TGIF November 2010: Scores
1. IMPs. None vul.
K Q J 7 5 3
10 7
A 3
A 9 8
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
(1) Minors.
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 6
| 100
| 3
| 70
| 3
| 50
| 1
| 50
| 2
| 50
| 2
| 50
| 0
| 30
| 1
| 20
| 0
| 0
Moderator: This problem was the most interesting of the set, polling 7 different calls from our panel of experts.
Don Stack: 6. I'm hoping the power of my aces and potential tricks in spades will carry the day in slam. There is no guarantee of making six, yet we could be cold for seven.
Allan Falk: 5NT. . . pick a slam, partner. North could rebid 3 on a variety of hands where spades could be the superior trump suit, such as: A 6 2 A K 8 6 3 2 K 7 4 5. We might make a grand slam, but that's too tough. If we find any small slam that makes, I'll be satisfied.
Betty Ann Kennedy: 5. Partner should have extra length and values because of the 3 bid, so 5 should make.
Barry Rigal: 6. My choices are to jump to 6, 6, offer a choice of slams with 5NT or the pessimistic double. 6 could be right on with as little as a singleton 10 in partner's hand. I'm taking the unilateral route and bidding 6 and will apologize to partner later.
Steve Robinson: 6. I have to make a strong bid. Your bid at this point might depend on the answer to some questions. Would 3 by North after 2NT show a strong hand with a good heart suit? Does 5NT by South offer a choice of slams?
The Coopers: 6. They have made us guess and we are guessing that 6 is right. How to get partner to bid a grand with solid hearts and the A? We think that we wouldn't bid 6 without at least two aces and some tricks in spades.
The Joyces: Dbl. We're not thrilled with any of our options. The five level should belong to the opponents.
Brad Bart: 6. It feels like this is a 5 or 7 hand, but bidding 7 is not the best choice in a bidding contest. (And after seeing the scores, neither was 6.)
Andrew Krywaniuk: 6. The opponents' bidding has already muddled our auction. (How do I interpret partner's bid over 2NT? Would a cue bid be unusual vs. unusual? Would double be strength or support?) So let's just bid what I hope we can make.
Mark Eddy: Pass. This has to be forcing... will pull pard's double to 5, or raise a 5 (or unlikely 5) call to 6.
Laurence Betts: 6. Tempted to bid 7 but that doesn't win bidding contests; just procrastinating.
Eugene Chan: 6. Might be cold for seven but we will be happy with six. 6 rate to be better than 6 because there may be entry problems for partner's hearts in a spade slam.
Mike Hamilton: 6. Partner made a free call facing a possible 6 points. I have a lot more than my response promised, but we’re beyond KCB and cue-bidding won’t help. With controls outside and 10-x support, I’ll try slam.
Stephen Vincent: 6. 6 is likely and 7 possible. 6 gives us a chance of getting to 7 if it's on and getting to the right strain.
Gilbert Lambert: 6. There are no scientific ways to get to seven at this level. Pay off to the 5 bid.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. Not confident we can make 5 of a major - take sure plus.
Aidan Ballantyne: Dbl. Take the plus. Worst case is probably +300 instead of +450. LHO would have to have extreme shape and pard no aces for them to make it. Only in my nightmares.
Martin Henneberger: Dbl. Another 5 level decision that is a pure guess. If there is one thing I've learned from this contest is that the panel doesn't like guessing to go down when double is available.
Mike Roberts: 5. Pass isn't forcing, and this feels like the middle-of-the-road action.
Perry Khakhar: 6. Should have a play! Tough to explore further at this level without mirrors. So, I take the most likely spot.
Chris Buchanan: Pass. Forcing Pass. I am planning on the Pass and pull to show slam interest.
John Gillespie: 6. Pard will do the right thing, won't they?
Chuck Arthur: 6. Those spades are not quite strong enough to insist that they be trump.
Chris Diamond: 6. Can't think of anything but a cue-bid, so I hope I get lucky and pard holds a diamond void with all the other cards I need and bids a grand if I show the A.
Tim Francis-Wright: Dbl. Hulk not take push. Hulk smash puny minor suits.
Amiram Millet: 6. Have too many controls for only 5.
2. IMPs. None vul.
10 9
J 4
Q J 10 7
A Q 8 7 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 10
| 100
| 8
| 80
| 0
| 30
| 0
| 0
Moderator: You can't be sure you can set them, so you pass, right? Your side has more than half the points, so you must double, right? The best action is pretty much a guess, and the votes show this.
Kerri Sanborn: Dbl. Double shows some values. If they make it, it's not the end of the world.
Karen Walker: Pass. BBS says double is penalty, but I don't know that I can beat it. Maybe if I pass, partner can reopen.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. Who wants to go for 800? Any volunteers?
Mark Eddy: Dbl. Don't really care if pard takes this as negative or just cards or business.
Laurence Betts: Dbl. Minus 590, lose 5.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. Partner's opener should have at least 2 Quicks and I have an ace and handling charges.
Mike Hamilton: Dbl. If partner opened light, where are the points? I want more shape before considering a call that commits our side to the 5-level.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. Every time I've bid in this situation (we've got more points than them partner) I end up writing down -590 or worse.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. Intended as showing cards without good trump support.
Aidan Ballantyne: Dbl. 4NT might be take-out but I don't have enough shape, and I'm too good to pass. This double tends to show cards anyway.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. When fixed, stay fixed and yet another lesson hand. I can't even be sure I was making a part score let alone game, so I won't even consider the 5 level, and to double with no trump tricks is asking partner to go wrong. Pass.
Stuart Carr: Dbl. I'm happy if partner passes or pulls.
Mike Roberts: Pass. Pre-empts work. If double was co-operative, I'd do that, but it's 80% penalty.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. I refuse to punish partner for his 3rd seat opener. He would need to hold a lot of very specific cards for us to make anything. Maybe we can beat the contract.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. Too hard for partner to make a good decision on this hand unless I help them out a little.
John Gillespie: Pass. Not enough offence or defence.
Chuck Arthur: Dbl. Unfortunately, 4NT now is not for the minors.
Chris Diamond: Dbl. Card showing, although I could have more cards.
Tim Francis-Wright: Pass. Don't punish partner here.
Amiram Millet: Dbl. Expecting 300 but will settle for 100.
3. IMPs. E-W vul.
Q 10 5 3 2
A 7
10 6
Q 8 6 5
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
(1) Weak.
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 11
| 100
| 7
| 70
| 0
| 10
Moderator: The save in 6 should be cheap enough to be worthwhile, but can the opponents make 6?
Mike Lawrence: 6. Oddly, this sequence is one in which they might consider bidding seven, to their dismay.
Barry Rigal: Pass. I rate to lose 1100 in 6 doubled, but I'm not sure the opponents aren't off two aces or a slow club trick. The odds aren't right to bid.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 6. Partner hasn't denied a side suit king, but it sure seems unlikely. Down 4 should be good sac. (On a side note, why did I bid a pusillanimous 4 in the first place? 5, 5, 5, 5, and pass would all be better choices.)
Mark Eddy: Dbl. I play dbl here as cooperative. Pard can pass with a defensive trick.
Eugene Chan: Pass. Lead a club and hope for the best. Not taking a voluntary minus holding the ace of trumps. Double is too greedy.
Mike Hamilton: Pass. Holding the master trump, I have too much defense to sacrifice. We have a reasonable chance of collecting a minor-suit trick to go with the sure trump trick, so I’ll pass quietly.
Stephen Vincent: 6. Hate sacrificing when there's any chance of beating it but the chances of partner having a defensive trick are remote indeed.
Gilbert Lambert: 6. Taking insurance.
Larry Meyer: Pass. I don't see their slam as a sure thing, so I'm not willing to sacrifice.
Aidan Ballantyne: 6. Insurance, only because I am not sure what to lead: club or spade. Sounds like they are ready for spades (RHO is void?), but do I have the guts to pass, lead a club and play pard for the K? Nope.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. I have an easy rule for myself in these situations. Once we preempted and forced the opponents to guess I will not rescue. Phantom sacks are a hard post mortem to win. Pass and lead a club.
Stuart Carr: Pass. I expect a sac to go for 1100-1400. We might even set it!
David Breton: 6. My first bid would be 5. It seems our only realistic chance to beat this is finding partner with 6-2-(41) distribution; I'm willing to pay off to those holdings. In practice partner will often have a singleton heart and the slam will have lots of play.
Mike Roberts: Pass. As a new car owner, I can testify that insurance is expensive.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. So, you have one trick on defense! Argues against any psuedo-sacrifices. If it makes, my partners will be in it as well. 6 should be a minimum of -1100. That would suck if partners bring back -100.
Chris Buchanan: Pass. Looks good to me here.
John Gillespie: 6. Would have bid at least 5 first time, 6 if early in a long match or I don't like the opps.
Chris Diamond: Pass. Pre-empted them into a guess, now I hope they guessed wrong, although the save rates to be cheap.
Tim Francis-Wright: 6. It sounds like someone has a spade void (probably East) so 6 rates to make.
Amiram Millet: 6. Even minus 3 will probably be good.
4. IMPs. None vul.
A 8 6 2
J 9 2
Q 8 6 2
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 11
| 100
| 4
| 70
| 2
| 50
| 1
| 50
| 0
| 10
| 0
| 10
Moderator: The majority feel that you won't set 2 doubled enough to make up for the possible 3NT game.
Mel Colchamiro: 3NT. Is a straight-forward 3NT bid out of style? I can hold up in spades and likely shut out East.
The Gordons: Pass. If we had the 10, we might try 3NT. With out poor spade intermediates, game is no guarantee and tilts the odds towards defending.
Betty Ann Kennedy: 2NT. Yes, it's lebensohl, but I want to hear more about my partner's hand. If partner bids 3 or 3, I'll bid 3NT. If partner bids 3, I'll bid 3.
Jeff Meckstroth: 3. Because lebensohl is on, 3 is invitational. My spade stopper is thin and I don't have a real trick source, so I'm willing to stop below game.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. My hand contains 4 likely defensive tricks. Whereas my lack of tenaces sitting over the 2 bidder could spell big trouble for 3NT.
Mark Eddy: 2NT. 2NT natural (also 2NT if that's lebensohl, bidding 3 next).
Laurence Betts: 3NT. What am I missing?
Eugene Chan: 3NT. Shows exactly 1 stopper. With more stoppers, bid 2NT (Lebensohl) then 3NT.
Mike Hamilton: Pass. Not ideal and certainly not without risk. I’d like better trumps, but where are my tricks in 2NT, 3, or 3? Partner has balanced to protect my values, so I’ll play him for around a 9-count and try for +300 against no game our way.
Gilbert Lambert: 2NT. I will bid 3NT over 3, and cue bid spades over a 3 rebid by pard.
Larry Meyer: 3NT. Show spade stopper and opening bid strength.
Aidan Ballantyne: 3NT. A cue bid end plays pard if pard lacks a spade piece. It's now or never. Aces are good cards in notrump as well as in suit play.
Stuart Carr: 3. Would prefer to make partner declarer in NT. If he bids hearts, hopefully he has 5.
Kevin Strangway: 2NT. Direct denies, hope this is part of BBO std but I doubt it.
Mike Roberts: 3NT. Hopefully, I can shut out East's spades.
Perry Khakhar: 3NT. Should be the consensus choice!
Chris Buchanan: Pass. At equal vul I will try my luck here.
John Gillespie: 3NT. My pard doesn't promise the world's fair but we try to balance in a suit instead of dbl with cheesy hands.
Chris Diamond: 3. Hoping pard can bid 3NT with Q x. Maybe I'm supposed to go through 2NT but would wrong side NT. I may be committing to 5 but I'll try 4 first over 4.
Tim Francis-Wright: 3NT. I would love to have 2 stoppers but we may not need them.
Amiram Millet: 2NT. I'm starting Lebensohl then go to 3NT to show my hand.
5. IMPs. E-W vul.
A K 7 4
8 6
A K J 10 9 2
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 10
| 100
| 8
| 80
| 0
| 40
| 0
| 20
| 0
| 10
Moderator: A takeout double promises at least three cards in each unbid suit (or very strong values), but eight experts are willing to make that call with two low hearts. What are their reasons?
Karen Walker: 4. When my opponents double with this hand, their partners always bid 4. Mine bid hearts.
Jill Meyers: Dbl. . . and correct 3 to 4. If partner jumps to 4, I will pass.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 4. Bidding my shape avoids confusing partner, but an off-shape 'tweener' double would not be terrible either.
Mark Eddy: 4. This is a pretty good hand, but it's not THAT good.
Laurence Betts: Dbl. . . and bid clubs over a heart bid. Q J x x makes game.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. I am prepared to bid 4 if partner advances 3 to my T/O double.
Mike Hamilton: Dbl. If partner can bid 3NT, I’ll have a fine dummy for him. Otherwise, I have the option to press on in clubs with chances of finding a 4-4 spade fit.
Stephen Vincent: 4. At least we'll probably be in the best suit.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. Don't want to bypass spades or 3NT - club suit can wait.
Aidan Ballantyne: Dbl. Risky but how else do we get to 3NT or 4 if that is right? If pard bids 4 maybe it is on length (I'm bidding 4 over 3 response).
Martin Henneberger: 4. 2 choices: 4 or double. Maybe equal level conversion doubles should also include this hand type showing longer clubs and spades. For now I'm bidding my longest suit. Partner can cue 4 to hear 4 from me.
Stuart Carr: Dbl. I'll bid 3 after 3.
Craig T. Wilson: Dbl. Then bid clubs.
Mike Roberts: Dbl. I'll pull 3 to 4, 4 to 4, and pray....
Perry Khakhar: 4. Any take out double could lead to a bigger disaster than missing 3NT, or not getting to 4. Although, we are not past 4 yet and may be able to play in 4NT when it is right. Certainly 6 would be near impossible to reach without bidding 4!
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. Not the best shape here but it is the most flexible.
John Gillespie: Dbl. 4 over 3 next. Might get dicey though.
Chris Diamond: 4. Keep seeing this problem. Maybe it's time to have a jump to 4 of a major show 4 of that suit with a longer minor and work around the system gap with only a major.
Amiram Millet: Dbl. If partner bids 3, I hope we play equal level conversion and correct to 3.