TGIF January 2011: Scores
1. Matchpoints. E-W vul.
A Q 8 7 5 4
10 7 5 4
West |
North |
East |
South |
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| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 9
| 100
| 4
| 70
| 3
| 60
| 2
| 40
| 0
| 10
Moderator: If you're not sure what call to make, consider raising partner with a strong doubleton.
August Boehm: 3. Ace-jack should be as good as a tripleton. 3 isn't where I live.
Mike Lawrence: 3. I don't really want to play in clubs or diamonds. At least 3 will get a 4 bid from partner if he has two of them. If he, instead, bids 3NT, my A J will be useful.
The Coopers: 3. It could be right to show the secondary club support, but partner might be 4-4 in the minors, and we don't want to lose that fit. Bids at this point in the auction are about finding the right place to play.
Don Stack: 3NT. The spade suit is not good enough to bid a third time. The diamond suit is too anemic to bid. The clubs will be a great asset at notrump. What is left but bidding 3NT?
Stephen Vincent: Pass. We're probably too high already. No way am I going to introduce those anaemic diamonds at the 3 level.
Aidan Ballantyne: 3. Continue bidding out the pattern as this is info responder often wants to hear after 2NT in this sequence. Try to keep captaincy with responder. Need a third club to bid 3.
Martin Henneberger: 3. Playing standard american for a bidding contest seems outdated. So I knew 2 promised a rebid and instead of 2 I am forced to bid 2. Well, now I'm in a pickle. And does 2 here promise 6? I think not. Min values and no fit I will try 3.
Larry Meyer: Pass. This hand seems like a misfit - stay low.
Eugene Chan: 3. Partner will be expecting more clubs but shouldn't be too disappointed with 2 honours. One last chance for partner to show spade tolerance.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. Unless we are playing 2/1, I see no reason to keep bidding.
Mike Roberts: 3. First choice was 3 (which will probably win the panel vote). But partner doesn't always own the 10.
Perry Khakhar: 3. Bob Hamman or no, this one does not feel right for 3NT. Imagine the very possible 1-3-4-5 hand that partner could hold! Diamond game (or slam even) may be there while 3NT goes down.
Chris Diamond: 3. Is 2NT forcing in this system? NT doesn't feel right so 3 (but this sounds forcing so we will probably go down 1 more in 3NT).
Chris Buchanan: 3NT. I hate this hand already. Depending on how my day is going I may bid 3 but for now 3NT.
Tim Francis-Wright: 3. It's close whether to bid 3 to pattern out, or to treat this hand like a 6-1-3-3 hand because of the two club honors.
Amiram Millet: 3. 3NT is probably better by North. Looking for best MP result.
Kees Schaafsma: 3. At least this shows my 6-4.
John Gillespie: 3. Opposite a stiff spade, even a 5-2 club fit should play better.
Plarq Liu: 3. Weak, sign off.
2. Matchpoints. None vul.
7 4 2
J 7 5 2
West |
North |
East |
South |
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| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 14
| 100
| 2
| 40
| 2
| 40
Moderator: You're supposed to have a trump stack to leave in partner's takeout double, right? In this case, the panel doesn't agree.
Barry Rigal: 4. Partner rates to have four hearts and I'd expect only to get 300 against 3 doubled. I'm sure that 'law' advocates would insist on a pass here, knowing they could blame Larry Cohen if they were wrong.
Steve Robinson: 4. If partner is 5-5 of longer in the minors, 3 could easily make. If, instead, partner is 4-4 in the minors, then I should pass. I'm guessing that 5 or 5 will have play.
The Joyces: Pass. Passing and leading trumps every time may be our best plan.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. Nowhere really to go. To defend is probably best, particularly if opener has only 5 spades as seems fashionable these days.
Gilbert Lambert: Pass. I pass and lead a spade.
Aidan Ballantyne: 4. Nasty. Not sure what are the Responsive Double agreements, but would pard always bid 4 with a 4-card suit and 8-11 points? I think not. They could easily make 3 so I refuse to leave it in.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. I'm glad it's matchpoints. Do I want to risk partner getting tapped in a 4 bagger and going minus? Passing might get us 100-500 or -530. Let's gamble.
Anssi Rantamaa: 4. Even down two doubled is no good if a game exists. Partner is likely to have at most one spade.
Larry Meyer: 4. My extra HCP values are offset by my 4333 shape - not looking for slam.
Eugene Chan: Pass. I'll take my chances defending by leading trumps at every opportunity. Partner's double should deny 4 hearts.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 4. All my values are working, but the hands fit poorly. It looks like we can make 4 or 5 of a minor, but probably only 4.
Mike Roberts: Pass. This is too obvious. I'll lead a trump.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. Lead trumps! Partner has values but not hearts, so we have no legitimate game. Let's get the +300 (or better).
Merv Adey: Pass. Why did I double 2?? Now it's a crapshoot...I assume pard's double denies four hearts.
Chris Diamond: Pass. No guaranteed fit at the 4 level so let's try for a plus defending.
Chris Buchanan: Pass. Partner's double shows values. Sometimes the best place to play is in their suit.
Tim Francis-Wright: 4. It's tempting to leave this in, but we don't always have 5 tricks on defense here.
Amiram Millet: 6. This is a responsive double. Partner is ready for my 4 of a minor with a minimum takeout double. I have extra and mostly in the minors. I blast into 6 before they find their double major fit.
Kees Schaafsma: 4. Game is very likely, North should convert with 3 A Q x K x x x x 10 x x x
John Gillespie: Pass. . . and lead trumps.
Plarq Liu: 4. Maybe partner has some hearts for the double.
3. Matchpoints. Both vul.
Q 8 7 6 5
A 9 8 7 2
West |
North |
East |
South |
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| ? |
(1) Weak.
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 10
| 100
| 5
| 80
| 2
| 40
| 1
| 20
| 0
| 10
Moderator: The most likely game is 4, but your suit is weak. The majority of the panel chooses to bid 3.
Larry Cohen: 4. I can't pass and I was originally thinking of bidding 3, but then I realized that if they bid 4, I won't be content to let them play there anyway, so I might as well get the hand off my chest now.
Allan Falk: Dbl. 3 could be right, of course, but it could get partner off to a terrible lead and if it goes all pass, I won't be thrilled. So, I choose to double and hope we land on our feet.
Kerri Sanborn: Pass. Maybe my partner can bail me out on the next round of bidding. If I overcall this ratty suit and we have no fit there, it won't be easy to scramble to a good spot. It's dangerous to bid, but I know it's also dangerous not to bid.
Karen Walker: 3. My apologies will be ready if bidding 3 goes south - just as they would if I had meekly passed and that had been wrong.
Stephen Vincent: Dbl. Risky but so is crossing the street.
Aidan Ballantyne: 3. Double is second choice, I'm not passing.
Martin Henneberger: 3. Last time I passed with 5/5 and shortness I got only 1 vote for 20/100. I will bid 3 because I'm the one with shortness and partner's random 10 count probably can't balance.
Larry Meyer: 3. If pard can fill in the spade suit, I trust he will raise to 4.
Eugene Chan: Pass. 3 is probably an OK contract except that partner will probably raise to 4. Count me as glass half empty on this one.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 3. No qualms about pre-balancing here.
Mike Roberts: Dbl. I don't relish playing 4 on a 5-2 fit.
Perry Khakhar: 3. MUST BID situation: MPs or IMPs. Slight edge to 3 over double. I have gone for 800 before, so not my first time. :)
Merv Adey: 3. Ugh..not much upside to pass though.
Chris Diamond: 3. I'd actually like to make a Michaels call but if pard lacks a spade fit 5's really high with this hand.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. I want to keep all options open for partner. The preempt has worked.
Tim Francis-Wright: Dbl. The form of scoring made me do it.
Amiram Millet: Dbl. Hope we play equal level conversion. On 4 I'll bid 4. If partner passes, I have a nice defensive hand.
Kees Schaafsma: Dbl. Delta of 4 so enough to double, I don't mind if pard passes and it's still possible to bid 4 (showing diamonds and spades) over 4.
John Gillespie: Dbl. Maybe pard knows what to do, I don't.
Paul Hardy: Dbl. Convert 4 to 4... pard will get the picture.
Plarq Liu: 3. We know we likely have a fit.
4. IMPs. None vul.
J 10 8 2
A 2
9 8 7 3
10 8 6
West |
North |
East |
South |
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| ? |
(1) Weak.
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 13
| 100
| 3
| 60
| 1
| 30
| 1
| 20
| 0
| 10
Moderator: What should you do when partner doubles and you are 3-2 in the unbid suits? The majority bids the three-card suit.
Betty Ann Kennedy: 3. My hand is not strong enough for 2NT.
Mel Colchamiro: 2NT. I presume that's lebensohl. I'm not brave enough to pass at IMPs.
Stephen Vincent: 3. Not the most descriptive bid but the alternatives are even worse.
Aidan Ballantyne: 3. Broken record: take out the T.O. doubles.
Martin Henneberger: 3. Immediate take out doubles should be taken out unless clearly obvious to sit. This is an easy 3 bid for me.
Larry Meyer: 2NT. My spade stopper is probably the most useful information for pard.
Eugene Chan: 2NT. What's 2NT? Lebensohl? Both minors? Natural? I don't really care! I want to pass but too dangerous at IMPs.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 2NT. Ugh! I don't see a lot of choices here.
Mike Roberts: 3. I've been asked. I answer. I guess Lebensohl could apply here, but I wouldn't assume it.
Perry Khakhar: 2NT. Might get out for -100 on a good day. If we are playing good/bad, still 2NT and pass 3. Pass (good way to lose partners!) just too much gamble at IMPs.
Merv Adey: 3. If 2N = relay to 3 change my call.
Chris Diamond: 2NT. I have no idea what 2NT means but I've got something resembling stoppers and if partner bids again I hope it's a makeable spot.
Chris Buchanan: 3. Is it reasonable to expect 4 tricks from partner? I don't think so. If I could lebensohl here I would. -470 sucks at IMPs.
Tim Francis-Wright: 3. 2NT would be fine if it didn't promise a ton more than I have here.
Amiram Millet: 3. Taking out the takeout double. It might be our best spot. If they go on to 3 I'll punish.
Kees Schaafsma: 2NT. If this isn't Lebensohl, I don't know what is.
John Gillespie: 3. Looks like 3 possible tricks on offence, 2 or maybe only 1 on defence.
Plarq Liu: Pass. We don't see our contract, anywhere.
5. IMPs. N-S vul.
A 3
A 4
A 5
A J 8 6 5 4 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
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| ? |
(1) At least 5-5 in the majors.
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 10
| 100
| 6
| 70
| 2
| 40
Moderator: The majority doubles for penalty.
Larry Cohen: 5. If I double, partner is unlikely to pass with shortish hearts and probably spade length, so why bother? Some days he might remove to 5 - a disaster. I will have play for 5 opposite a hand with very few values.
Jill Meyers: Pass. This is a tough problem. I'm concerned that if I double, my side might be playing 5. I think pass is likely to get us a plus score and bidding may not.
The Sutherlins: Dbl. Double is penalty because we could bid 4 or 4NT for takeout. Partner should pull with extreme distribution.
Aidan Ballantyne: 5. What else? I'm not making a takeout double with 1-suiter, especially in lowest ranking suit and I don't have enough to bid slam. I'm not passing.
Martin Henneberger: 5. Could easily be a double game swing. Certainly appears to be within a trick for both sides.
Larry Meyer: 5. This hand seems more useful on offense than defense.
Eugene Chan: Pass. Won't get rich doubling. 5 too unilateral. Happy if we score up +50.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. If partner has a useful king then we can set this 2 or 3. But it would be a huge disaster if I double and partner pulls.
Mike Roberts: 5. Yes, this could work out horribly. But this could be game for both sides.
Perry Khakhar: 5. At this vulnerability, I have to get to game with this hand. Minus scores be damned!
Chris Diamond: 5. I suppose I could double with 4 aces but a 7-card suit should not go unbid.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. Sorry, I cannot resist. It won't be the first time they make a doubled contract against me.
Tim Francis-Wright: Dbl. A tough one. We know partner have neither a big fit for us nor either a decent or a great hand with a ton of diamonds, so double to suggest a penalty seems prudent.
Amiram Millet: Pass. They are probably overboard, but double is too risky in IMPs.
Kees Schaafsma: 5. Pard rates to have some clubs.
John Gillespie: Dbl. -590 at IMPs isn't the end of the world.
Plarq Liu: 6. Be brave!