Vancouver Bridge Centre
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Addr:   2177 West 42nd Ave, Vancouver B.C., V6M 2B7

TGIF March 2010: Scores

1. IMPs. Both vul.
S A Q J 10   H ---   D A J 10 7   C A Q J 7 5  
West North East South  
Pass 1D Pass ?

Your call?

2S 14 100
3H 3 70
4H 1 40
1S 0 0
3D 0 0
Moderator: It doesn't take much from the North hand to make a slam. The panel majority, therefore, was not willing to make a direct diamond raise or a splinter raise.
Jeff Meckstroth: 3H. I could start with 2S, but I prefer the 3H splinter bid, which raises diamonds immediately.
The Joyces: 2S. We must establish a game force - then we can bid at leisure.
Michael Dimich: 2S. A jump shift in spades allows partner to evaluate their black king(s) in the diamond grand slam investigation.
Stephen Vincent: 3H. There are still minor holes to be filled before slam is good. Starting with a splinter, even though this one is a big underbid, will help tell partner where they are.
Larry Meyer: 2S. Tell pard about my shape and my strength.
Gilbert Lambert: 3H. Splinter of course!
Eurydice Nours: 2S. Will show my diamond fit on next bid.
Martin Henneberger: 2S. Starting with 2 forcing spades looks right and describes a hand with longer clubs. I can't see any alternatives. The real bidding problem comes later.
Rock Yan: 2S. I make a game-forcing bid first and then try to show diamonds later.
Roy Li: 2S. Dunno if 1S is forcing.
Kai Zhou: 2D. Natural reverse by agreement, later 2S would clarify 3145 or 4045 shape, 1S or 2S also a reasonable choice.
Mike Hamilton: 2S. A jump-shift shows 4 spades and sets up a game force. Bidding up the line means partner might have 4 spades, but if not, I have 19 working HCP and a void in support of diamonds yet to be shown.
Jacky Wang: 1S. Forcing, then 3D.
Robin Hart: 3H. Splinter.
Ronald Kuiper: 2S. Reverse to show club / spade shape and point count. Can show diamond fit later.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 3H. Certainly not an easy choice, but the splinter does the most to help partner evaluate his hand. (Partner rates to have some hearts since no one has pre-empted yet.)
Yu Wang: 2S. Simply describe my hand, not good enough for splinter yet.
Mike Roberts: 2S. If 1S was 100% forcing, I'd do that. But I don't think it is, and I can't risk a pass.
Perry Khakhar: 3H. 6D looks to be a good possibility if partner has a black king and a decent suit. So a splinter should help get us there.
John Gillespie: 2S. Followed by 5D over any weak continuation should put pard in the picture. They may have little but short clubs.
David Gordon: 2S. Sometimes 1D is a convienient bid. Show the reverse then support diamonds next bid.
Chris Buchanan: 3H. A splinter seems fitting here.
Brian Zietman: 1S. Slowly slowly who knows where we will end up. I will be delighted if the opponents bid hearts and then I can cue bid.
Chris Diamond: 2S. Don't need much for slam so force with 2S and raise diamonds next. Exclusion keycard would be perfect, but I'm not sure it's played here.
Tim Francis-Wright: 2S. I need to establish a game force, and I'm not worried about going past 3NT next round if partner raises on her decent 3=4=5=1 hand.
Amiram Millet: 2S. GF. We may belong even in grand Slam.

2. Board-a-Match. N-S vul.
S J 9 3   H K J 10 7 2   D 9 8 7 3   C A  
West North East South  
  2C 3C Pass (1)
4C Pass Pass ?
(1) Two queens or better.

Your call?

5C 9 100
6H 2 80
5H 1 70
5NT 1 60
4H 3 50
Dbl 2 20
4NT 0 0
Moderator: South had a chance to bid 3H at his first turn, but passed. Some play that a positive response shows a five-card or longer suit with two of the top three honors. When the opponents interfere, that's a luxury you can't afford, especially at this vul. Several experts state they would not have passed originally. The majority try to catch up by making a 5C cue.
Barry Rigal: 5H. I think it was a clear error not to bid 3H over 3C. In fact, I will be disappointed if you do not get half the panel telling you this. Now, I cannot ever show a suit this good in a hand this good. I considered 5C, but that should show the majors.
Larry Cohen: 5C. Why didn't I bid 3H the first time? Now, I have an unsolvable problem.
Steve Robinson: 4H. I don't understand not bidding 3H. It would have made this problem simpler. Partner also has short clubs, so this may not be a good-fitting hand.
Karen Walker: 6H. Partner should have a balanced hand for his pass, so 6H is a reasonable guess. Bidding 5C will make it sound like I want partner to choose the final contract.
The Sutherlins: Dbl. We should be able to collect 800 on defense if North is balanced. If he isn't, he will bid a suit.
Michael Dimich: 5C. North has a flat 22+ HCP hand. 4NT by south showing 2+ places to play will be the popular choice. The south hand is too good for that.
Stephen Vincent: 5C. Partner presumably has a flat hand with little or nothing in clubs. 6 looks certain and 7 possible. It's necessary in the problem to specify what 3H would have meant on the first round.
Larry Meyer: 4H. No losers in opponent's suit, so go for offense.
Gilbert Lambert: 5C. Why didn't I bid 3H first? Now I am stuck with this ridiculous guess at a high level!
Yue Su: 6H. 6N too dangerous. I don't know how to check keycards otherwise should try 7H.
Martin Henneberger: Dbl. Serves me right for not bidding 3H immediately. Now I've endplayed myself. I love these bid wrong 1st/ how to correct 2nd bidding problems. I will double for takeout and guess next.
Rock Yan: 4NT. Strong take-out. Expecting a 22+ balance hand from my partner, I will try 6D or 6H.
Kai Zhou: 5C. Small slam is already there, if pard has only 22 for his bid SA K Q X HA X X DA K Q X C9 2, 6C could be to pick a slam, but since 7 is still possible, I would start with the lower level.
Mike Hamilton: 5C. I confirmed game, so partner’s pass is forcing. I have more than I have shown so far. A 5-level cue-bid should show club control and slam interest with time for partner to finally show his hand with a real bid and find our best spot.
Robin Hart: 5NT. Pick a Slam.
Ronald Kuiper: 4H. Hmm, weird auction, if pard has a suit, why not show it over 4C? Figuring him for 22+ balanced hand, so show my 5 card heart suit.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 4H. Since partner didn't bid over 4C, I expect he is 22+ balanced. We may nail them for down 4 on a good day, but in that case we may have missed slam.
Yu Wang: 5H. Very close to 6H. If pard bids 5S, then bid 6C.
Mike Roberts: 5H. I would have bid 3H the first time. This is FAR too good for 4H.
Perry Khakhar: 6H. Partner has not doubled, so nothing wasted in clubs. He did not bid, so no long suit. We should be able to make 6H, and we clearly don't have room to explore for 7.
Kees Schaafsma: 6C. Slam seems certain, to show the first-round club control works better than an ambiguous 5C and raise.
John Gillespie: 4H. Passing 3C instead of bidding 3H was REALLY dumb. 4H is just wimpy consistency.
David Gordon: 5C. Partner is at least semi-balanced. Show your strength.
Chris Buchanan: 5C. Too much for 4H and a double here is penalty.
Brian Zietman: 5C. Partner choose your grand slam.
Chris Diamond: 5C. What else can you do but cue bid? Do you raise pard's 5 level bid? I hope he bids 5NT.. pick a slam with a balanced hand.
Tim Francis-Wright: 4H. Partner most likely has a balanced hand and it's unlikely that 4C is going to beat our heart game. If she's really got a two-suiter, she'll do something smart.
Amiram Millet: Dbl. Most flexible and space conserving bid, better than 4H.

3. Matchpoints. N-S vul.
S Q 9 6 5   H Q 10 5   D J   C Q J 8 7 5  
West North East South  
1NT 2D (1) Pass ?
(1) One major.

Your call?

2H 10 100
3H 5 50
2NT 1 20
2S 0 20
3D 2 10
Moderator: The majority bids 2H, meaning pass or correct. South has some values, but North may be just competing.
Mel Colchamiro: 3H. . . as pass or correct seems automatic. Not looking for game, just preemption. Who knows how adventuresome partner is being.
The Coopers: 2H. There's no reason to bid higher when vulnerable at matchpoints.
August Boehm: 3D. . . obviously a cuebid and acts as an invitational raise of either major. I hope my hand is worth it.
Stephen Vincent: 2H. Am I supposed to do something clever?
Larry Meyer: 2H. Asking pard to pass or correct.
Gilbert Lambert: 2H. Pass or correct, what else?
Martin Henneberger: 3H. Being a matchpoint tiger means finding your fit and bidding it to the max before the opps compete. 3H here is pass or correct in this multi-defence to 1NT. It is a myth that the opps will let you play a 2 level 9-card fit so I'm bidding 3 now.
Rock Yan: 3H. 3H might be an over-bid. But even we may go down one, we are unlikely to get doubled and they might be able to make 3D.
Kai Zhou: 2NT. Needs perfect hand from pard, if he just has a hand such as SK X HA K X X X X DQ X X C9 X 3 level is still safe, so game try sounds reasonable.
Mike Hamilton: 2H. Partner’s range is usually 6-11 HCP, 14 tops, so with my soft values, I choose the conservative form of pass or correct.
Robin Hart: 2H. Pard will correct if necessary.
Ronald Kuiper: 2H. Can't pass, 2D undoubled could be very bad. Bid 2H, if pard has spades they will correct.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 2H. Who alerted the 2D bid? If it was me, then I'd presumably know which convention we were playing. In spite of my good shape, my hand has too many quacks for a jump response (even if I knew what the appropriate bid was).
Yu Wang: 2H. After pard bid 2S, and 3D= show shortness, I will bid it.
Judi Carter: 3D. What's the major?
Mike Roberts: 3H. Standard bump. You could get fancy, and play this as pre-emptive, but I think it's natural.
Perry Khakhar: 2H. Let's take our plus! These Quacks can't be good enough for game. Maybe raise 2S correction by partner to 3. At least the Law will be on our side.
Kees Schaafsma: 2H. As I trust that East's pass denies diamonds I'm not tempted to preempt.
Merv Adey: 2H. The question suggests we might try 3D...(really?)
John Gillespie: 2H. I can raise spades but want pard to move if it's a heart game.
David Gordon: 3H. Should be pass or correct.
Chris Buchanan: 3H. I am pretty sure this is pass or correct. 3D would be a stronger hand asking for the major.
Brian Zietman: 2NT. This is the bid playing Lebensohl bidding 3NT when partner transfers to 3C, showing stoppers in the majors.
Chris Diamond: 2H. Am I missing something? 3 card support for his likely major and a bunch of quacks.
Tim Francis-Wright: 2H. I think I'm supposed to assume the worst (partner has hearts and not spades) and bid accordingly. (It would be nice if partner and I knew what the followups were to our mid-chart conventions.)
Amiram Millet: 2H. Pass or correct partner.

4. Matchpoints. N-S vul.
S A Q 10 6   H K 10   D A   C K Q 10 9 8 4  
West North East South  
    4H ?

Your call?

Dbl 9 100
5C 8 90
4S 1 30
Pass 0 20
Moderator: Should you bid your strong, six-card suit or double and try to keep spades in the picture? The panel was divided.
Mike Lawrence: 4S. This hand is impossible to bid accurately. Bidding 4S gets us to the high-scoring contract, assuming I can make it. Where is Marshall Miles when I need him? I will take Larry Cohen in a pinch.
Jill Meyers: Dbl. . . and pray that partner does not bid 5D.
Kerri Sanborn: 5C. Preempts work and I can't risk double and guessing what to do over 5D. Of course, double looks brilliant when partner can bid 4S.
Michael Dimich: 4S. You need courage to play matchpoints. Other bidders may identify with Robert Burns's mouse.
Stephen Vincent: Dbl. Partner will realize this shows general values and will not take out into 5D lightly. Having 4S is nice insofar as it reduces the number of ways double can turn out badly for us.
Larry Meyer: Dbl. Keep the spade option open, plus get my strength across.
Gilbert Lambert: 5C. Partner can bid six if he likes his hand.
Eurydice Nours: Dbl. My partnership agreement is T/O up to 4H. Partner has option to pass if he has any defensive tricks.
Yue Su: Dbl. Always painful when I have a big hand and opponents preempt.
Martin Henneberger: 5C. I know that 5C loses the potential spade fit, but how do I find that? Double is asking for a 5D bid, so I will settle for my long suit and hope that wins the board by making, sacking, or pushing them 1 higher.
Rock Yan: Dbl. Double and hope partner won't bid Diamond.
Kai Zhou: 5C. Not an easy hand to handle, would try 5S if 5H comes back.
Mike Hamilton: 5C. If I double, what do I bid over partner’s 5D? Off 2 aces, the best I can do is overcall my long suit to protect my major-suit holdings from the opening lead in case I declare.
Ronald Kuiper: 5C. At IMPs 5C for sure, at matchpoints would hate to miss a spade fit, but double is out, if pard responds 5D I am in big trouble.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 5C. Let someone else be the hero. The lack of entries to partner's hand is disturbing. 5C has no chance unless partner has the CA or SK (and they don't get a heart ruff).
Judi Carter: 4NT. Showing 2 suiter.
Mike Roberts: Dbl. So many things can go right, and only 5/6 diamonds can go wrong.
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. We might end up in 6C before it is over, but who says that it won't make!
Bob Todd: Dbl. 5C may be safer but is too unilateral.
Merv Adey: Dbl. Good right answer between dbl and more unilateral actions.
John Gillespie: 4S. Glad it's only matchpoints. Even happier that pard has a sense of humour.
David Gordon: Dbl. Start with showing extra values.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. Really the only way to keep spades is the picture. I am still not positive what I will do over 5D.
Brian Zietman: 4NT. This preempt is really annoying. I take doubling at the 4-level for penalties so I have to show a 2 suiter hand. I have to bid 6C if partner bids diamonds.
Chris Diamond: 5C. Same problem, different day. You'd like to double to avoid losing the spade suit but if pard bids 5D you're hooped. And if he passes a X with a balanced hand they might make it with their diamond fit. So 5C.
Amiram Millet: Dbl. Agood starting point.

5. Matchpoints. N-S vul.
S 8 6 5   H 8   D A 9 8 5   C A 10 9 7 5  
West North East South  
    Pass Pass
1H Dbl 2H ?

Your call?

Dbl 13 100
3C 3 60
2NT 2 20
Moderator: A double is responsive (takeout) when the opponents bid and raise the same suit. If South had spades he could bid them, so the responsive double in the auction above leans toward the minor suits.
Don Stack: Dbl. This is a perfect responsive double. I can't have four spades because I would bid 2H as my first priority.
Betty Ann Kennedy: 2NT. This is takeout for the minors.
Kerri Sanborn: 3C. Am I thinking of a responsive double? I suppose that could work, but I'm bidding 3C - that's what I'm looking at.
Stephen Vincent: 3C. Close between 3C and a responsive double but the disparity in suit length and strength is just sufficient to bid 3C.
Larry Meyer: 3C. Making a free bid, so no need to jump.
Gilbert Lambert: Dbl. Am I missing something? Double, showing both minors, denying four spades.
Yue Su: 2S. I have good ruffing values, so 4-3 spade fit should be easy to play.
Martin Henneberger: Dbl. Well this is my definition of a responsive double.
Rock Yan: Dbl. This might be the only question for this month. Responsive double shows both minor suits.
Kai Zhou: 3C. If 2NT is lebensohl showing a competitive hand then a direct bid show a good hand, looks like pard made a T/O with heart length, most likely he will have a balanced strong no trump hand or a long minor with 4 card spade in which case he plays ELC, game is on.
Mike Hamilton: Dbl. Responsive, suggesting the minors since I’m not supporting partner’s spades.
Robin Hart: Dbl. Responsive for mionrs.
Ronald Kuiper: 3C. I have 2 tricks so can compete, bid best suit.
Andrew Krywaniuk: 3C. Either the opponents have an extreme fit or partner has a monster. A responsive double would tend to deny spade support.
Yu Wang: Dbl. Responsive dbl: if I had 4 cards in spades, I will bid 2S.
Mike Roberts: 3H. Maximum (and this is), without 4S.
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. Classic responsive double to start. On a good day, a minor suit slam will be cold. I refuse to play this hand in less than 4S even if it is matchpoints.
Kees Schaafsma: Dbl. Following Lawrence this shows both minors.
Merv Adey: Dbl. If this isn't responsive, change me to 2N.
Paul Mcmullin: Dbl. This SHOULD be 'responsive'.
David Gordon: Dbl. Less then 4 spades with both minors.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. Fairly simple responsive doulbe here.
Brian Zietman: Dbl. The most flexible. My 3 spades may be enough for partner and if he bids a minor then fine.
Chris Diamond: Dbl. Responsive double to show the minors seems obvious. The next bid, less so. If you cue can you pass 4 of a minor? And if he bids 3NT do you have enough?
Tim Francis-Wright: 3C. It would be great if 2NT showed the minors. Or was Lebensohlish. Guess what? It doesn't. It's not. Fortunately, 3C shows some values here.
Amiram Millet: Dbl. Responsive. Ready to find the best minor partscore with good 8 HCP.

Panel's Answers

  1 2 3 4 5 Total
Jill Meyers 2S 5C 2H Dbl Dbl 500
Don Stack 2S 5C 2H Dbl Dbl 500
Larry Cohen 2S 5C 2H 5C Dbl 490
The Joyces 2S 5C 2H 5C Dbl 490
Karen Walker 2S 6H 2H Dbl Dbl 480
The Coopers 3H 5C 2H Dbl Dbl 470
Allan Falk 3H 6H 2H 5C Dbl 440
The Gordons 2S 5C 3H 5C Dbl 440
Mike Lawrence 2S 5C 2H 4S Dbl 430
Barry Rigal 2S 5H 3H Dbl Dbl 420
Kerri Sanborn 2S 5C 3H 5C 3C 400
Jeff Meckstroth 3H 5NT 3H Dbl Dbl 380
Bridge Baron 2S Dbl 2H Dbl 3C 380
Steve Robinson 2S 4H 2NT Dbl Dbl 370
Betty Ann Kennedy 2S 4H 2H 5C 2NT 360
August Boehm 2S 4H 3D 5C Dbl 350
Mel Colchamiro 4H 5C 3H Dbl 2NT 310
The Sutherlins 2S Dbl 3D 5C 3C 280

Local Heroes

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Mike Hamilton 2S 5C 2H 5C Dbl 490 126.00
2.    Brad Bart 3H 5C 2H Dbl Dbl 470 94.50
3.    Gilbert Lambert 3H 5C 2H 5C Dbl 460 53.55
3.    Diana Jing 2S 5C 2H Dbl 3C 460 53.55
5.    Joel Martineau 2S 4H 2H Dbl Dbl 450 21.40
5.    Stuart Carr 2S 4H 2H Dbl Dbl 450 21.40
5.    Barry Yamanouchi 2S 4H 2H Dbl Dbl 450 21.40
8.    Stephen Vincent 3H 5C 2H Dbl 3C 430 14.12
8.    Robin Hart 3H 5NT 2H Dbl Dbl 430 14.12
8.    Michael Dimich 2S 5C 2H 4S Dbl 430 14.12

World Leaders

    1 2 3 4 5 Total Points
1.    Chris Diamond (Ca) 2S 5C 2H 5C Dbl 490 77.00
2.    Merv Adey (Canada) 3H 5C 2H Dbl Dbl 470 57.75
3.    Bob Todd (Canada) 2S 5C 2H Dbl 3C 460 38.50
4.    Perry Khakhar (Canada) 3H 6H 2H Dbl Dbl 450 18.39
4.    Leo Weniger (Canada) 2S 5C 3H Dbl Dbl 450 18.39
4.    David Gordon (Canada) 2S 5C 3H Dbl Dbl 450 18.39
7.    Chris Buchanan (Canada) 3H 5C 3H Dbl Dbl 420 10.31
7.    Amiram Millet (Israel) 2S Dbl 2H Dbl Dbl 420 10.31
9.    Paul Hardy (Canada) 2S 4H 2H Dbl 3C 410 8.56
10.    Kees Schaafsma (Netherlands) 2S 6C 2H 5C Dbl 390 7.70
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