Vancouver Bridge Centre
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Addr:   2177 West 42nd Ave, Vancouver B.C., V6M 2B7

TGIF February 2011: Scores

1. IMPs. None vul.
S 10   H A Q   D A K 10 9 7 6   C J 10 4 2  
West North East South  
Pass 1S Pass ?

Your call?

2D 9 100
2C 7 80
3D 2 40
1NT 0 0
Moderator: With 6-4 distribution, experts often rebid their six-card suit with a minimum, but rebid their four-card suit with a little extra. In this case, half the panel choose 2D. Why?
Karen Walker: 3D. Pretty close to a textbook bid. With a suit this strong, there's no need to mislead partner about suit quality by rebidding 2C.
The Sutherlins: 2D. Our minor-suit disparity is too much to bid 2C. A 6-1 diamond fit will play better than a 4-3 club fit.
August Boehm: 2C. I'm in between 2D and 3D, so I'll settle for the 2C temporizing move and bid 3D next, if I get the chance.
Michael Dimich: 2C. You can be descriptive or else fall prey to the Sooey siren song of the No Trumpers.
Eugene Chan: 2D. Can this be anything other than 2D?
Richmond Williams: 2D. Don't mislead partner into thinking you have two spades.
Aidan Ballantyne: 2D. Not good enough to bid 2C followed by 3D. I'll bid 3NT over 3C new minor.
Larry Meyer: 2C. Seems right to bid out my shape.
Martin Henneberger: 2C. My hand isn't good enough for a 3D bid and bidding 2D doesn't tell the right story. 2C describes what I hold.
Stephen Vincent: 2D. Having a few extras.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 2C. With a maximum minimum, 2C is more enouraging than the alternatives.
Chuck Arthur: 2C. If I get by this round, I should be in good shape.
Perry Khakhar: 2D. As much as I would like to get the NT in from my side, I can't see that the distortion is worth it. Go with my best descriptive bid and see what happens.
Rex Tu: 1NT. Waiting for partner to make a response, or no hope for game.
Brian Zietman: 2D. My hand has not improved after partner's bid. This is the time to show my hand and let partner make the next move.
Chris Diamond: 2D. I really want to bid 3D since DQ x and SA gives us a play for game, but I don't have to push too hard nonvul.
Tim Francis-Wright: 2C. In theory, it may be sounder to rebid 2D here, but after a 2H continuation by partner, I'd lose the club suit.
Amiram Millet: 2C. Strong enough to bid 6-4-6. Better than 3D.
Mike Roberts: 2C. When followed by 3D, this shows a good 6-4. Isn't that what I have?

2. IMPs. N-S vul.
S 9 4 2   H ---   D 10 9 7 6 5 4 3   C J 5 2  
West North East South  
Pass 2NT Pass ?

Your call?

5D 11 100
3NT 5 50
Pass 2 30
Moderator: Playing notrump, you might have a lot of diamond tricks for partner, or you may have none - it all depends on what he has in diamonds. The panel majority chooses to shoot it out in 5D.
Steve Robinson: 5D. A 5D call is the cheapest number of diamonds that I can bid. I can't see passing 2NT and bidding 3NT is a long shot.
The Coopers: 3NT. 3NT should make whenever North has three diamonds, including a low one.
Mike Lawrence: Pass. My hope is that 2NT goes down less than 5D.
Michael Dimich: 5D. Make the same bid as your opponent at the other table.
Eugene Chan: 3S. Initiating a sign-off sequence hoping to end at 4D.
Alan Kemp-Gee: 3S. Transfer to minors.
Richmond Williams: 3S. Minor suit Stayman then bid diamonds.
Aidan Ballantyne: 5D. Going with probable majority. However, I believe computer simulation has a slightly higher chance of finding 3-card diamonds opposite rather than two which makes 3NT a reasonable alternative. Stayman to find the 4-3 spade fit is too esoteric.
Larry Meyer: 3S. This hand is worthless unless diamonds are trump - playing SAYC, this is the only way to get there.
Martin Henneberger: 3NT. Well if I'm going to take a shot might as well be 3NT and hope pard has 3 diamonds. If not, 2NT probably won't make either, so I'm not going to pass. Contracting for 11 tricks (5D) seems silly when 9 might be there.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. Diamonds will play better but with no way of playing diamonds below the 5-level, it's best to take your medicine.
Craig T. Wilson: 3S. Transfer to clubs, then I bid diamonds showing a weak hand.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 3S. Wouldn't it be fun to bid 3C puppet stayman and cunningly right-side the contract (or else find out about partner's hearts)? BBS/AFRO doesn't assign a meaning to 3S, but that's rarely stopped the panel before.
Judi Carter: 4D. Assuming 4D is to play.
Chuck Arthur: Pass. I like to play a gadget that is perfect for this hand, but we're not, so...
Perry Khakhar: 5D. Just in case we make. Tempting to try for a spade moysian, but what do you do after 3C - 3H - ?
Kees Schaafsma: Pass. Hope opps find a bid.
Rex Tu: Pass. No chance for game, and don't want opps find their heart contract.
Brian Zietman: 5D. This is not a Yarborough! Lots of trick taking potential opposite 20-22 points.
Chris Diamond: Pass. If I knew the system there might be some way to wiggle out (e.g. puppet Stayman and a 3D reply, or a 5 card spade suit) but for now I'll play in a horrible contract undoubled.
Tim Francis-Wright: Pass. It would be great if I could claim that 3S here is a puppet that lets me sign off next round. But that's not in the system.
Amiram Millet: 5D. The only possible game. We're Vul & it's IMPs.
Mike Roberts: 5D. Might be cheaper than playing 2NT.

3. IMPs. Both vul.
S A 6 5   H K J 10 2   D A K 7 4 2   C Q  
West North East South  
1H Dbl Pass ?

Your call?

2NT 13 100
Pass 3 30
1S 1 10
2D 1 10
1NT 0 0
Moderator: Bidding 2NT has two flaws: it is a slight overbid and you have a singleton club. Nevertheless, that's the choice of the majority.
The Gordons: 2NT. At matchpoints, we might roll the dice with a pass, but we think the more down-the-middle 2NT is called for at IMPs. What stiff club?
Larry Cohen: Pass. I pass because my partner recently tried this on an incredibly similar hand, and he was very right. The other benefit is that if this is a long match, my opponents are likely to keep in line if they know this sort of auction can occur.
Steve Robinson: 1S. This is a good lesson hand where 1S shows exactly three spades with a hand unsuitable for bidding something else. With four spades and 11-14 high card points, bid 2S. I expect a low score, but this is how one should respond to a negative double of 1H.
Michael Dimich: 2NT. Be brave and invite game.
Eugene Chan: 1NT. Pretending my CQ is worthless and bidding accordingly.
Anssi Rantamaa: 2NT. Too much chance of missing a game.
Aidan Ballantyne: 2NT. Don't tell me the 'winning' bid is to leave this in...
Larry Meyer: 1NT. Tell pard about heart stop. Stiff CQ and hearts behind me prevent me from jumping.
Martin Henneberger: 2NT. Well I have a source of tricks in diamonds (hopefully) and extra values. Looks like a 2NT rebid to me. Stiff club? What stiff club? Who cares it's the queen and pard has me covered.
Stephen Vincent: 2NT. The practical bid.
Craig T. Wilson: 1NT. Gambling north has a club stopper.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 2NT. My heart holding gives me 2 likely stoppers in NT, but only 1 in spades.
Chuck Arthur: Pass. Anyone (other than me) open this hand 1NT?
Perry Khakhar: 1NT. Need 1.5 NT! Oh well, better to underbid when the hand sounds like it may potentially be a misfit. Too unilateral to pass and beat the contract 1.
Kees Schaafsma: Pass. Can't cost much, may gain a lot and alternatives are hard to find.
Brian Zietman: 3NT. Good heart stoppers, a good diamond suit, support for partner's spades. Clubs .. ? Well you can't expect everything.
Chris Diamond: 2NT. Too hard to defend 1H, and pard is still unlimited and badly defined.
Tim Francis-Wright: 2H. Annoyingly, they only overcalled at the 1-level so I can't leave it in. So, I'm kicking the problem back to partner.
Amiram Millet: 3NT. It has a great probability now.
Mike Roberts: 2NT. I'm trying to put in a spade with my clubs, but it's difficult on a computer screen.

4. Matchpoints. N-S vul.
S A J   H A 5 2   D A 10 7 3   C A K 7 3  
West North East South  
    Pass 2NT
3H 4H Pass ?

Your call?

5NT 10 100
5H 4 80
4S 2 20
4NT 1 10
Pass 1 0
Moderator: Ten experts bid 5NT to get partner to pick a slam.
Allan Falk: 5H. Let's agree that 4H is Stayman, not a transfer. Partner could have bid 3S forcing, so he rates to have only a four-card spade suit. I can be certain, therefore, that he has at least one four-card minor, so I'm going for the gusto.
Mel Colchamiro: 5NT. . . pick a slam, but not spades. With spade support, I would bid 5H. Partner is a lock to hold at least one minor.
Michael Dimich: 5H. I may as well make the most powerful slam approach bid in the limited context of my 2NT. bid.
Eugene Chan: 4NT. 4H should be Stayman. 4NT denies 4 spades. Will raise any minor to six.
Aidan Ballantyne: 5NT. If pard bids a minor I am raising to seven, believing 4H to be a slam try. I can probably make 6S if pard was transferring to spades.
Larry Meyer: 5H. Pard made a cue bid with no aces, so let's play a slam in his best minor.
Martin Henneberger: 5H. Whatever partner is up to I like it, and will tell them so by bidding 5H. I don't see any reason to bid 4S or 5 of a minor and blasting 5NT pick a slam is too space consuming.
Stephen Vincent: 5H. Love those controls.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 4NT. This caters to most of the possible meanings of partner's cue bid.
Chuck Arthur: 4S. I assume 4H in a transfer to 4S, or is that not allowed here?
Perry Khakhar: 5NT. 4C and 4D feel like natural and forcing. 4NT is for the minors. So, this must be a slam try in spades. Well I have the Aces and the bonus SJ. What better hand can he possibly want?
Kees Schaafsma: 4NT. Diamonds and/or clubs may break badly, along with a heart (or spade) loser 6-of-a-minor seems too risky.
Rex Tu: 4NT. Ask partner to bid 4-card suit.
Brian Zietman: 6C. Showing my best suit and forcing to slam.
Chris Diamond: 4S. I assume a transfer until told otherwise. If he bids again I'll raise it to confuse him too.
Tim Francis-Wright: 5NT. Partner's bid is Stayman(ish) and shows the values for 4NT. I don't know where to play this, but I have a bonanza here, so she gets to pick a slam.
Amiram Millet: 4NT. On the way (at least) to 6NT now.
Mike Roberts: 5NT. Pick a slam?

5. IMPs. None vul.
S A 5   H Q   D 6 5 4 3   C K Q 6 5 4 3  
West North East South  
  4S Pass Pass
4NT (1) Pass 5C (2) ?
(1) Two-suiter.
(2) Pass or correct.

Your call?

5S 7 100
Pass 6 90
Dbl 5 50
Moderator: This problem produced three choices, each earning about the same number of votes.
Jeff Meckstroth: Dbl. They may not stay here, but you never know!
Jill Meyers: Pass. I have no idea if I can beat anything including a slam. I'm concerned if I double 5C, I'll get a club lead when I really want a spade lead.
Kerri Sanborn: 5S. Double won't do any good when West gets his next bid to show the red suits. Let's make him decide now whether he wants to force to the six level.
Michael Dimich: Pass. Double is equivalent to breaking wind at the table. You want partner to lead spades. If West is short in spades and ends up in a diamond contract then one tap may take trump control away from them.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. If playing Namyats, 5S might be the right call. Unfortunately, we are left guessing. I will double first. Guess later.
Aidan Ballantyne: 5S. If I pass they will find their fit and probably make 5 or 6. If I bid now it may derail them completely.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. Not interested in bidding at the 5-level - let pard know that he can safely lead clubs.
Martin Henneberger: 5S. With partner opening 4S our side is well placed in the info exchange department. The opps are both in the dark as to the others holding. Make them completely guess.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. Best to avoid the reflexive lead-directing double, as a club lead is unlikely to be advantageous.
Craig T. Wilson: Pass. I will bid 5S if West corrects.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. Doubling for the lead is more likely to help declarer than partner.
Chuck Arthur: Dbl. ... then bid 5S when this gets corrected to 5 of a red suit.
Perry Khakhar: 5S. They are on their way to 5H and I will want to bid 5S then! So, we may as well cut out any further communication and bid 5S now.
Kees Schaafsma: Dbl. What meets the eye, passing seems pretty pointless.
Rex Tu: 5S. Make opp guess at 6 level.
Brian Zietman: 5S. Have to show partner I have competing values.
Chris Diamond: 5S. Since you know they're going to bid a red suit, pre-empt it in case they have a big fit. I think pard can probably muster 9 tricks.
Tim Francis-Wright: Dbl. Telling partner where my values are can't be wrong here.
Amiram Millet: Pass. Should bid (at least) 5S instead of pass before.
Mike Roberts: 5S. The big advantage of this bid is that they can't find their heart fit now (presuming LHO has the reds).

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
Kerri Sanborn 2D 5D 2NT 5NT 5S 500
Jill Meyers 2D 5D 2NT 5NT Pass 490
Mel Colchamiro 2D 5D 2NT 5NT Pass 490
Allan Falk 2D 5D 2NT 5H Pass 470
The Joyces 2D 5D 2NT 5H Pass 470
Jeff Meckstroth 2D 5D 2NT 5NT Dbl 450
Betty Ann Kennedy 2D 5D 2NT 4S 5S 420
The Gordons 2C 3NT 2NT 5NT Pass 420
Mike Lawrence 2C Pass 2NT 5NT 5S 410
Barry Rigal 3D 5D 2NT 5NT Dbl 390
Steve Robinson 2C 5D 1S 5NT 5S 390
The Sutherlins 2D 3NT 2NT 5H Dbl 380
Karen Walker 3D 3NT 2NT 5NT Pass 380
The Coopers 2C 3NT Pass 5NT 5S 360
August Boehm 2C 3NT 2NT 4NT 5S 340
Larry Cohen 2C 5D Pass 5H Dbl 340
Don Stack 2C 5D Pass 4S 5S 330
Bridge Buff 2D Pass 2D Pass Dbl 190

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Aidan Ballantyne 2D 5D 2NT 5NT 5S 500 161.00
2.    Michael Dimich 2C 5D 2NT 5H Pass 450 120.75
3.    Brad Bart 2D 5D 2NT 4S 5S 420 80.50
4.    Martin Henneberger 2C 3NT 2NT 5H 5S 410 56.35
5.    Stephen Vincent 2D Pass 2NT 5H Pass 400 29.52
5.    Ronald Kuiper 2D 5D 2NT 4NT Pass 400 29.52
7.    Gilbert Lambert 2C 5D 2NT 6C Pass 370 20.34
7.    Larry Pocock 2C 5D 3NT 5NT Pass 370 20.34
7.    David Breton 2D 5D 2NT 4S Dbl 370 20.34
10.    Rock Yan 2C 5D 3NT 5H 5S 360 16.10
11.    Joel Martineau 2C 5D 2NT 4S Dbl 350 13.48
11.    Norma Doucette 2C 5D 2NT 4S Dbl 350 13.48
11.    Ernie Dietrich 2C 5D 2NT 4S Dbl 350 13.48

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Mike Roberts (Usa) 2C 5D 2NT 5NT 5S 480 66.50
2.    Perry Khakhar (Canada) 2D 5D 1NT 5NT 5S 400 49.88
3.    Janet Dunbar (Canada) 2C 5D 2NT 4S Pass 390 33.25
4.    Paul Erikson (Canada) 2D 5D 1S 5H Pass 380 23.28
5.    Chris Diamond (Canada) 2D Pass 2NT 4S 5S 350 13.30
6.    Leo Weniger (Canada) 2C 5D Pass 5H Dbl 340 11.08
7.    Paul Mcmullin (Usa) 2D 5D 3D 4S 5S 320 9.50
8.    Brian Zietman (Israel) 2D 5D 3NT 6C 5S 300 8.31
9.    Judi Carter (Canada) 2D 4D 2S 5NT Pass 290 7.39
10.    Amiram Millet (Israel) 2C 5D 3NT 4NT Pass 280 6.65
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