TGIF June 2007: Scores
1. IMPs. E-W vul.
K Q 5 2
A K 8 7
K 8 6
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 8
| 100
| 7
| 90
| 3
| 60
| 1
| 50
| 0
| 30
Moderator: Which strain and how high? You have a strong hand, but partner could be broke. Eight panelists take a shot at 4 anyway; seven explore with a 2 cuebid.
Grant Baze: 2. 4 is too much and 3 is too little. 2 followed by 3 is the strongest game try I can make. Goldilocks will be proud.
Jill Meyers: 4. Partner could have a Yarborough with five low hearts, and we could be cold for 4, especially with the strong hand on lead.
The Coopers: 4. This may not make, but we will bid it anyway. The possibility of a slam is too unlikely to confuse the issue with a cuebid.
Julien Levesque: 2. Pard had to bid and could be on empty.
Eugene Chan: 2. ... the only forcing bid available. Can't make any game if partner is broke.
Adam Melzak: 4. Optimist: If North has the perfect six points Q, A then 6 good; if North has wrong yarb then 4 not so good. But the hand and position over bidder is too good to do much less than 4. 2 possible but ..unnecessary?
Loring Windblad: 4. If partner knows I can take him to game on a minimum forced response, he will take the next step if he has additional values.
David Walker: 3. Hoping partner doesn't have 3 spades.
Sheila Sache: 2. I will wait to see what partner does.
Aidan Ballantyne: 3NT. What I think I can make; play pard for some 4HCP; if pd is long in spades 4 is in danger by ruffs; if pard is short in sp then pard has some diamond length or 2 -suiter in clubs and hearts or long hearts, all of which augur well for 9 tricks in notrump.
Susan Peters: 2. I'd like to hear if partner has more than a forced response. Over 3 will try 4.
Martin Henneberger: 2NT. .. showing 19-21 here....other bids are problematic. 2 doesn't help...and raising hearts may get passed and bidding game is too unilateral.
Mike Roberts: 3NT. Yes, this is weird. But this has a good play opposite xxx Q9xx xxx xxx. The advantage of the spade lead, and the threat of a spade ruff, tilts the balance for me. 2 won't achieve anything.
Perry Khakhar: 2. Need all the room I can get to figure out whether we can afford to get higher than game. This is a cheap start.
Chris Buchanan: 2. Forcing. I need partner to tell me more.
Bob Todd: 2NT. ... more than a strong NT -If partner can't act we are high enough.
Alan Chapelle: 2. Hope this doesn't allow West to double with a stiff spade!
Paul Mcmullin: 4. The good news is that I'm sitting over East, so my Kings should be good. The bad news is that partner will have a hard time getting to his hand to lead toward dummy.
Chris Diamond: 2. Pard broke or decent values? 2 agreeing hearts followed by 3NT.
2. IMPs. Both vul.
A 4
A Q 6 5 4
4 3
J 10 9 4
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 11
| 100
| 5
| 70
| 1
| 60
| 2
| 50
| 0
| 30
| 0
| 30
| 0
| 20
Moderator: What does double mean? When you have an awkward hand that indicates you should bid again, a double is a popular choice. In the passout seat, it is not penalty, yet 11 experts chose that bid. (Incidentally, a support double (through 2) is part of Bridge Bulletin Standard.)
Grant Baze: Dbl. It is takeout, unfortunately. If partner bids 2 or 2, I will bid the obvious 2NT.
Kai Zhou: Dbl. I still want to make a penalty double of 2 in IMPS??...
Julien Levesque: 3NT. Who do I want on lead , not east this is IMP's , east rates to be near empty handed on values , while P is marked to be something like 4 2 4/5*D 2*/3 * noting the most likely shapes, good declarer play should bring this puppy home
Eugene Chan: Dbl. Intended as penalty. Game appears unlikely opposite partner's minimum opener.
Adam Melzak: 2NT. Close between 2N and double; could be giving up on 800.
David Walker: Dbl. Waiting.
Sheila Sache: Dbl. Double says "Partner this is our hand!"
Aidan Ballantyne: 3NT. IMPS - see if you can make vul game by bidding it rather than analyzing the postmortem.
Susan Peters: Dbl. Leaves most options open.
Martin Henneberger: Dbl. If pard bids anything other than 2 after my Dbl, I will follow with 2NT.
Mike Roberts: 2NT. I'd like double to be for penalty, but I don't think it is (cards, leaning towards takeout).
Perry Khakhar: Dbl. Need partner to cooperate if we have a game. If partner thinks we are on a misfit, I would rather take +200. 3NT as a game choice seems too stupid.
Chris Buchanan: Dbl. I will convert a pointed suit to 2NT. It would be fun if partner could pass...however unlikely. Double allows partner to support hearts with 3.
Bob Todd: Dbl. I have easy followups no matter what partner does.
Alan Chapelle: Dbl. I'm assuming that we play support doubles .. so partner should have at least 2 clubs.
Paul Mcmullin: 3. If we played support doubles, I could know that partner doesn't have 3 hearts, and I could offer 2NT instead of the 3 probe.
Charity Sack: Dbl. I want bloooood!
Chris Diamond: Dbl. No support X available so 3 card H support still possible, follow all but 2 with 2NT.
3. IMPs. E-W vul.
A K J 6 4 2
A 9 5
Q 4
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| ? |
(1) Can be bid with a weak hand.
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 11
| 100
| 4
| 60
| 1
| 50
| 1
| 50
| 2
| 50
| 0
| 20
| 0
| 20
Moderator: You doubled 1, intending to bid spades next. The bidding has taken a strange turn, however, so what do you do now?
Grant Baze: Pass. When partner is unable to bid over 2, we are in defensive mode and not expecting to play the hand, even more so after East bids 2.
Jill Meyers: Pass. .. and then, right or wrong, I'm going to bid 3 if they sign off in 3.
The Coopers: Pass. If they stop in 3, we can decide whether to bid. We would have bid 1 the first time and saved ourselves all this grief. You can overcall quite heavily at the one level because modern bidders almost never leave you there.
Kai Zhou: Pass. I think I can bid 3 later.
Julien Levesque: 3. East is playing a pseudo psych with 2. I am not buying it and bid to show the real suit holder and 4 1/2 losers. If I am wrong a few stiff drinks will cure my headache.
Eugene Chan: Dbl. Doubling is easy. Problem begins when they run to 3.
Adam Melzak: Pass. ... and hope to hear all pass. If not then subsequent action could be interesting.
Loring Windblad: Dbl. Looks like you and East have all the points. I double for a lead from partner or for penalty.
David Walker: Pass. Waiting.
Eurydice Nours: Pass. Hope my partner would reopen with a double.
Sheila Sache: 3. If I double partner may not know I have all these spades; if I bid 3 partner should know I have a big hand with 6 spades.
Aidan Ballantyne: Dbl. Maybe bid spades later which should be natural after doubling here.
Susan Peters: Dbl. Not sure what 2 is but expect to bid again (likely spades) over whatever partner bids.
Martin Henneberger: 3. I planned to Dbl then bid spades so I will! A Dbl here is too to length and or strength.
Jongseok Oh: Dbl. penalty X and remain 3 bidding space.
Mike Roberts: 3. I don't understand the explanation. If I pass, or double, it might be too high to come back in. 3 is the cuebid.
Perry Khakhar: Pass. It appears to be their hand. Let's see if they get high enough to give us a chance!
Chris Buchanan: Pass. 2 is forcing and will likely fetch 3. I will slide in 3 over 3.
Bob Todd: Pass. Even if East is fooling around, partner could not bid. We aren't missing a game unless partner can bid.
Paul Mcmullin: 3. Nice misdirector by East. Partner will figure this out when I bid 4 next.
Charity Sack: Dbl. More blooooood.
Chris Diamond: Pass. Ask East if he psyched, if he says no, pass
4. IMPs. Both vul.
J 10 7 4
A 7
J 8 6 5 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ? |
(1) Checkback.
| (2) Minimum without spade support.
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 9
| 100
| 7
| 80
| 2
| 60
| 1
| 30
Moderator: Partner is bidding strongly, and we have the AQ of trumps. Bidding 4 seems like an underbid, but anything else seems like an overbid.
Grant Baze: 4. One slam try below game is all I'm worth. If partner bids 5, I will make my last cooperative effort by bidding 5.
Jill Meyers: 4. I love my spade holding, but I don't have another bid.
The Coopers: 5. Let's show our good spades with no club control. When partner makes slam tries and you have very good trump support, you must be aggressive.
Kai Zhou: 4. minimum, 2 spades, D control, no club control, looks like I have nothing to say.
Julien Levesque: 4. Ok we concede these 2 spades are mighty fine as a 2 card fit goes, but the 8+ card fit is there bid it now or call Mrs. Bennett to fix things up.
Eugene Chan: 6. Minimum without spade support? Time to catch up holding 2 keycards and the Queen of trump.
Adam Melzak: 4. I dont like this auction. Yes pd has some stuff BUT...
Loring Windblad: 4. Your two honors should go a long way to help Partner make 4. If he has substantial extra values he will proceed.
David Walker: 6. Partner has a pretty hand.
Michael Dimich: 4. You made a good 4 Q bid in support of spades. After partner's 4 Q bid you can only bid 4. Partner can ask if they only need A Q and A for a slam.
Aidan Ballantyne: 6. Pard can go back to spades if 4 was control only. Seems like we belong in slam.
Susan Peters: 4. Have told my story. Up to partner to go on.
Martin Henneberger: 4. Haven't I completely described my hand?
Jongseok Oh: 4. Slam is impossible.
Mike Roberts: 4. Very close (5 is the only other call worth thinking about).
Perry Khakhar: 4. Although I like my hand, I think I am all in if partner can't bid a club Q, or Blackwood. Presuming that partner GF'ed with the 3 bid, I am happy to respond to Blackwood and if he bids 5 I will bid 6.
Chris Buchanan: 4. I'm All in.
Bob Todd: 4. Close between 4 and 5. I like 5, but not in a bidding contest.
Paul Mcmullin: 4. I could have just bid 4 over 3, so I've already expressed interest.
Chris Diamond: 4. Am I missing something?
5. Matchpoints. N-S vul.
A K 9 5 2
A K Q 10 7 5
West |
North |
East |
South |
| |
| ? |
Your call?
Bid | Votes | Award
| 18
| 100
| 1
| 60
| 0
| 30
| 0
| 20
| 0
| 10
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
Grant Baze: 2. If partner bids 2 over 2, I can make two slam tries below game. If partner does not bid 2, I will cuebid 3 and then a forcing 4. If partner bids 4 over 4, I will have to pass. If he raises to 5, I will bid the slam and hope for the best.
Kai Zhou: 2. Even too good for a 4 bid.
Julien Levesque: 4. Gee 3 losers at most in spades or 1 in clubs. Force it to the max.
Eugene Chan: 2. Michaels first. If partner has no preference for spades, I'll jump to 6 and pray. TGIM. (Thank God It's Matchpoints!)
Adam Melzak: Dbl. The usual 2 loser hand. Double may not elicit much useful info although obviously S bid from pard send us to 6+spades. RHO may have zero leaving pard enough for ... Q and A. 2 also good.
Loring Windblad: Dbl. This is the only way to begin to describe this hand and its overall strength. If partner holds as little as Q x x you should make 6.
David Walker: 2. Waiting.
Eurydice Nours: 2. Rebid the spade later to show the 6/5 hand.
Sheila Sache: 2. Playing with a partner with an understanding we play weak and strong michaels.
Michael Dimich: 2. Michaels Q bid first - afterwards you will find out how good your partnership is.
Aidan Ballantyne: 2. Science! However, unless pard shows spades I am probably going to jump to 6 some time soon.
Susan Peters: 2. Just a matter of what game or slam we will end up in.
Martin Henneberger: 2. I hope I can find out if pd has 3 or more spades..if the auction gets cut off quickly before that happens I will bid 6 next...pd will pass or correct to 6.
Jongseok Oh: 2. 1 is not proper to explain hand value.
Mike Roberts: 2. I think this is Michaels (it didn't used to be). I'll follow with 4 over 2NT/2. Can't risk double.
Perry Khakhar: 2. I don't have better science available to do any thing better. Club slam looks better than S, and I realize we may never get past 4 with this bid, but that is how it is sometimes!
Chris Buchanan: 2. I wish I could bid 4 super michaels but for now this will do.
Bob Todd: 2. I think I'll be cue-bidding again.
Alan Chapelle: 2. Looks like my next call will be 5.
Paul Mcmullin: 2. ... followed by 5 over partner's 2, or 3 over partner's 3.
Chris Diamond: 2. Michael the monster, RKC over spade response, 6 over anything else.