Vancouver Bridge Centre
Tel:   (604)267-2202
Addr:   2177 West 42nd Ave, Vancouver B.C., V6M 2B7

TGIF March 2012: Scores

1. IMPs. Both vul.
S A K J 10 9 7 6   H K 2   D K 7   C J 10  
West North East South  
    1D ?

Your call?

Dbl 9 100
1S 8 90
4S 2 60
3NT 0 30
3S 0 30
Moderator: Most of the panelists are evenly split between doubling 1D with this strong playing hand or overcalling 1S.
Karen Walker: 1S. 4S is a close second but if the auction suggests that partner is broke, I'll be glad I started low.
The Coopers: 4S. Take ALL their room away. We are unlikely to have slam and likely to make this.
The Gordons: Dbl. No leaping for us. Bidding 3NT or 4S takes us out of the running if the other contract is the successful game. With spades, you don't have to hurry.
Stephen Vincent: 1S. You can rely on my overcalls, partner.
Martin Henneberger: 1S. This hand does not meet my strength requirements to start with double, and bidding 4S is just solo bridge.
Larry Meyer: 4S. When you know where you want to be, just bid it.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. Too good to overcall 1S. 2S as an intermediate jump overcall works well but that is not systemic for the purposes of this bidding contest.
Stuart Carr: Dbl. Partner's bid may help on choosing to go for 3NT or 4S.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Dbl. Partner could pass a 1S overcall with too many hands that make game. No need to mastermind with 4S (or 3NT).
Aidan Ballantyne: 4S. Keeping it simple. If they bid more, I'll double to show I was serious. Bidding 1S to keep 3N open is for perfectionists.
Paul Mcmullin: Dbl. Luckily, my suit is spades; switch the hearts and spades, and I'd bid 1H and be prepared to double back in later to imply the strength.
Chris Diamond: 1S. Old fashioned to double. 4S is possible, but with the master suit what's the hurry?
Amiram Millet: 1S. No need to rush holding spades.
John Gillespie: 1S. I hope to know how many to bid next round and I will raise 1NT to 3.
Brian Zietman: 4S. Is there any point in doubling and then bidding spades? Yes we may miss 3NT, but who wants to play in NT with 100 honours in spades?
Perry Khakhar: 4S. Slam seems to be not a consideration so I will bid what I think we can make.
Plarq Liu: 4S. Makes life simpler.
Beverley Candlish: 4S. My hand has little value other than in spades. With East opening 1D, it is doubtful we will be missing a slam.
Kf Tung: Dbl. Start with a double and you will be easier to stay within plus territory. A fast 4S bid, however, may win the day with a friendly diamond lead when 9 tricks only would otherwise be available.
Bob Todd: 1S. My 1S is not getting passed out.

2. IMPs. Both vul.
S 8 7 4   H Q 9 7 5   D A K 10 9 7 6   C ---  
West North East South  
Pass Pass Pass ?

Your call?

2D 7 100
Pass 6 90
1D 5 80
3D 1 60
Moderator: The panel is of three minds on this problem: it's not our hand; it's our hand; it's our hand as long as we preempt them out of their suit.
Larry Cohen: 2D. If we have game in a major, so be it. I'll be content with any plus in a diamond partial and hope that the preemption keeps the opponents out.
Jeff Meckstroth: 1D. I have to bid. We could easily be cold for 4H.
Barry Rigal: 3D. I close my eyes and try to hit it where they ain't. Having paid my entry fee to this competition, I can hardly pass it out with the lame excuse that I have only 9 HCP. Point counting is for wimps.
Mel Colchamiro: Pass. The Rule of 15 suggests pass, but really, who knows?
Stephen Vincent: 2D. Who's more likely to have a game, us or them? Us probably.
Martin Henneberger: 1D. This hand has a lot of playing strength if partner has 5 spades or 4 hearts. I think gambling to pass is equal to or worse than bidding. Opening anything higher than 1D loses the potential major fit.
Larry Meyer: 2D. Expecting to make, and if opps buy the contract, pard knows what to lead.
Eugene Chan: Pass. No reason to believe this is our hand.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. I might fool around with a 1D opener at MPs. At IMPs it's just silly.
Aidan Ballantyne: 2D. Passing it out is too unilateral at IMPs. 1D is okay but I'm trying to shut out clubs. I don't subscribe to the theory that a 4th seat weak two-bid is better than other weak two-bids, this case in point.
Paul Mcmullin: Pass. No points, no spades... no bid here!
Chris Diamond: 1D. Got a suit, got the majors, got a rebid, got an opening bid.
Amiram Millet: Pass. Don't start a war you're not going to win.
John Gillespie: Pass. If I open this I'm afraid of all 3 opponents.
Brian Zietman: Pass. I am going by the Rule of 15 here.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. I don't like entering a gun fight with a pocket knife!
Plarq Liu: Pass. May not have a positive score if I bid.
Beverley Candlish: 2D. . . showing a 6 card suit and a full opener in fourth seat. I may be cheating regarding points but I do have a void. My second choice would be to pass.
Kf Tung: Pass. You have been doing fine. Do not give your opponents to get a chance for a plus score.
Dennis Caswell: Pass. Does not meet the Rule of 15.

3. Matchpoints. E-W vul.
S 7 2   H A K   D A K J 10   C A Q 8 6 4  
West North East South  
Pass 1H Pass 2D
Pass 3C (1) Pass ?
(1) Constructive: 8 or more high-card points.

Your call?

3H 10 100
3D 3 70
3S 3 70
4C 2 60
5C 1 50
4NT 0 30
6C 0 30
Moderator: 3H and 3D are ostensibly natural here - partner will interpret either as showing one more card in the suit than we have. The panel thinks that's worth the risk, and must have a plan to confirm they were intended as advance cue-bids for a club slam.
August Boehm: 3H. With a possible club slam on the horizon, I'd rather not confuse the issue of spade control by bidding 3S. Besides, 5-2 hearts might be our highest-scoring game.
Mike Lawrence: 3D. This may confuse partner as to my shape but my values are good enough. This may end up right-siding notrump. Was there a reason I didn't open 2NT?
Don Stack: 3S. . . stopper asking. If partner bids 4S, I can bid a club slam. If partner bids 4C, 5C is probably the limit of the hand. If partner bids 3NT, there may still be a slam, but I will pass.
Martin Henneberger: 3S. A 3S probe accomplishes 2 things: it will right side a no trump contract and perhaps disclose a 2 loser spade position. I will follow up a 3NT bid by pard with a quantatative 4NT.
Larry Meyer: 3H. Give pard the option to bid 3NT with a spade stopper.
Eugene Chan: 3H. At matchpoints, a great need to explore potential slams in NT or in hearts.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 3S. Getting greedy here. The A/K of spades could be worth a trick in either 3NT or 6C but there isn't time to investigate both. Hope partner won't take me for a half-stopper.
Aidan Ballantyne: 3H. Trying to elicit more info, not ruling out a 4H game and I'm keeping notrump as a possible strain. I don't think this sequence promises 1-3-4-5.
Paul Mcmullin: 3S. 3S HAS to be a 'tell me more forcing' bid here - I could bid 3NT with spade stoppers.
Chris Diamond: 3H. Automatic, looking for spade control but could be a problem next round.
Amiram Millet: 3S. Let partner decide between 3NT and 5C.
John Gillespie: 3H. Forcing and most likely to help partner.
Brian Zietman: 4NT. Where are partner's 8 or more points? They are surely in spades so slam is a good prospect.
Perry Khakhar: 3D. It may be that with the right cards, a slam is possible. Then again, we might go down in 3NT. Let's make a temporizing bid and see what partner can contribute.
Plarq Liu: 3D. Waiting bid, I have nothing more to say.
Richmond Williams: 3D. This has to be a cue bid.
Beverley Candlish: 3NT. I hope my partner has a spade stopper or two.
Kf Tung: 3S. Pave the way for NT or hearts by partner and get ready to cooperate if partner steers towards a slam.

4. Matchpoints. N-S vul.
S A K J 10 9 7 3   H 4   D 6 5   C A 7 4  
West North East South  
  Pass 2C (1) ?
(1) Strong.

Your call?

3S 10 100
4S 6 80
2S 3 60
Pass 0 30
Moderator: Perhaps all the spade bids should get 100, since any of them could be right. In real life, the choice of level might well depend more on table feel than any objective evaluation.
Steve Weinstein: 4S. If they were looking at my hand, I would bid just 3S. But since they're not, I expect them to bid five of a red suit.
Allan Falk: 3S. While it is possible East as a balanced 22-plus, there's nothing to say they can't make game or slam, and I certainly don't want them to have a convenient exchange of information. On the other hand, 4S is too much.
Steve Robinson: 2S. I'm interested in seeing if partner has spade support and some distribution or strength.
Martin Henneberger: 3S. I think vul vs not a 3S bid should look exactly like this hand.
Larry Meyer: 3S. Even if pard has only 2 spades, we should be safe at the 3-level.
Eugene Chan: 4S. Could prove too expensive. But these days superlight 2C openers are legal, so maybe you are cold for a slam. Who knows?
Andrew Krywaniuk: 3S. I bid 3S on the theory that it's probably down 1 on average. Not sure if they can make game, but might as well make them guess as to the trump suit.
Aidan Ballantyne: 4S. Two-way bid, making life harder for opps and being more or less descriptive. Risking -500 vs non vul game but bridge is not for the timid.
Chris Diamond: 3S. 3S is high enough at this vulnerability since a lot of doubles of 4S would be left in.
Amiram Millet: 3S. Maximum pressure, taking vulnerability under consideration.
John Gillespie: 3S. They haven't bid their hand yet but they will. Partner takes over from here.
Brian Zietman: 4S. Is this enough to prevent the opponents getting to slam in a red suit?
Perry Khakhar: 3S. I may have enough defense against 4H. I need the opponents to guess at the 4 level.
Plarq Liu: 3S. Maybe we should just be more cautious because of vulnerablity.
Beverley Candlish: 2S. It is unlikely my partner has any points and therefore doubled vulnerable and down 5 or 6 is not good bridge. It is unlikely E/W can make a slam with South having two Aces. Spades may not hold for a trick.
Kf Tung: 3S. Maximum pressure. Watch them moving their butts and fingering about the bidding box.
Bob Todd: 2S. Starting slow!

5. IMPs. Both vul.
S 4   H A Q 7 6   D A J 9 7 5   C Q 8 3  
West North East South  
Pass 1NT Pass ?

Your call?

2C 15 100
Pass 2 60
2D 2 50
2H 0 20
Moderator: The panel as a whole is vehemently opposed to dropping partner in 1NT. Most are also opposed to rebidding the feeble five-card diamond suit and choose, instead, to try 2C with a three-card suit, figuring they'll hit partner in one minor or another.
Betty Ann Kennedy: 2C. Partner is short in both majors and may have clubs.
Jeff Meckstroth: 2D. Perhaps I should bid 2C, but I don't want partner to get too excited.
The Gordons: Pass. It could be right to bid 2C, but we're passing because it will be harder for the opponents to find their fit. Partner might have spade concentration and even if they run spades, we might have seven tricks.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. Yes, you have some sort of minor fit. But you can't both find it and necessarily stay low.
Martin Henneberger: 2C. Well we know the opponents have at least a 9 card spade fit. This hand has the shape to play in a suit contract so I will bid 2C now so pard can compete in a minor should the auction get competitive.
Larry Meyer: Pass. We have no game, so stop bidding.
Eugene Chan: 2D. Beating a hasty retreat from NT. Opponents will probably discover their 9+ spade fit soon enough.
Stuart Carr: 2C. Partner has 7+ minor cards, so 2 of a minor looks safer than 1NT.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 2C. Torn between 2C/2D. 2C could play a trick better when it's right, but there is also some chance of an unwelcome courtesy raise from pard.
Aidan Ballantyne: 2C. I have to bid a 3-card suit at least once in every bidding contest set. This is one of many reasons you should not open 1D with 4-5 in diamonds and clubs. Passing is too unilateral at IMPs and vul.
Chris Diamond: 2C. If he doesn't have 4 hearts or 4 spades he's got at least 3 diamonds or 5 clubs.
Amiram Millet: Pass. They have at least 10 spades together. Let them find the proper level.
John Gillespie: 2C. Caters to short(ish) diamonds and long(ish) clubs opposite and a 4-3 fit should play ok+.
Brian Zietman: 2D. For the life of me I cannot think of any other bid with this minimum opening. Partner has not got 4 spades so we are probably wide open there. At IMP's 2D looks the safest spot by far.
Perry Khakhar: 2D. It's possible that we have a better fit in clubs than diamonds. However, I have a minimum opener that doesn't wish to play in NT or over the 2 level. Beware the dreaded courtesy raise in clubs!
Plarq Liu: Pass. If 1NT is not forcing, I will pass.
Beverley Candlish: Pass. I hope North holds some spade stoppers.
Kf Tung: 2D. You have an 8-card fit in a minor suit. If partner bids 3C you pass. 1NT is not a safe contract.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
August Boehm Dbl 2D 3H 3S 2C 500
Allan Falk Dbl Pass 3H 3S 2C 490
Betty Ann Kennedy Dbl 1D 3H 3S 2C 480
Steve Weinstein Dbl 2D 3H 4S 2C 480
Jill Meyers 1S 2D 3S 3S 2C 460
Kerri Sanborn 4S 2D 3H 3S 2C 460
Mel Colchamiro 1S Pass 3H 4S 2C 460
The Joyces 1S Pass 3S 3S 2C 450
Mike Lawrence Dbl Pass 3D 4S 2C 440
The Sutherlins 1S 1D 3D 3S 2C 440
Karen Walker 1S Pass 4C 3S 2C 440
The Gordons Dbl 1D 3H 3S Pass 440
Larry Cohen Dbl 2D 3H 4S 2D 430
Jeff Meckstroth Dbl 1D 3H 3S 2D 430
Steve Robinson 1S 1D 3H 2S 2C 430
Don Stack Dbl 2D 3S 2S 2C 430
Barry Rigal 1S 3D 3D 4S 2C 400
The Coopers 4S Pass 4C 4S 2C 390
Bridge Baron 1S 2D 5C 2S Pass 360

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Michael Dimich 1S Pass 3H 3S 2C 480 150.50
2.    Paul Sontag 1S 1D 3H 3S 2C 470 112.88
3.    Andrew Krywaniuk Dbl Pass 3S 3S 2C 460 75.25
4.    Steve Ottridge 4S Pass 3H 3S 2C 450 52.68
5.    Brad Bart Dbl Pass 3D 4S 2C 440 25.56
5.    Martin Henneberger 1S 1D 3S 3S 2C 440 25.56
5.    Aidan Ballantyne 4S 2D 3H 4S 2C 440 25.56
8.    Susan Peters Dbl 1D 3H 4S Pass 420 15.36
8.    Larry Meyer 4S 2D 3H 3S Pass 420 15.36
8.    Eugene Chan Dbl Pass 3H 4S 2D 420 15.36
8.    Diana Jing Dbl Pass 3D 2S 2C 420 15.36
8.    Ernie Dietrich Dbl 1D 3H 4S Pass 420 15.36

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    John Gillespie (Canada) 1S Pass 3H 3S 2C 480 79.63
1.    Bob Kuz (Canada) Dbl 1D 3H 3S 2C 480 79.63
3.    Chris Diamond (Canada) 1S 1D 3H 3S 2C 470 45.50
4.    David Gordon (Canada) 1S 1D 3H 4S 2C 450 25.03
4.    Richmond Williams (Canada) 1S Pass 3D 3S 2C 450 25.03
6.    Birol GüVenç (Turkey) 1S Pass 3H 3S Pass 440 15.17
7.    Cliff Gillis (Scotland) 1S 1D 4C 3S 2C 430 12.19
7.    Paul Janicki (Canada) Dbl 1D 3S 4S 2C 430 12.19
9.    Paul Mcmullin (Usa) Dbl Pass 3S 3S Pass 420 10.11
10.    Amiram Millet (Israel) 1S Pass 3S 3S Pass 410 8.69
10.    Kf Tung (China) Dbl Pass 3S 3S 2D 410 8.69
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