely to get 10 tricks either.