Vancouver Bridge Centre
Address:   1825 West 16th Ave, Vancouver B.C.

TGIF July 2010: Scores

1. IMPs. N-S vul.
S J 6 4   H A Q J 5 4   D 10 3 2   C K 9  
West North East South  
3D 4D 5D ?

Your call?

Pass 12 100
Dbl 6 80
5H 0 20
Moderator: You assume that your side has the balance of power after partner's cue-bid at the four level. The normal action is to double at the five level with two or more quick losers in the opponents' suit, but the majority choose to pass and leave the decision to partner.
Mel Colchamiro: Pass. I view pass as automatic, despite my minimum high-card points. Partner is likely to have a stiff or void in diamonds, and I'll trust his judgment. If I had only two diamonds, I would double.
Mike Lawrence: Dbl. It could be right to pass because what I have is pure, but I'm doubling. My double seldom includes a lot of diamond values, so partner can infer that I have a minimum.
The Joyces: Pass. We make an encouraging pass. We have no wasted diamond values and will abide by partner's decision.
Brad Bart: Dbl. Ugh. Why did I open?
Michael Dimich: Dbl. You must double to warn partner about your minimum flat opening hand. The double doesn't command a pass. If you pass and pull partner's double then you are making a slam try.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. On this sub-minimum opener, 3 tricks will be easier than 11. Double is not absolute: simply implies a preference for defending.
Joel Martineau: Pass. . . and (if partner doubles) pull to show some slam interest.
Stephen Vincent: Dbl. 3 tricks are easier than 11. I wouldn't have opened.
Larry Meyer: Pass. I have already said more than enough.
Gilbert Lambert: 5H. This should be the weakest bid here. Pard can continue if he's got the world's fair.
Aidan Ballantyne: Dbl. Balanced minimum, time to wave red flag. 5H 2nd choice because of good trumps and nothing wasted in diamonds, but I really should have more shape for that bid.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. Partner's 4D didn't guarantee diamond shortness, just a good heart raise. Looking at the 5D bid leads me to believe they are short, so with nothing wasted, I will make a happy forcing pass, happily passing partner's 5H, 6H or double.
Ronald Kuiper: Pass. My 1H bid described my whole hand, I have nothing more to say, so will leave action up to pard.
Rock Yan: Pass. I hope it's forcing. I like my strong heart holding and three small diamonds. Opposite a non-minimal game forcing raise with shortness in diamonds, we would have a pretty good chance to make a slam.
Mike Hamilton: Dbl. This warns partner I can’t move on towards slam. I’m a balanced minimum with a tolerance for defense and no control to bid. If partner pulls, we’re looking for slam on the offensive merits of his hand.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. Pass the decision over to partner. If he guesses right then I'll be forgiven for opening a flat 11 count.
David Breton: Dbl. I'm not willing to gamble on 5H and I don't want to make a forcing pass, so I'm forced to double.
Mike Roberts: Pass. If I bid partner's presumed diamond shortness for him, he might drive to 6.
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. Partner's 4D call has put us in a forcing pass sequence. Double is the weakest bid possible and it almost shows how crappy my opener was.
Kees Schaafsma: Dbl. Normally I wouldn't agree with 1H, I won't lie twice.
Bob Todd: Pass. This requires clear partnership agreement.
Merv Adey: Dbl. No second choice.. pass is clearly forcing.
Chris Buchanan: Pass. Forcing Pass. Why make a decision when partner can do it?
Paul Mcmullin: 5H. Isn't 'Pass and pull' stronger than the immediate 5H? I want to show no interest whatsoever with this rag.
David Gordon: Dbl. Forcing pass situation.
Brian Zietman: Pass. I would not have opened with this hand so pass must show minimum (in fact sub-minimum).
Chris Diamond: Dbl. In a force and I don't want to invite 5H even with nothing wasted opposite shortness.
Tim Francis-Wright: Dbl. Are we playing Precision? Or are we opening garden-variety 11-counts now? Double and hope partner has a trump to lead.
Amiram Millet: 5H. Partner is void in diamonds and has only 3 HCP in hearts. We have at least 5H.

2. IMPs. None vul.
S A 9 3   H A 8 7 5 2   D K 6 4   C K 2  
West North East South  
  Pass 1S 2H
2S 3D Pass ?

Your call?

3S 8 100
4D 2 80
3NT 3 70
Pass 3 70
5D 1 60
4H 1 10
Moderator: You overcalled with a bad suit, but partner's bid has improved your hand. Now what?
Jill Meyers: Pass. I would not overcalled on this suit at the two level and with 3-5-3-2 distribution, I certainly don't have anything extra. Partner didn't open a weak two-bid, so I don't think we have nine top tricks in notrump.
The Gordons: 4H. Our passed-hand partner hasn't suddenly discovered his diamond suit. He has a heart fit and wants us to evaluate our hand in the context of having diamond length and values.
Mike Lawrence: 5D. My initial thought was to bid 3NT, but I don't see where nine tricks will come from. With most hands I can project for North, we have a shot at a diamond game, so 5D is what I bid.
Kerri Sanborn: 3S. I'm not sure what partner has in that he didn't preempt the first round, but I have a very good hand in support. By the way, I'm not in love with the 2H bid.
The Coopers: 4D. We like diamonds, and if he is showing heart support with 3D, then we want to be in 4H. This gives him room to bid it.
The Sutherlins: 3NT. We have a diamond fit and a spade stopper. 3NT may not make, but it should have play. Partner may have a working card and six diamonds to the A-Q. There figures to be more hands that make 3NT than 5D.
Eugene Chan: Pass. Can't see likehood of any game. We are probably in our best spot.
Joel Martineau: Pass. Partner did not open, but 5D or even 3NT might make. Non-vul, I will pass and find out.
Stephen Vincent: Pass. Having got away with this hideous overcall the immediate reaction is to pass. 3NT is a possibility with a long suit and aces, but partner didn't open 2D so I don't think he has six.
Larry Meyer: Pass. No need to disturb our partscore - we have found a nice fit.
Gilbert Lambert: 3NT. Hopefuly pard has six diamonds to the AQ to enter at the three level. But then why did he not open 2D?
Aidan Ballantyne: 3S. My hand got really good. Investigate 3NT on way to possible 5D or maybe even 6D.
Martin Henneberger: 3NT. Wow what a sick 2H overcall. Guessing to bid 3NT has to be at least equal to passing, so bring it on.
Ronald Kuiper: Pass. Partner is passed hand. For 3NT, need a miracle hand like DA Q x x x and CA, but my partners open those hands.
Rock Yan: 3S. I don't want to lose a game in IMPs, even though my partner is a passed hand.
Mike Hamilton: 3NT. To introduce a new suit at the 3-level as a passed hand, I suspect partner has a long suit offering a play for 9 tricks in diamonds on this auction. With the DK as a key filler card, I bid 3NT to protect my CK from the opening lead.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. Apparently this is 'recovering from bad bidding' month. Anyway, I don't expect I can make 3NT opposite a hand that couldn't open or preempt in diamonds.
Mike Roberts: 5D. Odd auction - why didn't partner open 2D? I find it hard to construct a hand where 3NT makes and 5D doesn't.
Perry Khakhar: 3S. That should show diamond support and some slam interest. All I have are controls and if partner didn't actually have 3 hearts to 1 honour, along with his diamonds, we should have a good shot at making 6D.
Kees Schaafsma: 4H. 3D was a fit bid.
Bob Todd: 3S. Another toughie - minimum but good values for 3N or 5D.
Chris Buchanan: 3S. I do not think I could hold a better hand for partner. If 3S gets 3NT from partner I will pass but will investigate a diamond slam over any other bid.
Paul Mcmullin: 3S. If partner bids 3NT, I'm passing.
John Gillespie: 3NT. Bob Hamman said if 3NT is one of the choices, there are no other choices.
David Gordon: 3NT. Gambling partner has 7 diamonds to the ace or 6 diamonds to ace and a card outside.
Brian Zietman: Pass. 3NT is too risky as partner was a passed hand. On the other hand he made a free bid. Close call - if we were doing badly I would take a stab at 3NT- if we are doing well pass seems more prudent.
Chris Diamond: 3S. 3D must be a fit and my hand's good so 3S in case 3NT's best (weak hearts in pard's hand).
Tim Francis-Wright: 3NT. 3D is not forcing, but it's not based on Cheez-Wiz.
Amiram Millet: 4D. Partner didn't open 2D so I'm competing on.

3. IMPs. None vul.
S K J 3 2   H J 4 2   D A 6   C A J 10 2  
West North East South  
  1S Pass 2C
3H 4D Pass ?

Do you agree with South's 2C?

No 17 50
Yes 1 20

Your call?

5S 16 50
4S 2 25
4NT 0 10
5H 0 10
Moderator: The panel's disagreement with 2C was almost unanimous: you should support with support. Because you didn't support spades at your first turn, you have a problem. The majority jump to 5S.
Larry Cohen: 5S. The jumps to five of a major are often ambiguous, but this is pretty clear that I have a great hand looking for a heart control.
Steve Robinson: 4S. You've got to support spades at some point.
Michael Dimich: 5S. Asking for 2nd round heart control.
Eugene Chan: 5S. Jacoby 2NT should be the near unanimous preference. Otherwise, classic textbook slam invite. Opener is expected to bid 6S with a heart control.
Joel Martineau: 5S. I prefer 2C to 2NT.
Stephen Vincent: 5S. The hand is perfect for a 2NT bid on the first round.
Larry Meyer: 4S. Yes, unless we are playing Jacoby 2NT / If pard can't make a move over 4S, then we probably don't belong in slam.
Dave Gabel: 4S. Jacoby 2NT!
Gilbert Lambert: 4S. A Jacoby 2NT response by me would make it much easier for pard.
Aidan Ballantyne: 5S. Should be asking for heart control.
Martin Henneberger: 5S. Why am I in this predicament? Who on earth doesn't make it easy on themselves by starting with 2NT? Now I will try 5S to ask to hold hearts to 1 loser. If we go down I will say sorry twice.
Ronald Kuiper: 4S. If pard has extras he can try for slam.
Rock Yan: 5S. Asking for heart control.
Stuart Carr: 4NT. RKC in something or other.
Mike Hamilton: 5C. BBS plays 2NT as a forcing raise, so I can’t agree with a 2C response. Partner made a forcing bid thinking I have at most 3-card spade support. Holding 2 aces and at least one “extra” trump, I can safely make a slam try that denies a heart control.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 5S. After making one bad call, sometimes it is best just to bid a timid 4S and not dig the hole any deeper. However, I'm not sure that's the best strategy for a bidding competition.
David Breton: 4H. I could have told pard about our 9 card spade fit right away but I opted to introduce a 4 card minor at the two level instead. Well I get what I deserve now.
Mike Roberts: 4NT. Yes, I'm gambling on heart control.
Perry Khakhar: 6S. If you don't bid 2NT (Jacoby) with this hand, why do you have it on your card! Partner is not scared of hearts, so he can't have 2 quick losers (I hope!). I need to support partner's first suit, but can't intelligently without taking a shot at 6 or 7!
Kees Schaafsma: 5S. Asks for heart-control.
Merv Adey: 5S. This is why 2C was 5S risks going down and 6S is even sillier if pard has HK x.
Chris Buchanan: 5S. If J2NT is not standard it should be; as you can see we are painted into an ugly corner here. 5H shows 2-quick losers and invites slam.
Paul Mcmullin: 4S. I have no heart control to push further.
David Gordon: 5S. Showing 2 quick heart losers.
Birol GüVenç: 4S. Jacoby 2NT is best.
Brian Zietman: 4NT. Has partner got 1 heart loser or 2 (or maybe the ace or void and therefore none)? Maybe we have 7S on here.
Chris Diamond: 5S. If you can't Jacoby with this hand, why are you using it? But I have great cards for slam if pard has a heart control.
Tim Francis-Wright: 4S. 2C is probably an attempt to save bidding space. Alas, by hiding our spade fit, we're running out of space. 4S here keeps the auction open and sets spades.
Bill Camp: 5S. Asking partner to bid 6S with 2nd round heart control (hopefully not HK x).
Paul Janicki: 4S. South's 2C was absolutely HORRID ... he deserves to be in this situation ... and I blame him if I get a poor score on this particular problem!
Amiram Millet: 4S. I prefer 2NT over 1S which is GF with 4+ spades. For now 4S is enough with my lousy hearts.

4. IMPs. N-S vul.
S Q 2   H 9 8 2   D J 9 7 6   C J 6 5 4  
West North East South  
  1D Pass Pass
4S Dbl Pass ?

Your call?

Pass 14 100
5D 4 50
Moderator: It's a nightmare when the opponents preempt to the four level, partner doubles and you're broke.
The Gordons: 5D. We would normally pass with similar bidding, but we have a big diamond fit and might not be beating 4S. Ask us again tomorrow, however, and we might change our minds and pass!
Allan Falk: Pass. . . but I'm not happy about it. I'm not bidding 5D, a contract I'm almost certain can't make.
Eugene Chan: Pass. Hope I can win a trick (or that partner can win at least three!!!).
Joel Martineau: Pass. Treacherous.
Larry Meyer: Pass. Sounds like a penalty double - I don't want to pull it.
Gilbert Lambert: Pass. An easy pass for me. But then, maybe I am missing something.
Aidan Ballantyne: Pass. Pard should take bull by horns with a hand we make 5D and force a takeout with 4NT. Not getting pushed around.
Martin Henneberger: Pass. I have a flat hand and will pass. I've been wrong before, but I think I can defend this postmortem.
Ronald Kuiper: 5D. If that was a penalty double and pard actually can set it all by himself, he should have passed.
Rock Yan: Pass. This is the best chance we can get a plus score.
Mike Hamilton: Pass. My pass of an opening bid limits my hand and lets partner know I’m weak, so his double has to be for penalties. Holding Q-x of trumps is worth half a defensive trick.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Pass. They may occasionally make 4S-x, but I doubt we will ever make 5D.
David Breton: Pass. I think 4N would have been takeout so double must be penalty and I see no reason to overrule partner.
Mike Roberts: Pass. I don't think I'm invited to this party.
Perry Khakhar: 5D. I would like to bid 4NT, which I play as lebensohlish before bidding 5D. However, I am certain that isn't standard, so I will take a shot at the vul game which should have a good chance, whereas +800 (7 tricks) is kind of remote!
Kees Schaafsma: 5D. As I've denied values I expect that pard's double isn't a random 18-19 NT.
Chris Buchanan: Pass. There is no safety anywhere else.
Paul Mcmullin: Pass. Partner didn't ask me for anything, and I actually have a partial trump trick.
John Gillespie: Pass. I'm not pulling unless it's for a plus score.
David Gordon: 5D. Double was value showing.
Brian Zietman: Pass. Partner knows I am weak so his double must be for penalty and I have the SQ which may prove to be valuable in defence.
Chris Diamond: Pass. Larry Cohen: give pard a 1-4-4-4 blah, blah, blah.
Tim Francis-Wright: 5D. 5D won't be disastrous and could make. 4S-x could easily make.
Amiram Millet: Pass. A better defensive hand.

5. Matchpoints. Both vul.
S Q J 10 5 4   H K 10 9 8 7 3   D 4 3   C ---  
West North East South  
Pass 1D 2C ?

Your call?

Dbl 7 100
2H 6 90
2S 2 60
Pass 3 60
Moderator: The panel was mainly split into two groups: those bidding the six-card heart suit and those making a negative double.
Betty Ann Kennedy: Dbl. I double and hope partner doesn't pass. If possible, I'll try and bid hearts at my next turn.
Barry Rigal: Pass. I can't think of anything to say. Maybe I'll get a second chance or maybe it just isn't our deal to declare. If I doubled, and it went all pass, I'd be sick.
August Boehm: 2H. Both double and pass seem too risky, so I choose to bid 2H. A two-level response in competition should only be a one-round force.
Michael Dimich: Dbl. You risk partner sitting for the double but if you bid 2H and West raises clubs to the 3 level what are you going to do if partner passes?
Eugene Chan: Dbl. Negative double, shows the unbid majors. Will correct 2D to 2H, thereby inferring extra length (but no extra strength).
Stephen Vincent: Dbl. I will not like it if the bidding proceeds pass-pass-pass.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. Get both majors into the picture without promising a strong hand.
Gilbert Lambert: Dbl. A cue bid at any level shows diamond support. Double is easy. It might become not so easy at my next turn!
Aidan Ballantyne: Pass. Ugly. Wait for now, I can always bid later. If it goes all pass then a neg double might have been left in and that could have been oh so bad.
Martin Henneberger: 2H. I think 4C here should be used for this hand type, since 3C followed by 4C could show a diamond splinter. Bidding in sayc is troublesome as neg double could get passed for a horrible result and 2 of a major is an overbid on values.
Ronald Kuiper: Dbl. Most efficient is to start with a negative double, conserves bidding space.
Rock Yan: Dbl. Hope my partner will not pass my double. But I don't like other alternatives. It's not a perfect world.
Stuart Carr: 3C. Will bid 4C over 3NT.
Mike Hamilton: Dbl. A negative double can serve as a takeout for the unbid suits with hands that have the shape to compete but not the strength to bid directly. If partner doesn’t bid a major, I can safely remove 2D or 2NT and he will pass unless he can force game.
Andrew Krywaniuk: Dbl. Partner may not play me for 6-5, but double is the only way to get both suits in at once.
David Breton: Dbl. I wish I could bid 2H and say 'pard I also have 5 spades' out loud but I'll settle for a dbl.
Mike Roberts: Dbl. I'm aware partner might pass, and they might pre-empt me, but gamble this anyway.
Perry Khakhar: 2H. 6/5 come alive! The only question is how much to overbid. Well the answer is a whole lot! Bid both Majors (by length priority) if I need to.
Kees Schaafsma: 2H. Still possible to sign-off with 3H in the next round.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. I usually do not like doubling with 6-5 but it is the only way to keep both suits alive. I will correct to hearts over a non-major call from partner.
Paul Mcmullin: Dbl. Too shapely to pass.
John Gillespie: 2S. They just bid pard's likely 2nd suit and double float would be embarrasing.
David Gordon: Dbl. When I next bid a major, I do not show a good hand.
Brian Zietman: Dbl. The most flexible. I have time to show my remarkable distribution.
Chris Diamond: Dbl. I wish there was another way to bid this, but there ain't.
Tim Francis-Wright: 2H. I have sympathy for double here, but I fear that doubling and bidding later would imply a better hand.
Amiram Millet: 2H. With such an offensive power will go on at least to 4S.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3a 3b 4 5 Total
Jeff Meckstroth Pass 3S No 5S Pass Dbl 500
Kerri Sanborn Pass 3S No 5S Pass Dbl 500
Betty Ann Kennedy Dbl 3S No 5S Pass Dbl 480
Don Stack Dbl 3S No 5S Pass Dbl 480
Karen Walker Dbl 3S No 5S Pass 2H 470
The Coopers Pass 4D No 5S Pass 2H 470
August Boehm Pass Pass No 5S Pass 2H 460
Allan Falk Pass 3S Yes 5S Pass 2H 460
Jill Meyers Dbl Pass No 5S Pass Dbl 450
Steve Robinson Pass Pass No 4S Pass Dbl 445
Larry Cohen Pass 3S No 5S 5D 2H 440
Mike Lawrence Dbl 5D No 5S Pass Dbl 440
The Sutherlins Dbl 3NT No 5S Pass 2H 440
The Joyces Pass 3NT No 5S Pass Pass 430
Mel Colchamiro Pass 3S No 5S 5D 2S 410
Bridge Baron Pass 3NT No 4S Pass 2S 405
Barry Rigal Pass 4D No 5S 5D Pass 390
The Gordons Pass 4H No 5S 5D Pass 320

Local Heroes

    1 2 3a 3b 4 5 Total Points
1.    Rock Yan Pass 3S No 5S Pass Dbl 500 147.00
2.    Roy Li Pass 3NT No 5S Pass Dbl 470 91.88
2.    Andrew Krywaniuk Pass Pass No 5S Pass Dbl 470 91.88
4.    Martin Henneberger Pass 3NT No 5S Pass 2H 460 51.45
5.    Stephen Vincent Dbl Pass No 5S Pass Dbl 450 24.97
5.    Michael Dimich Dbl 3NT No 5S Pass Dbl 450 24.97
5.    Eugene Chan Dbl Pass No 5S Pass Dbl 450 24.97
8.    Peggy Lacasse Pass Pass No 4S Pass Dbl 445 18.38
9.    Brad Bart Dbl 5D No 5S Pass Dbl 440 14.80
9.    Joel Martineau Pass Pass Yes 5S Pass Dbl 440 14.80
9.    Aidan Ballantyne Dbl 3S No 5S Pass Pass 440 14.80

World Leaders

    1 2 3a 3b 4 5 Total Points
1.    Chris Buchanan (Canada) Pass 3S No 5S Pass Dbl 500 73.50
2.    Chris Diamond (Canada) Dbl 3S No 5S Pass Dbl 480 55.13
3.    Bob Todd (Canada) Pass 3S Yes 5S Pass Dbl 470 25.73
3.    Chris Galbraith (Canada) Dbl 3S No 5S Pass 2H 470 25.73
3.    Bill Camp (Canada) Pass 3S Yes 5S Pass Dbl 470 25.73
6.    Merv Adey (Canada) Dbl 3NT No 5S Pass Dbl 450 11.38
6.    Leo Weniger (Canada) Dbl Pass No 5S Pass Dbl 450 11.38
8.    Birol GüVenç (Turkey) Pass 4D No 4S Pass 2H 445 8.68
8.    Paul Erikson (Canada) Pass Pass No 4S Pass Dbl 445 8.68
10.    John Gillespie (Canada) Pass 3NT No 5S Pass 2S 430 7.35
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